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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I really enjoyed my single time here in TH. ONS, no different than in USA, actually better, as they think you are a millionaire. But not in the expat/sexpat/sex tourist ghettos. I was usually the only westerner in the places I went to. Stomping grounds at the time was Udon Thani metro area.
  2. Khao Kho, Phetchabun area is nice. Phu Foi Lom (Thai: ภูฝอยลม), Udon Thani is OK: https://goo.gl/photos/MfXh1ZpxoqBSvh8T9 Chiang Khan, Loei, along the rive is nice town & weekend market, basically the whole street. Wat Tham Sahai Thammachan Nimit วัดถ้ำสหายธรรมจันทร์นิมิต (วัดทับกุง), may interest. A bit unique: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wat+Tham+Sahai+Thammachan+Nimit/@17.1721057,102.6750396,17z/data=!4m12!1m5!8m4!1e2!2s101694625562274423856!3m1!1e1!3m5!1s0x3123a387f745aa5f:0x9b8381ca42253216!8m2!3d17.1721057!4d102.6772283!16s%2Fg%2F1hf4csny7?hl=en Wat Pa Phu Kon also: https://goo.gl/photos/KX4cpHikYKbHrvub6 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wat+Pa+Phu+Kon/@17.9258355,102.0206669,12z/data=!4m22!1m15!4m14!1m5!1m1!1s0x31241c94cf821b07:0x3b6d2b21313921ac!2m2!1d102.1181706!2d17.9228956!1m6!1m2!1s0x31241c94cf821b07:0x3b6d2b21313921ac!2zV2F0IFBhIFBodSBLb24sIOC4q-C4oeC4ueC5iOC4l-C4teC5iCA2IDk5IEJhbiBLb25nLCBOYSBZdW5nIERpc3RyaWN0LCBVZG9uIFRoYW5pIDQxMzgw!2m2!1d102.1181706!2d17.9228956!3e0!3m5!1s0x31241c94cf821b07:0x3b6d2b21313921ac!8m2!3d17.9228956!4d102.1181706!16s%2Fg%2F1s064rghd?hl=en ภูเรือ รีสอร์ท (Phurua resort), Phu Rua, Loei. Has a stream behind, and can be rather nice. Maybe pop in, take a peek, a munch, or not. Actually flooded when we stayed there, so had small water falls, as shown in these photo: https://www.google.com/maps/place/ภูเรือ+รีสอร์ท+(Phurua+resort)/@17.4584259,101.3815098,370m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m9!3m8!1s0x31212722052ec719:0xc40c1801c1f8eab9!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d17.458423!4d101.382962!16s%2Fg%2F1thg7xmz?hl=en
  3. Never noticed that before, cool, thanks. Hoping to get some of that next week, could use some overcast skies & rain. Been brutal the past month.
  4. Buy from flagship stores on LAZ or resellers linked from manufacturer site. Anything else, at your own risk.
  5. Thinking about and same here. Can't think what I own that is made in Japan. Maybe one of my older Sony camera lens, though whole operation, most of, has been moved to TH, along with my most recent purchases made in TH. Best and most expensive lens, and their 'pro' lenses, are still made in China, I think, mine was. Last ICE ... CH Present EVs, car, MB, ebike ... CH All drone & RC stuff ... CH Laptop & TV ... Korea Solar system components ... CH Previous cars & MBs, JP brand, made in TH, wouldn't buy again. I think a few other JP brands, but made in CH or TH..
  6. Good luck with that ... And why ... "WASHINGTON — A coalition of abortion and civil rights groups" If expecting to have any success, shouldn't the citizens of FL, get one of their reps to propose a new law, stating the same. That is how things work, and how the 15 & 6 week laws got passed. I don't think they need more headliners to make people aware of the law, as gets enough press already. With 64% of House, and 66% of Senate voting for the 6 week law, they'll be hard press to get any law passed, without voting out more than a few of the incumbent legislators. Along with a DeSantos' veto, if still in office, would require 2/3 of both house & senate to override.
  7. Lived stone's throw away (20 kms) from Nong Wua So. Used to pop over for the Greek (Tom And Jee) restaurant and the cowboy themed biker place (Cafe de Wuaso) on the 210 just pass main intersection.
  8. Heading that way ourselves in July, as got a family thing at Nong Bua Lamphu coming up. Plan on avoiding the NE side as much as possible, well, Hwy #2 anyway. Probably cut through Phetchabun/Khao Kho (hwy #21), and come back down on #1 after cruising around the N side.
  9. You're too young for the 'old folks' discount, 'half price' for 60+ yrs of age. May interest others.
  10. Also avoid the TH metro areas, unless visiting daughter at Krung Thep.
  11. Yep, simply getting O&A, that Asian flare, so different than all those years in USA, unless visiting ChinaTown in any large metro. Then same same, not that different ???? IF visiting other countries in N America (not Canada), then same same as TH, not that different, as economic and income disparity, provides the same environment as here. Mexico, Caribbean having the same local vibe, just people look different, non Asian and food a bit different.
  12. That's what I said ... have you priced them ? ... "as not so much a niche market as the Benzs & Porsches" EVs (the topic) ... Way more than 2M price tags, and why so few have been registered here.
  13. Supply & demand will still dictate pricing on the <2m baht vehicles, as not so much a niche market as the Benzs & Porsches. Except for that 'T' badge, many find the fit & finish of the Teslas a bit lacking, along with maintenance and replacement parts cost out of warranty. With more competition, Tesla realizes, they can only remain overpriced for so long. Advantage Tesla is the longer range vehicles & charging network, though again, competition is knocking at their door.
  14. It will when their demand drops off, as more competition is available. They'll have to lower priced to compete, as they are elsewhere. Being told price won't be lower for a year, doesn't give anyone much confidence in the purchase, especially if they are the type to replace/buy a new car every few years. Definitely be taking a hit on their resale value.
  15. Sounds good, but unfortunately, it will be abused, not that child labor isn't a thing already. Just give further leeway to use, or abuse. I worked at 12 yrs old with contracted linen service to restaurants. Then 15 yrs old in restaurant, before legal to have work papers. Then at 16, now legal, same restaurant, and legally, only allowed to work 4 hr shift, to be completed before 1900 hrs, and 3 days a week. Reality was 4 weekday shifts, till 0100 hrs, and two back to back 12 shifts, Friday & Saturday night till 0700, at restaurant open 24 hrs. Teachers use to wonder why I fell asleep in their boring classes. Yes, those not going to Uni, get out there and get your work experience, ASAP, then become self employed vs 'working class hero' ???? The system is design to create a life of servitude, till retirement & death shortly after. Screw that. Work Smarter, not harder or longer.
  16. You'd think kids were better educated than we were in the '60's', when after things like 'Reefer Madness', we simply stopped believing anything they told us. Though the harder and newer drugs, info now is very accurate, and should be heeded. But then, people still smoke cigs, so there's is not much hope of rational thinking with some. Peer pressure's a bitch. The prospect of the 'adventure' outweighs common sense with some. Accepting stimulants from a stranger, that's just wrong, anytime, anywhere. Life's choices and a sad outcome with that one. R I P
  17. OK, scratch Bungee jumping, as this reminds me, I pulled 3 kids (alive ????) out of the surf on Phuket. Talk about a sense of purpose after decades of me me me.
  18. Going to have to go with 'unique & different' ... ... Bungy jump Best thing ... get adopted by our daughter. Going to be pretty hard to beat that. Fulfilling, satisfying things: ... finally getting that snapshot ... building drones, and they fly ... converting pedal to e-bike was pretty cool
  19. "Chinese cars are among the safest of 2022 in the EuroNCAP tests" https://time.news/chinese-cars-are-among-the-safest-of-2022-in-the-euroncap-tests/
  20. That's one opinion, though I do disagree, on the 'who failed' part. We'll just leave at that. Have a nice day.
  21. Only had just over 6 months, and haven't racked up the kms yet (7900). I drive the E-MB a lot locally, what little driving I do locally. We usually go out & about during rainy season, and average 20k kms a year, on all past vehicles. So we're way behind, as just finished a house build, and doing finishing touches. Was looking at service schedule, not TH, but need to inspect every 24 month/40k kms on one site. ???? I think book has inspection at 1 yr, emphasis on 'inspection' as nothing scheduled to change until 30kms kms, I think. Really do need to peek at it again. MG states EV service over 8 yrs (battery warranty) is 14.4k baht, (5yr/9k baht), which for the ICE version was 2k every 10k kms for oil changes, more if other filters involved & plugs. I think we racked up about 12k baht of services on the ZS ICE version in 2yrs/39k kms. Add in petrol savings, and not seeing any negatives owning an EV. If doing 20k kms a year, @ 14 kp/L (1428 L) X 36 baht = 51+k baht. Over the 8 yr battery warranty, that's 400+k baht saved on petrol, for us, if using solar all the time. At least 1/2 the time, so 200k saved. If on the grid @ 5 baht a kWh (negative #), and 360 kms per charge (46.3kWh), then if paying for electric, 20k kms / 360 kms = 55.5 full chargs @ (46.3kWh X 5 baht) = 12.8k baht EV = 12.8k baht (1 yr/20k kms) ICE = 51k baht (1yr/20k kms)
  22. If you're going to hold long term, not sure there is really a bad time to buy gold. Sort of follows oil, without the extreme, political peaks & valleys.
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