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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I draw the line there, unless it is a real chicken nugget. There's always KFC near for Wings Zap, no need for nuggets.
  2. IF it wasn't frozen at any point (and I hope it was) then it's fresh. Or freshly made somewhere and now freshly reheated for you ???? As long as it taste good and is safer than many street venders, then works for me when waning. 7-11 ... best damn convenient department store in TH. Can literally live off one, and not expensive like the USA's krap version. Mini Lotuts's have fresh meats & veggies if wanting to DIY. An 'oasis' when out & about, and the only other vendors are a grilled chicken spiced with road dust & benzine exhaust or a krap noodle/soup place with mystery meat or fish balls for protein, and no other vendor around with more the 3 reviews from family members ????
  3. Isn't that why many are here, as they prefer to be on the higher rung of the disparity ladder, instead on the lower rung in their home country. Impression I get from reading AN.
  4. And you eat all your bread, ham & cheese at the house in 5 days do you ? Bread maybe, as we make ours, and will easily turn in 5 days, since no preservative, but yet to have a loaf last 5 days. After 2 and it's to the freezer, and rare.
  5. Consumer have plenty of choices, from local vendors, cooks, marketers to simply DIY at home. Nobody forcing anyone to buy anything. We make & eat most foods from scratch. Guess you never shop at the fresh markets. Processed foods are a convenience and have their time & place. Do need to know what you're buying and ingredients. Comments about good nutrition and eating from folks who consume alcohol regularly ... and may or may not use P4P taking the high road on food production ... ????
  6. I'm thankful they do, as put out some pretty damn good products.
  7. At the price it's sold, does anyone expect crab & lobster to be in it. As stated, about how I thought made, though I've seen the process before. Tasty damn sticks. Flavored/spiced up white fish, and best use for it. I know how they make scrapple (make my own now), and Slim Jims, still eat those, along with sausages. Moderation, well, not scrapple, since I make my own, much better, and wouldn't buy again, aside from big corp. screwed up the recipe.
  8. In farangland, would you be sporting your gf and sons (who didn't need it before you knew her) after 1 month of knowing her ? RUN
  9. What you want a vid/photo of, and are you rural ?
  10. Maybe vocal was wrong word ... but: Help Me ... Eat Meat
  11. Maybe contact these folks, might help or point you in the right direction: https://www.helpthai.org/projects/
  12. Could always play a game of Russian Roulette for excitement.
  13. Do you eat, then you are killing something. You just can't hear it scream in agony. Plants vocalize distress due to lack of water, then don't when watered. You just can't hear it, or the pain and anguish caused while harvested. Humans can't hear the frequencies, but they are there. There are no good Christians ... since born sinners.
  14. If 'hell no' doesn't work, then teach her, and everything legal. If responsible, you may want her driving & in control vs pillion rider of someone you don't know.
  15. They used to hang out next to the house also, never really bother me, even a bit timid, when approached. Another herd while grazing, and they didn't care for noisy drones. Can't blame 'em.
  16. Quick edit; I can't beat them in a race, but evade them long enough, so they know I'm not threat. They were just keeping the calves behind them, and giving me the stare. I've seen them race, kind of fast.
  17. We usually get a 30ct tray of eggs. Boil about 10-15, depending how fast we go through them. Older better as you say, for peeling. Problem is, the date on the eggs are added by Makro, a sticker, not a printed producer's label. So that date is really iffy, along with the tray of eggs itself. Some eggs will be fresh, nice stand up yolks, other will flatten out as soon as they hit the pan. So I usually crack eggs separately in a bowl, cooking the perky fresh ones for me, and the dog gets the others. Or I'm having an omelet ???? Knew about, but forgot, thanks for the reminder about floating eggs. Although when making Egg Nog, it's only the freshest from the tray.
  18. It's not well documented, as we only read about the ones, insurance doesn't/won't cover. And there is a standard, 900mm, I already posted. Google is your friend. If sticking to the article, nobody knows, why denied, as wasn't mentioned. But realistically, going over the balcony can only really be denied for, substances in system, which they would have access to info for, or risky behavior; sitting edge for selfie, would be anyone's best guess. What else could they possibly deny it for ? But blaming the balcony, is as unlikely a reason anyone can think of. Have a nice day
  19. 7 hrs is impressive, as I just put in Gmap, and came up with 686 kms, 9hr 27mins, leaving now. So if same trip kms wise, you were averaging 100kph almost. Best time leaving @ 1000 hr tomorrow, Saturday, 7hr 40mins without stops, even for petrol. (T21 Asok - CM walking street) map On a weekday, Tuesday, about the same time, 7hr 30min. So really too many variables for any real comparison. Yours vs my style of driving. I would not average 100kph, an any vehicle. I drive the speed limit, so 90kph, and on long drives, if lucky, when having ICE, I'd average 80kph, using time & distance, with stops With the EV, I'd stop to charge twice, 30mins each, and arrive with nice reserve, so add 1 hr to any actually driving time, minimum. 686kms ÷ 80kph = 8.6hr + 1 = 9.6 hours Though I'd probably stop more than 2X if saw something of interest. Reality, I'd probably overnight along the way. Somewhere after 5-6hrs on the road, depending on a few factors. For me, that wouldn't be much difference if in ICE or EV. I'm stepping 2 or 3 times on the way in the ICE, so that hour would stand anyway.
  20. Living almost half my adult life here, I'd say I'm just as familiar here, as I was in USA. Maybe more so here/TH. Now, I probably wouldn't recognize the place, as I look on streetview now & then, at old haunts & neighborhoods I lived, and whoa ... what a change.
  21. They way I do eggs would freak a few on here out. I like my scrambled, very loose. Sunny side up, not over easy, though I do use a fork to make sure most of the whites, is heated. Egg Nog, made with raw eggs, not cooked, not tempered in ... RAW. As fresh as possible, and may take crackin' a few to get ones I'll use. Don't know anyone, died or sick from salmonella. If remember, it's usually from outer egg shell itself, not being clean.
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