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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. OK, so you overstayed your welcome. Imm simply enforcing their rules, of so many days per year, for those not holding a long term visa; marriage, retirement, work (legally) visa. Since you have the means, simply get the Elite Visa. Simple solutions for simple problems. Having the proper visa works wonders.
  2. How was your appearance, your dress ? Did they suggest you not try land border again without a visa, and were you being argumentative ? ... if so ... oops Tell us what really happen ????
  3. Take the hint, they don't want you here. 12 (2) is insufficient funds ... maybe they were just being kind. Since you state they didn't ask you about.
  4. I think I'd file a lawsuit to recover my tax dollars, if this is what they are wasting their time on in chambers.
  5. Topping up from 45% to 76% took 7+ hrs, and car saying another 24% / 6 hrs to go, tomorrow. Last 20% tops up slower, due to balancing the cells. Or put on grid (25.5kWh) @ 7.4kWh for ~4 hrs +/-
  6. That should be more than enough. Insurance & beer, I don't have or partake in, well, worth mentioning (two 490ml a month). No car/rent, and all you have to do is feed yourself, and easily done with ฿10k a month w/home cooking. Or ฿10k a month, eating out @ ฿300 a day.
  7. That's a long or short piece of string. What I could live, if having to, vs someone else would be completely different. What I need to live on comfy, also would be completely different. But I personally wouldn't try to live on less than ฿20k a month, per person with your question's parameters. Depending, beer & health insurance might be one's largest monthly expense ... ???? Married, you need 40k a month anyway or lump 400k for visa. Retirement, well, you wouldn't qualify with less than 65k month, or 800k lump, depending which version of retirement visa and which office used. Or use agent, and bypass all the rules ????
  8. It is a free choice decision. You always have the choice to work 'unskilled/low pay' or get skilled/better pay. You always have choices ... failure to exercise them is completely different, but still a choice.
  9. That's about it, and no different than a manual transmission, as can only go so fast in any one gear. Guess it something to do with amount of volts/amps needed to go at higher speed. Just like a ICE manual transmission, the torque/take off speed, is less, if in a higher gear/mode, when starting from a stop. Top speed limited, if not in 'top mode' Unlike our EV car, no progressive modes 'while' driving, just mode to 'drive in' (eco, normal, sport).
  10. Our usual EV use, daily & weekly. Daily, non mandatory use, and it's a 12.5 kms cruise to the park (yellow) with the dog, and along the surf. Today, and usually on scooter, as car is charging. Yesterday in the car, but cut short, no surf cruise-by, as knowing going O&A later. Try to do a 'local' O&A, weekly. Local means, not overnight, or need to stop at CS (charging station), so less than 250 kms. Yesterday was short morning park run, then up to Pak Nam Pran Beach area for a munch, late afternoon, early evening. Total for day 180kms / 5 ish hrs (per Gmaps): AM ... Driving - 4.9 km / 16 min PM ... Driving - 78.5 km / 1 hr, 1 min Wake Up Coffee & Bistro 4:18 PM - 5:28 PM (dog in car, running full on electric w/AC on) Driving - 96.4 km / 5 hr, 13 min total Mixed driving @ 90/95 cruise control on hwy#4 30-60 kms off hwy#4 Car estimate in 'Eco mode' 360kms, so 1/2 that for the day, with dog in car for 1+ hr w/AC on. We usually meet or exceed that 360 kms per charge estimate by the car in 'Eco mode' (MG ZS) Use 55% of 46.3 kWh of battery. which will take 2 days (6+ hrs each) to top back up using solar, or could put on grid for a few hours, if wanting/needing. Yesterday:
  11. A bit better than Avatar 2, though you may still want to give it a pass. 1 hr less and a bit better storyline, gave it a notch up from really bad, to just bad. Not worthy of a 'time killer' even when smoggy & hot as HELL outside.
  12. Getting back to 'normal' non smog season readings. Not yesterday, as had to be AQI 100+, and could barely see the hills E/W at 5/10 kms away. Today much better, and meter for the indoor air at the house. Local weather/AQI station: Non local station site guesstimate (AQair): Inside our house: Outdoor temp: THINK REAL HARD BEFORE RETIRING IN TH
  13. If you could squeeze out an existence for $20 a day, maybe, as almost possible here. Hard to do that at ~$65 a day (minimum wage*** in USA), and provides only the basics, IF lucky. *** Edit: Check that, just peeked: $7.25 hr / $58 a day in 21 states $8-10-12 $15.00 hr in other states.
  14. IF you take and pass the driving test, then yes. The rest simply comes down to experience, same as anywhere. I know a few licensed drivers in the USA that I wouldn't drive with or lend my car to.
  15. Yea, I know, my patience with it is getting thin. Along with having discussions with 'ignorant', (to be nice) posters, trolling, who seem to enjoy arguing for the sake of. Have the threads that interest me, solar, EVs, photos, movies, bookmarked, so when the rainy season starts, may just open those, to see what's new. Though I think I have all the info I need, since having, or can't really contribute much more to help. Something to read with morning coffee.
  16. Also the opposite, as had both, thankfully, and actually 3 different color test, dot, light, and lights of peripheral test ???? Along w/Brake reaction test. & depth perception test. Impressive actually. Should be standard at every DLT center.
  17. I avoid Songkran festivities, as don't enjoy strangers throwing water from suspect source on me. I, we go out, not socially, as do that in home, or friends home. Do go out to 'festivities/festivals' in Thailand, sometimes, if there, or special trip. Popped up to Pak Nam Pran (Pranburi beach) yesterday for the 'Seafood Festival', though didn't get out of the car ???? Nothing set up or being set up, and supposedly there until today, as another concert schedule. Didn't go for the music, just food & people watching. At near 1700 hrs, and nothing open at festival or appeared to be setting up. Even called 1 hotel about staying overnight, and strangely, they asked us to call day ahead, and they'd prep the room. Apparently not too busy. Had a game plan, stop at the many vendors on the way at Khao Kalok area, again, didn't bother getting out of car. Next, hit the vendors on Beach road, along the 'most speedbumps' in TH exhibit, and again, didn't bother getting out of car. 3rs stop would have been the festival, with last stop, if needing, 'Wake Up' cafe for beverage & pastry. Turned out, Wake Up Cafe & Bistro, was the only stop, instead of the planned day, and last resort was the only resort left. And a very pleasant meal it was, and recommend if in the area. Note to self: head South when bored. Yes, we attend festivals, not socially with group, but by ourselves. Some use to be repetitive visits, such as Jazz Festival (Hua Hin), and that from Udon Thani, so a planned weekend out, till they screwed that up. Longboat Racing this weekend, Pranburi River, but no info on that, so gave that a pass. Someone from HH forum did a recon, to find out where it will actually be, and no success. Typical of many festivals, announce, but no info. Like attending festivals, Kwai Racing @ Chonburi for example, and of course, NYE fireworks. If not too much of a hassle, and in the area. Most are a bit lame, or as yesterday, not well organized, or late to no info. But it was nice day out, only 1 hr away. Got a good snap of a lizard, and a good munch. What's not to like.
  18. @Mitkof Island No ... and I live here. If here and need some, PM here,
  19. No, I didn't, but you did miss my point. The USA alone & Americas are large enough & diverse enough, there is no need to leave to be 'adventurous'. You did state stay in 'one' country. USA is just a wee bit smaller than Europe. United States ... 9.834 million km² Europe ...............,,10.53 million km²
  20. Reckon you've never had good venison sausage. I don't hunt, and as stated elsewhere, IF I had to kill my 'protein', I'd be on a seafood diet. My brother hunts, but leaves the butchering to me, used to. Yea, weird. We're opposites, I won't shoot it, but he can't butcher it ???? There are millions of yanks, that fill their frig/freezer with venison every year. That alone probably saves more lives, yes, human lives, than are lost during mass 'school' shootings. Check that (edit) ALL MASS SHOOTINGS, with few exceptions, per year. Deer & cars don't mix well, and hundred+ people die every year when they meet. Amazing stat on number of deer, number of accidents, and number of deer hunted/killed (legally). Educate yourself. More lives are saved with firearms, than lost in mass shooting, per year, with few exceptions. Gang bangers & cheating spouse .... oh well, have at it, there's a price to pay, your choice. A few snapshots, with source shown, if wanting to enlighten yourself: Now imagine 6 million more deer out there, with just 1% wanting to cross the road. Obviously you've never driven a night in the USA. With few exceptions, it seems deer kill more people every year, than killed in 'mass shootings' https://www.statista.com/statistics/811504/mass-shooting-victims-in-the-united-states-by-fatalities-and-injuries/
  21. hmm ... May have to watch the 'Yellow Submarine' again Damn Blue Meanies
  22. Or usage is up ~40% over last month; 24.6 to 34kWh a day Use 3kWh last night, from midnight till 0700hrs, just keeping the bedroom AC on low, as outside temp was 30°C @ 2230 hrs. Usually use half that. Prices the resort charges, should cover the bill. ACs are only on if people in the rooms. It is high season, so assuming they were busy. Lighting doesn't cost much, or shouldn't. Cost of business, suck it up, or raise rates like everyone else. Most hotels are 50% more now, that we've used in the past.
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