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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Do you need a uni to teach you life might not be fair, or consenting adults, may disagree on what makes them happy. If you don't realize that before getting out of HS / puberty, then uni isn't going to help. I thought people went to uni to learn skills and get educated about things they didn't learn before going to.
  2. Impressive. I would expect that to be in the 80-90%. brackets, if not more. What teenager doesn't get depressed every now & then. How'd they ask that question ... 'Do you ever get depressed ?' and who could answer 'no'.
  3. Uni s teaching things you actually need ... go figure. Do people at a uni level need to know, some people have more skin pigmentation that others. Isn't that HS biology class, far 1 day maybe. Also HS level should have taught, all nationalities when immigrating centuries ago faced challenges. Or taught men and women man have sex with other consenting adults, that may or may not be with the opposite sex, or with both, or not at all. Are these skill sets needed in the corporates world.
  4. Only job I had, longer than a few months, allowed you to trade shifts. So you and a coworker, would trade shifts, and you'd work doubles/16 hr day, yours & their shift. Two doubles, and one single, if you wanted, or you could actually give that away to someone wanting to work extra shifts. Which I usually did, so I worked 2 days a week, for 32 hr work week pay. Which was beneficial to me, as I had side businesses, or simply travelled/holiday'd long weekends. It was an airline, so flights were almost free, $20 USD for first class, and you ate & drank that much during the flight. It was great, and you could actually work a week of doubles, and take a week off, or just give your shifts away. Last 6 months there, I commuted from TH to USA, and was actually here/TH, more than at work. 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, and then burned all my sick time before leaving the company. Main reason I worked there was for the travel bennies & healthcare, the latter I never really needed. Traveled all over the USA, using 'Yahoo chat', remember that. Hook up, fly to see a chickie, stay with them, visit the city, had a blast. Did that for about 10 years. Great for recon for retirement planning also.
  5. Holy Buddha, they're freakin' everywhere ... ... IN THE HOUSE ???? Damn Ruskie on my veranda ... and hell yea, we got into it. Called my an idiot for believing the western propaganda ... ... after he saw the Stoli in the frig ... ???? Jokin' aside, seemed like a normal enough comrade to me. Dating one of the wife's friends, and having a get together at the house. Did we talk politics ... HE Politics, religion, I just don't care. Though if Russia for or simply not against the UA conflict, then I guess we'd agree on the subject. Tall, thin, lanky fella, and actually thought he was French (not sure why), till he talked. Not the Ruskie mob muscle head bouncer build you see on TV.
  6. In the real world/USA, that would be repaired or replace with a newer, probably better model. If getting nowhere with the vendor/Samsung, simply have it repaired. We did recently to one of ours, compressor krapped out, after 13 yrs, and cost ฿1800 to replace. Shop picked up/repaired/dropped off. Our smaller frig, and would expect the larger to cost <฿2500 to replace compressor, if needed after warranty. Go over the local vendors head, 'regional', call center HQ ... but if getting nowhere, just have repaired. No need for lawyer or drama.
  7. Everyday living/necessities, I'd say minimum ฿20k & up, depending on vices & health. Comfy & safe rental, ele/water/int. ... ฿10k rental & utilities ... ฿10k food (฿300 a day should be plenty) I could easily live on that, non drinker (couple a month), non smoker. Daughter (@22 yrs old) needed 30k a month. Though higher rent than needed, and enjoy eating out/social with friends once a week. Non drinker/non smoker. Others need ฿50k & up
  8. The OP's op-ed is the west's spin on the conflict. Need to go a couple years earlier, when the regime change was planned & executed by the west. To the title, it seems the only party that wants to end the conflict, which could have been avoided is RU. Just my opinion from my readings and research of non-MSM BS. This may enlighten some folks: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/30/russia-ukraine-war-kiev-conflict Zelensky, a comedian/actor, seems the appropriate puppet to play the role, and could barely speak Ukrainian when 'elected' to his position. What a joke.
  9. None here, just Chiro maintenance, and haven't needed that in about 5 yrs. Op was @ USA (1995), recommended again in March 2001 declined & retired. Moved here Sept 2000.
  10. Doesn't read like your ready or need surgery... yet. I'd go the Chiro and exercise/maintenance of you back muscles that support your disc. Also includes stomach crunches, and weight control. good luck
  11. On my 2 herniated disc, repaired 1995, (not fused) relief was instant & successful. Ask how to keep it that way, told to change jobs and behave myself. Few years later, aggravated it, to bulging again, possibly more, and told by different doc, surgery was needed. Gave that a pass, as pain as less than 1st time, and took the first docs suggestion, and retired. Chiro visit everyday for 30 days & exercised, and I was pain free. Onward forward, exercises and occasional chiro visits, along with behaving myself has, as stated, kept me pain free. First doc after surgery, said 'when you aggravate it again and need surgery, I'll fuse it for you'. Naturedly I asked, why didn't you do it this time. Told I was too young, and fusion is not something you want to do at my age, 40 and very active. So he was right, within 5 yrs I screwed it up again, but not as bad as first time. Before surgery, I couldn't roll over in bed without instant shooting/stabbing pain. Let along stand or walk for any amount of time/distance. Next day, I was up & out of bed, walking around pain free.
  12. Fusion is a last resort option. Have you tried, actually tried everything else. Do you do your daily back exercises, emphasis on daily. Working lower back muscles, both concave/convex, stretching, side to side. As important, is your weight where it should be, taking the stress off the discs. If you think your mobility, 'flexibility' is limited now, it will be more so after the fusion. If all has been exhausted, then yes, fusion works. Haven't read about the one you ask about, as does sound quicker, but fusion is fusion. As stated, a last resort. Don't discount a chiropractor, though finding a good one can be a challenge. Dr Oat in Krung Thep is the only one I found that was good, out of 3 that I've used. I was told I needed surgery 23 yrs ago. I went the chiropractor (excellent/USA) route, and exercises. Been pain free for 23 yrs ago. Also keep my weight where it should be, almost, and don't do anything to aggravate my 2 herniated disc (past surgery, 28 yrs ago) & 5 degenerative discs.
  13. So not as you said 'rare in TH', and even <50 in CM. And that's the city, would expect country side to be a bit better. I'd say most of the county experiences <50 during rainy season.
  14. You not parrot-ing are you, and I don't know what country or where you live, but in my world, as I stated, AQI should be <50 during rainy season. Oh my ... look at all that GREEN ...
  15. Yes ... ???? ... for me , I like Olive Oil (2 types) and Peanut Oil, and almost use exclusively. Sesame Oil once in while ????
  16. It has been in the news. Where does the OP think VOA got it from: "Chetra Chap contributed to this report. Some information came from The Associated Press." One day ago ... hitting all the news outlets now, but really 1 death. Since 2003 to Jan 2023, only 240 cases of, and only Back in 2008/9 when having an outbreak, most of those cases, all of 135 deaths. That's a couple days of scooter deaths here in TH. With a few other, differing reports, but low fatalities. Would think, most cases, as with most viruses, aren't even reported. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/wpro---documents/emergency/surveillance/avian-influenza/ai_20230203.pdf?sfvrsn=5f006f99_110
  17. To the title of thread, it's just fad, as it seems cool to be non binary, sort of like, in style to 'apologize for being white' a few years ago, or saying your were sexually harassed/assaulted, but don't want to name anyone, as trying to put it behind you ???? Or against RU or CH and haven't a clue about either. Or supporting UA and not even able to find it on a map.
  18. Olive oil: On olive oils, pay attention @ 2:56, and why I don't do much fried food in TH.
  19. Another one of their/Clinton's associates (epstein conx) just hit the news, along with, bit the dust. Hung to a tree with a shotgun blast to the chest ... suicide, no shotgun or note to be found. On Topic ... don't mess with corrupt officials, if your life doesn't depend on it.
  20. Try naming a politician that hasn't lied .... ... we'll wait ... or not I can't think of one Yank, other countries, I'll just assume I'm correct and wait to be corrected.
  21. Add the Wat (white), and Big Buddha, along with Ban Dam(maybe) and it's an OK day out & about. The 2 snaps with lake are Singha Park: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Gx129SaRig7tAm9q6 The wat is 12 kms, south of, before CR: https://goo.gl/photos/54M3jpPPjXpfBqPo8 If craving a burger & beer munch, SanFran, use to be a small parking lot vendor, now a bit upscale and real brick & mortar. Burgers were quite good, and had Beer Lao. Gmap states 'closed', FB states 'see ya soon' Dec 26th 2022. So 'call first' https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sanfran+Burger+%26+Beer/@19.9409753,99.8266471,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x30d7065933a87543:0xf2d991ca007c17f!8m2!3d19.9409753!4d99.8266471!16s%2Fg%2F11cjjzz13c https://www.facebook.com/SanfranBurgerandBeer/
  22. It's OK, it's free, or was. Been a few years. If in the area, worth popping in for a peek, maybe a munch.
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