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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Anyone thinking about buying should know those things. Common knowledge for any savvy shopper. How people don't know that is surprising. If I'm spending more than ฿500 for something, I'm researching it.
  2. And for those that don't know, 'TH state owned' oil producer PTT's wholly owned subsidy Arun Plus, will be building the Horizon EVs. Let that little tidbit sink in, if you think EVs aren't the future in TH.
  3. People need to consider, the 4 largest auto manufacturers in China are 'state owned' / subsidizes if you want to call it that. Means they aren't price gouging the customer like a private/public corporation would. That aspect of socialism/communism, works well for the people & state. Pricing in CH is a bit different than exported prices, and not all because of import tariffs. Simple because some markets will tolerate a higher price. Also why CH cars, on the whole are less expensive, in those markets. That the MGs in TH, sell at realistic price vs competition, even against the pricing of entry level 'made in TH' cars, tells you, you are getting a bargain. Even though priced and sold in CH to the middle class. Vehicles sold to the not so middle class in CH, are price gouged here. The Wuling & Pocco minis are a fine example, as 2X the price than CH. Why they don't sell very well here.
  4. There's a huge difference, buying & selling from / to regular dealer & customers vs a total stranger on holiday, in a foreign country. That uncommon common sense people fail to exercise with disastrous results.
  5. 'Trade Policy and Strategy Office (TPSO) director & team' obviously don't shop where I shop. Only meats have come down, from their silly earlier price gouging, but still way higher than they should be. Can't think of anything that isn't up 10-20% or more than just 6 months ago. Don't know what orifice they seem to pull these inflation #s from, or that they expect people to actually believe them. Just notice yesterday, flour is on sale now, for more than I paid couple weeks ago. So I guess that will be the new price, or higher when off sale. Do they really think people don't notice that. 38 to 40 to 42 last week, to now on sale this week @ 44 ???? Glad I stock up at 40, and all of 30 ish baht saved ???? Wonder what the new price will be in another month.
  6. Or choose wisely. First 2 marriages, USA, were a bit irrelevant, financially, as poor with no real equity, or kids. First Thai was a roll of dice, but nothing invested that I couldn't walk away from, luckily, didn't have to with a little paperwork. Present wife, waited 8 yrs, before legally binding, as more invested, and actually built more equity with her, since available to invest in land in her name. 17 yrs (9 married) and no regrets here, all 'bliss' and not 'ignorant bliss' like the first few months of #1 Thai wife ???? On Topic, as always ... really enjoyed my single time, both in USA & TH. Always a few years in between marriages. Hindsight ... would never get married again, here or USA, if in my 20s. Though #4 has worked out great, so no regrets. First 3, I would have, should have avoided.
  7. I usually know just about everything there is to know about any product I'm about to buy, and then buy it from the manufacturer's store, or authorized reseller, LAZ (flagship) site. No different here than when I lived back in USA. Actually easier here since all you need to know is on the internet.
  8. You really got to be an idiot to get married the first time, and then do it again after that failure ... ... Oh Krap ????
  9. Does he need a presser for every bill he signs into law or vetoes, or bills that become law without his signature. Surely he and the press have better things to do.
  10. I really enjoyed my single time here in TH. ONS, no different than in USA, actually better, as they think you are a millionaire. But not in the expat/sexpat/sex tourist ghettos. I was usually the only westerner in the places I went to. Stomping grounds at the time was Udon Thani metro area.
  11. Khao Kho, Phetchabun area is nice. Phu Foi Lom (Thai: ภูฝอยลม), Udon Thani is OK: https://goo.gl/photos/MfXh1ZpxoqBSvh8T9 Chiang Khan, Loei, along the rive is nice town & weekend market, basically the whole street. Wat Tham Sahai Thammachan Nimit วัดถ้ำสหายธรรมจันทร์นิมิต (วัดทับกุง), may interest. A bit unique: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wat+Tham+Sahai+Thammachan+Nimit/@17.1721057,102.6750396,17z/data=!4m12!1m5!8m4!1e2!2s101694625562274423856!3m1!1e1!3m5!1s0x3123a387f745aa5f:0x9b8381ca42253216!8m2!3d17.1721057!4d102.6772283!16s%2Fg%2F1hf4csny7?hl=en Wat Pa Phu Kon also: https://goo.gl/photos/KX4cpHikYKbHrvub6 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wat+Pa+Phu+Kon/@17.9258355,102.0206669,12z/data=!4m22!1m15!4m14!1m5!1m1!1s0x31241c94cf821b07:0x3b6d2b21313921ac!2m2!1d102.1181706!2d17.9228956!1m6!1m2!1s0x31241c94cf821b07:0x3b6d2b21313921ac!2zV2F0IFBhIFBodSBLb24sIOC4q-C4oeC4ueC5iOC4l-C4teC5iCA2IDk5IEJhbiBLb25nLCBOYSBZdW5nIERpc3RyaWN0LCBVZG9uIFRoYW5pIDQxMzgw!2m2!1d102.1181706!2d17.9228956!3e0!3m5!1s0x31241c94cf821b07:0x3b6d2b21313921ac!8m2!3d17.9228956!4d102.1181706!16s%2Fg%2F1s064rghd?hl=en ภูเรือ รีสอร์ท (Phurua resort), Phu Rua, Loei. Has a stream behind, and can be rather nice. Maybe pop in, take a peek, a munch, or not. Actually flooded when we stayed there, so had small water falls, as shown in these photo: https://www.google.com/maps/place/ภูเรือ+รีสอร์ท+(Phurua+resort)/@17.4584259,101.3815098,370m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m9!3m8!1s0x31212722052ec719:0xc40c1801c1f8eab9!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d17.458423!4d101.382962!16s%2Fg%2F1thg7xmz?hl=en
  12. Never noticed that before, cool, thanks. Hoping to get some of that next week, could use some overcast skies & rain. Been brutal the past month.
  13. Buy from flagship stores on LAZ or resellers linked from manufacturer site. Anything else, at your own risk.
  14. Thinking about and same here. Can't think what I own that is made in Japan. Maybe one of my older Sony camera lens, though whole operation, most of, has been moved to TH, along with my most recent purchases made in TH. Best and most expensive lens, and their 'pro' lenses, are still made in China, I think, mine was. Last ICE ... CH Present EVs, car, MB, ebike ... CH All drone & RC stuff ... CH Laptop & TV ... Korea Solar system components ... CH Previous cars & MBs, JP brand, made in TH, wouldn't buy again. I think a few other JP brands, but made in CH or TH..
  15. Good luck with that ... And why ... "WASHINGTON — A coalition of abortion and civil rights groups" If expecting to have any success, shouldn't the citizens of FL, get one of their reps to propose a new law, stating the same. That is how things work, and how the 15 & 6 week laws got passed. I don't think they need more headliners to make people aware of the law, as gets enough press already. With 64% of House, and 66% of Senate voting for the 6 week law, they'll be hard press to get any law passed, without voting out more than a few of the incumbent legislators. Along with a DeSantos' veto, if still in office, would require 2/3 of both house & senate to override.
  16. Lived stone's throw away (20 kms) from Nong Wua So. Used to pop over for the Greek (Tom And Jee) restaurant and the cowboy themed biker place (Cafe de Wuaso) on the 210 just pass main intersection.
  17. Heading that way ourselves in July, as got a family thing at Nong Bua Lamphu coming up. Plan on avoiding the NE side as much as possible, well, Hwy #2 anyway. Probably cut through Phetchabun/Khao Kho (hwy #21), and come back down on #1 after cruising around the N side.
  18. You're too young for the 'old folks' discount, 'half price' for 60+ yrs of age. May interest others.
  19. Also avoid the TH metro areas, unless visiting daughter at Krung Thep.
  20. Yep, simply getting O&A, that Asian flare, so different than all those years in USA, unless visiting ChinaTown in any large metro. Then same same, not that different ???? IF visiting other countries in N America (not Canada), then same same as TH, not that different, as economic and income disparity, provides the same environment as here. Mexico, Caribbean having the same local vibe, just people look different, non Asian and food a bit different.
  21. That's what I said ... have you priced them ? ... "as not so much a niche market as the Benzs & Porsches" EVs (the topic) ... Way more than 2M price tags, and why so few have been registered here.
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