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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You don't have the drug cartels' gang bangers fighting for sales turf, as much up there. The AR-15 is rarely used in murders, as too expensive, but receives all the press. And not even AR-15s, just AR-15 style rifles, whatever that is. Maybe parents should start being parents, and raise their kids properly. Complex issue that will never be solved, and not sure the powers to be, even want to solve it. Seems easy enough to solve, and yet ....
  2. Yes, the days of the postcard beating you back home are over. Instant gratification now showing / stating ... 'hey, look at me, I'm on holiday' .... ... oh krap, where'd that wave come from.
  3. You could have just left out the PS, as I stated, an almost valid post. It's world economics, if you follow my rantings of such, I don't disagree with you, but it's most countries, not just the USA, that are technically bankrupt. It's designed to be that way by the puppeteers, as they are making the 45M a month interest. Nobody will admit, say it out loud ... 'bankrupt' ... just continue extending credit and their monthly cash flow continues. Default isn't allowed and will never happen ... as that would end the gravy train. Just accept it, use the system to your own advantage, and retire.
  4. Yea, as patrolling along the river road, if the route, would be a waste of resources. Been a while, but as you say, very little traffic.
  5. I probably get more than most, so I've seen a few vehicles (cars) pulled over. But yes, very few, as they seem to concentrate more on trucks, and a good thing actually. Also consider, there are traffic police, usually on scooters, not the trucks, and the highway police, marked cars w/cherry on top, one's I've seen actually working the highways. I actually got pulled over by a roving traffic officer on a scooter, in town (UT) as I 'did' make a technically illegal U-turn, too early and crossed a solid white line. I thought a bit picky, but didn't argue. The cameras have slowed me down, not that I was extremely excessive, as 90 kph is kind of slow on the many stretches of highway. But can't really say I was doing much more than 100 kph, especially in our Vios & Mazda 2. Not the most comfy ride at speed. If they start enforcing the speed limit, via cameras, and actually follow through with those not paying, I think people will start to slow down on the highways at least. Though suspect most deaths occur around town, from scooters & no helmets being worn. So minimal effect on actually death toll.
  6. Beyond you oops fund, just spend your money, as it's worth less tomorrow than today or yesterday. No bank interest rate will keep up with inflation.
  7. It's a long country, so varies. But 60-80% is average all year, just about everywhere. Some areas that relates to a lot of rain, others, not so much. That's why GOD invented AC ... ????
  8. And yet, it has remained stable against the THB @ 30-35 for the past 20 years. The world is always coming to an end, and yet ... still here and nothing has changed. Your PS simply exposes your anti Yank prejudice, without looking within, at your silly monarchy and your own choice of PMs. Losing all credibility to an almost valid post. You want to be the pot or the kettle, either, you may want to not throw stones around that glass house.
  9. Simply driving the speed limit, and doin proper speed for conditions, would go a long way. I do, and really can't understand how people would have an accident if they did. Give you more than enough time & distance to stop, if someone has an oops in front of you. Simply amazed at how fast people drive, when I'm doing the speed limit, as no way can they stop in time, if something, someone presents themselves in front of them
  10. Very busy, and you don't want to be on the roads during rush hour, 7-9+ am, 3-7 pm. Pleasant 1000-1400 hrs and when we use to go into town, weekdays. Avoided weekend completely.
  11. Really depends and as always ... ... Choose wisely Yes, companionship does cost, unless you are the one being supported financially. Take sex & emotional attachment out of the equation, and as a single parent, courting, living with, and marrying #4 ???? on paper, damn good investment: ... tutor for daughter ... maid/housekeeper ... gardener/groundskeeper ... translator ... personal shopper ... cook ... tailor ... hotel reservationist/negotiator ... handy person, she can; solder, weld, plumb, operate hand tools All for the price of providing a roof over head, bed to share & transport... ... all of which I had anyway. Additional cost, feed & clothe, which she makes hers own and my clothing anyway. Best added plus, now I can invest in land & RE, results... ... living in TH 'rent free' for over 20 yrs OK, I'm at her beckon call as her sex toy ... ... the things I have to put up with, it's degrading.
  12. Wiki - "MDA was first synthesized by C. Mannich and W. Jacobsohn in 1910. It was first ingested in July 1930 by Gordon Alles who later licensed the drug to Smith, Kline & French. MDA was first used in animal tests in 1939, and human trials began in 1941 in the exploration of possible therapies for Parkinson's disease. From 1949 to 1957, more than 500 human subjects were given MDA in an investigation of its potential use as an antidepressant and/or anorectic by Smith, Kline & French. The United States Army also experimented with the drug, code named EA-1298, while working to develop a truth drug or incapacitating agent. Harold Blauer died in January 1953 after being intravenously injected, without his knowledge or consent ????, with 450 mg of the drug as part of Project MKUltra. MDA was patented as an ataractic by Smith, Kline & French in 1960, and as an anorectic under the trade name "Amphedoxamine" in 1961. MDA began to appear on the recreational drug scene around 1963 to 1964. It was then inexpensive and readily available as a research chemical from several scientific supply houses. Several researchers, including Claudio Naranjo and Richard Yensen, have explored MDA in the field of psychotherapy."
  13. Surely there will be another bloodless coup along, this or next election. Seem to be overdue, though rarely go 10 yrs without one. Longest stretch without one was 14 yrs. I got here a few after a coup, and had 2 while here, Just another day ???? Once a 'general' is voted out, well then, time to put one back in. Human nature, those that control the guns ... control. - Wiki
  14. The powers to be, now, realizing the very likely possibility, they're going to be voted out. Now, how to find irregularities, enough to ban those front runners, and or party, from running again, when new elections are allowed. Some are suggesting ... not me of course That sounds familiar ... ????
  15. None needed. I would not have a kid, knowing it would die before I would die. Why would you put that on a kid, when the odds are, you will die before he or reaches their 20th birthday. If not 10th birthday or earlier if born when you are 60. My life expectancy was 67.7 yrs, and just pasted that now, by 6 months. Only because of an 'almost' emergency, probably life saving medical procedure, about 6 months ago or that 67.7 would have been very accurate.
  16. I had to work at 12 ish yrs old ... ... nuff said Parents money was prioritized for alcohol & cigs.
  17. I'm the latter, just high school, and still retired at 45. Was quite surprised at how many co-workers had college degrees, and didn't utilize them. Self employment & investing made early retirement possible, not my salaried job, 13 yrs @ NWA, now Delta airlines. All the folks I knew that were self employed, and better off financially, barely made it out of high school.
  18. Yea, 10 more yrs will be a stretch for me. Having kids, new born, when older than 50-60 yrs old, and good chance you won't be around for them, and they'll need to deal with your death .. and lack of financial support, when needed. Irresponsible and an unnecessary situation for all involved.
  19. All the dumb things I've done doesn't even come close to that level of stupidly. Taking unknown drugs from a stranger. You can't fix stupid ...
  20. If camera is a priority, then Google Pixel or one of the newer iPhone. A good camera is not inexpensive, and why phones are so expensive. I chose the POCO X3 NFC just for that reason. Uses Sony sensor, and has large, replaceable battery, not easy, but doable. Though depending on price, I'd just let them do it. Editing software, I have on computer. Doing anything, editing, on a phone is just annoying to me. Best if you simply learn how to take a good photo, then can clean up with the limited software on inexpensive phones, if needed. LightRoom has a free app for phone, and good in a pinch.
  21. Same as most places in TH, play games & watch vids on their phone/device.
  22. Keep all IDs the same. I had an issue changing my last name, Simply because one paperwork, separated my first name, from LA to a first & middle name, L A. Yea, that silly. Now have to go to embassy to get notarization, stating that both names are 'me', then get that translated, Then get new name change form, in Udon Thani, then back to PKK to change name. More than few thousand baht more, with a couple road trips, instead of <100 name change few.
  23. oh well ... I like it. Need more news like this. Might act as a deterrent to dopers to stay away.
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