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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. My drone come in handy for that. They got the message, perch elsewhere.
  2. IF in Patts, doubtful, but would have to be 7-11. Locally, when in delivery distance last year, only ordered Khao Soi. Now too far out, as closest 7-11 is 2.6 kms away, and won't deliver, though I wouldn't bother anyway, though wife tried ???? Last rental, walking distance to 7-11 & made to order vendor next to, all of 100+ meters away. Only order Khao Soi as too far to walk to.
  3. Either works, as long as they obey & are compliant ... I'm needy 24/7 wink wink ... morning coffee without having ask for it ... always a cold beer in frig ... served in frosted glass Didn't vote, since moody, both or neither. Ask after the next divorce.
  4. You may want to thank him and buy him a beer, for watching over your building supplies. My builder wishes she had someone watching, as someone visited and walked off with any electrical wires laying around the site, 1 full roll, along with her 200m extension cord from the temp meter from the main road. That cost her more than a few 1000 baht. Probably the security guard she dismissed the week before ????
  5. Sept 2022, took less than 2 weeks, mailed in to received ????
  6. No middle there, and no war. But IF ... TH would side with CH Tourism ... CH Imports ... CH Exports ... almost even split ... USA / CH
  7. Thais catering to their largest market ... go figure. China & ASEAN countries, along with RU via China. Does it really have to be explained.
  8. Gmap/earth shows the black khlongs flowing into the seas. Why it was so nice during covid, and beaches were pristine during high season. I await the next pandemic to visit again and hit the beaches of Phuket. Until then ... book a hotel with a pool.
  9. I wouldn't call 2 people large family. Not much of any fresh packed for large families where I shop (Makro), and I usually pick mine from the bin. Somethings are prepackaged, but nothing that won't be used in a day or so. Kept in bag, in frig, so minimal oxidation in the heat.
  10. Shh ... don't tell the people, or MSM, The drug companies, they probably already know. "Conclusions: Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally." https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx
  11. Marginal difference, if any. As when blanching for frozen or cooking for canned, some nutrients will be loss also. Depends how fresh, your fresh are. We buy both, frozen & fresh. Some things you can't buy frozen, or would I even bother. Only canned we buy, and rare, is tomatoes.
  12. Insulated (thick) BlueScope steel roof, and then can add rolls of insulation (37/38) on top of the ceiling. Personally wouldn't bother with anything else. Lighter, cheaper, less steel to support it, again less cost, and can't think of any negatives. Can think of a few negatives with the alternatives.
  13. Ours are clean, as it rained last week. They'll get cleaned again mid May, or sooner, if it rains ... ????
  14. Hmm ... guess (I'm) supposed to be eating more than I do. Daily food goals Dietary guidelines have shifted away from daily food goals measured in servings. Instead, they now focus on daily food totals that are measured in cups, ounces, or tablespoons. The daily goals depend on your health, sex, and age. For example, for moderately active adults ages 66 or older, men are advised to eat 2,200 calories per day; women are advised to eat 1,800 calories per day. Here are the daily food goals for those diets. Vegetables: 2.5 to 3 cups (2). "Aim for a variety of vegetables and try to include those with different colors, for different phytonutrients [beneficial substances in plants]," suggests registered dietitian Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. Go for dark, leafy greens like spinach or kale; vibrant yellow squash; or bright red tomatoes or peppers. Legumes — such as peas or beans — are included in the goal for this food category. Fruits: 1.5 to 2 cups.(1) Options include berries, peaches, cherries, kiwi, or other fruits. Whole grains: about half a cup.(3) "The word 'whole' should be the first ingredient listed when you're choosing breads, crackers, and cereals," McManus says. Poultry, fish, or meat: 5 to 6 ounces. (12 oz)"That's up to 42 ounces per week. Try to make 12 of those ounces seafood," McManus advises. Dairy, such as milk or yogurt: 3 cups. (2) "But the Harvard School of Public Health disagrees. Research shows that one to two servings [one to two cups of milk or yogurt] is sufficient to achieve good health," says Teresa Fung, adjunct professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Healthy oils: 1 to 2 tablespoons.(2-3) Choose oils such as olive, peanut, canola, or avocado. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/new-thinking-on-daily-food-goals
  15. 35 is better than 30, but still way down compared to when I arrived back in Sept/Oct 2000 Hope it stays at 35+ till after SS drops in my account this week, usually the 3rd (Friday) ????
  16. Good thing I'm not an alky or need a higher power, as don't believe it exists. Don't think anyone needs a higher power, to do anything or quit doing something harmful. One is simply a 'drive' to do it, and concerning the latter, just common sense. If something is a negative in your life, stop doing it.
  17. Is it really a negative, as if something goes missing on your build, there may be a vid of it.
  18. Again, the machines aren't the problem, people are and always will be. Beaches I swim at, usually have swimmers & jetskis partitioned away from each other. Enforcement can be iffy, though I've never seen a jetski enter a designated swimming area. Can't say the same about people swimming outside of, putting themselves in harm's way. If not designated areas, obviously an intelligent person isn't going to swim where the jetskes are operating from. Again, at beaches I've been to, jetskis have never been a safety issue. But then again, I never let the kids play in traffic either. Not that they don't deserve the bad rep at times, but it's never been about swimmer's safety. Just renter's safety after receiving their bill.
  19. I consider pizza, homemade, one of the healthiest, filling meals you can eat. ... dough does not need sugar ... neither does the sauce, and tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods ... Parmesan & Mozella, also 2 of the healthiest cheese ... meat topping, if any, is the only iffy part, though again, choosing wisely, or homemade, eliminates a lot of the 'over' processing done by packaged meats. Not that nitrates & MSG per se are bad for you, as what you don't take in, your body will make it's own. Though packaged meats definitely go OTT with their additives. Same with cholesterol, and your liver probably produces the worst. So adding good cholesterol to your diet is both filling & healthier than avoiding most times. Just easy on the trans/trigs and easily avoided.
  20. Oh, you're one of those, thinking you're more important than staff. Did you wai them when entering ? Or felt they weren't worthy. That explains a lot. I hope you thought about it the whole time you were there and it ruined your dining experience ???? Maybe they didn't wai you because they remember you from previous visit. As stated earlier ... respect is earned.
  21. Alcohol has never been a problem for me. Only the dumb krap I did while using, days past. Don't bounce like I used to, so try not to do stupid sh!t any more, A work in progress ???? I drink alcohol, because I enjoy it, not because my body needs it, physically or mentally.
  22. What y'all are saying is, if not a Christian, or will be after a few steps, then you can't quit being an alky using the 12 steps. What if you were a Christian (when ignorant) and now realize it's a farce, how can you do the 12 steps, as no way will believe in a higher power if you already know you were mistaken before.
  23. Nothing but excuses, as many prosper, that didn't come from money, or get a patronage job. But they actually attended school, paid attention, and applied themselves. Lots of excuse, but no reasons to fail in life, except not trying. Maybe a failure, maybe the next Starbucks, but if one doesn't try, one never knows:
  24. OR ... one of the drivers simply had a health oops, heart attack, stroke and crossed over, and that's why they are called accidents.
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