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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yes, fits our lifestyle perfectly, and the savings is a huge plus. I expect the wife to get 10-15, if not longer years out of the EV, in which case, most people replace their cars anyway. Doubt if she'd need to replace the battery, as I'm the O&A motivator. Petrol savings alone would pay for any new car down the line. My calculations, about 500k saved on just petrol over the battery warranty period. Should get double that, keeping for another 8 yrs, so 1 mill alone saved just on petrol, at today's prices. Pays for any new car down the line. And the EV battery will probably be able to be used at the house with the solar. Surely the future savvy techies will have a quick adaptor for hooking up old battery banks to home solar system, or a market for used battery banks. If between 50-80% capacity after 15 ish yrs, that's still about 25kWh or more of battery bank, and more than we have now at the house. If you can't charge at home, or work on the road every day and driving some distances, then EVs probably aren't for you. Or don't mind driving 3+ hours without a break at 100+ kph to get to where ever as fast as possible, then present EVs aren't for you. Ranges of 600-1000 kms now available, though pricey, should solve that for most people. Would avoid any weekend Q'ing at CS for the impatient people who don't book in advance ???? One issue for ICE owners in the future, not TH, but many metros will start banning ICEs in downtown areas, which has already started.
  2. During rainy season only, and then you have to deal with that. At least it's safe to breathe the air. 20+ yrs and it's only gotten worse every year. This year the worse, as seems to be 75-100 AQI everyday since the rains stopped. Not much difference further south. Some days you can't even see the hills, and they're only 10 kms away
  3. The fresh markets in our area, don't offer a whole lot of variety. Not the most populated Amphur. Meats rarely look very appealing. If offering more, consistently, we'd pop in more often.
  4. It's rained once here, about a day & half, since Nov. Not expecting much more till mid May.
  5. I'm not seeing the ROI anytime soon. Everyone basically out during the daytime, so the system would be simply charging up the ESS for nighttime use. ESS being the expensive part of the system. We don't use much over night, 6-7kWh at the most, and that's 1700-0830 hrs, 2/3rd of the day, and not when producing. That's 2 frigs, one 13BTU AC till midnight or later, laptop & 65" TV. Just the 2 frigs and maybe a fan or AC on low, midnight till waking, about 6hr, and sunrise. You'll be out of the house before it starts producing much. You won't be charging the car on the ESS, and since using TOU overnight for that, you'll be keeping the costs low. Decent system, ~ ฿200k (5kWh Hybrid, Panels, 10kWh ESS) 10kWh / day on grid, 300 / month = ฿1500 bill ฿200k ÷ ฿1500 = 10+ yrs ROI +/- Doesn't take into consideration of the EV charging, as it won't be on the solar. Just weekends, so we call that a wash ???? If you were able to top up EV on weekends, and last all week, without needing to charge, then you'd probably need another inverter & string of panels.
  6. EV (MG ZS) ... 360 kms @ home w/solar -0- ... 360 kms @ home w/grid @ ฿5 kwh = ฿232 ... 360 kms @ MG SuperCharger @ ฿7.5 kWh (฿8 kWh) = ฿371 ICE (MG ZS) ... 360 kms @ ฿36 per L = ฿1396 “Oil prices tomorrow, March 2, 2023” Bangchak (update information from March 1, 2023) Gasohol 95 price 36.35 baht/litre Gasohol 91 price 36.08 baht/litre"
  7. KhunLA

    sausage skins?

    Not Sattahip area, but wife gets them Makro.
  8. Interesting read, and should have a service center (30) in the more populated provinces. https://krungsrimarket.cjdataservice.com/article/EV PRIMUS ผู้จัดจำหน่ายรถยนต์ไฟฟ้าแบบมัลติแบรนด์กับการเปิดตัวแบรนด์ VOLT ในไทย
  9. Easily. drug free. Might throw your sleep cycle off for a day or 2, but shouldn't be harmful in anyway.
  10. Sounds like the same as my E-motorcycle. A simple button/switch on handlebar, 1-2-3, and apparently allows more juice or whatever, to run motor faster/different power level (?). Same as clutch/gears, as can only go so fast in any one gear. It's literally a button with 3 positions on the my scooter (DECO SUSU model). I rarely get to #3, as just use for around town, and the dog is usually in the front basket, so keep it less than 50 kph, so not to dry her eyes out. It will actually do 50 kph in #1, but lower rpm s in # 2, I think. I don't really need #3 till getting near 70 kph. The Volt, in this version, appears to be a big lever, on the center console. As one person states, does seem like a bit of wasted space. https://www.gm-volt.com/threads/does-anyone-else-wish-the-volt-had-push-button-gear-selection.36361/page-2 Does seem a bit of overkill for a simple switch. Maybe so it's easy to find, and not accidently switched. On the MGs, it's a simple round knob with 3 positions R-N-D, no gear selection.
  11. Makro ... that's the least expensive place I know to shop, especially since they don't sell everything in small packages. Sell larger/bulk items. Some fruits & veggies, you can get cheaper at local fresh markets, if convenient. I'm just too lazy to bother. Driving ... ฿4500 a month for petrol, that's a bit of driving, so yes, an EV would pay for itself fairly quick on lack of petrol and all the maintenance ICEs require. We spent about ฿3000 a month for petrol, though the MG ZS was petrol hog / 10 kpL. Having both the ICE & EV version of MG ZS, can accurately calculate the petrol savings. ... 360 kms cost about ฿250 charging at home @ ฿5 per kWh ... 360 kms cost about ฿1260 for 36 liters @ ฿35 per L (10kpL) Ever 10k kms, that's about ฿7,000 vs ฿35,000 (EV vs ICE) If keeping the car till 8 yr / 180k kms warrant - 18X above ... ฿126k vs ฿630k ... ฿500k saved for a car/Neta V that cost 549k, just ballpark petrol savings. Taking into consideration, should get about the same kms per kWh, with Neta V, MG ZS, MG4 & EP (ZS, EP & MG4 about same specs) or all close enough, I would think. I easily get 360 kms out of the ZS per charge, and that's mixed local <60 kph & hwy kms @ 90 kph MG estimates maintenance @ ฿14.4k over 8 yrs. (฿9k/5yrs), I think. ICE ... Oil changes & tune ups, every 10k & 30k ish kms. https://www.mgcars.com/en/mg-models/new-mg-zs-ev/charge
  12. OP could just get a scooter and take advantage of the 'energy' he's paying for, being subsidized by the other owners, Save the Planet ... OK, save some money. They are inexpensive & fun to knock around town on.
  13. The Wuling & Pocco can be registered, which they used to charge 35-50k to do. Now get gov't incentives, but their specs are a bit lacking. Inexpensive, but don't carry the warranties or network of dealers the Neta s will have. If they would have had incentives when first available here, I might of picked one up, Wuling, instead of the E-MB for my daily runs with the dog. Beat the rainy forecast, that I use the car for, JIC accurate. Actually I like the uniqueness of the (SAIC/Wuling) Baojun E300 Plus (31.9 kWh), but not available here.
  14. Even Ghislaine Maxwell said she doesn't remember the incriminating 'photo' and stated it was probably a fake.
  15. KhunLA

    Ear Wax

    As mine were once were, so much so, doc couldn't use his mini pressure washer. Wanted me to come back next week after drops of mineral oil used to loosen it up. I was going out of town, so could return, so he said for me to, careful flush out with warm water, and ear bud for any excess water I couldn't knock out. If I get an infection, just pick up some ear drops at pharmacy at first hint of discomfort. Big mistake, 17ish yrs later, and I've yet to need a doc to clean them again. Which I used to go to about twice a year, as I also have very small ear canals.
  16. Try to keep up ... a portion of beach is allowed to have vendors/sunbeds/vendors. "10% of the total beach area allowed" https://www.thephuketnews.com/prab-calls-for-expanding-beach-operator-areas-on-patong-beach-86465.php
  17. Argentina pulls out of pact with UK on Falklands https://www.brusselstimes.com/388221/argentina-pulls-out-of-pact-with-uk-on-falklands-malvinas
  18. That was a few years ago, might be 500 baht now .. ???? https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Dr.+Somchai+Skin+Clinic/@17.4032795,102.7906209,3a,75y,295.98h,95.36t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shwf8q3mbNgIuUqhg3zmXgA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dhwf8q3mbNgIuUqhg3zmXgA%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D218.00638%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x3123bb9daaf86e17:0xc7c2925a6c37e461!2sAmphoe+Rd,+Tambon+Nong+O,+Amphoe+Nong+Wua+So,+Chang+Wat+Udon+Thani+41220!3b1!8m2!3d17.1632764!4d102.5733009!16s%2Fg%2F1hm5xxzmd!3m5!1s0x31239d75d7c79815:0x75f9371106e6c0b9!8m2!3d17.4033385!4d102.7904978!16s%2Fg%2F1hc55rtwm
  19. Nissan's E track record isn't too good with me, after the Leaf. Which sold for silly price here due to lack of competitive. A vendor's tactic that I would avoid just for spite. Kicks back in 2020 was a 3 cyl, and hybrid, I think, which neither interested me. I don't even think I peeked at it, or any EV as still too expensive back in 2020. Without the govt incentives, we probably would still have the ZS ICE.
  20. No, nothing about that impressed me, when we got the 2020 MG ZS (ICE). Loved the ZS, so simply got the EV version in 2020. If anything like the overpriced POS Leaf, then I don't think I would even consider it.
  21. For me it is, as I honor my vows, and my word when given. How I was raised, and how I raised my daughter. As it stuck with me, it stuck with my daughter. She was out with friends, as a teen, and I asked 'how they got there ?' answer was MB, and next question was 'did you wear a helmet ?' as she knows I didn't like her on MBs and you better wear a helmet. She answered 'No', knowing I'd by pisss'd, but told the truth anyway. That's how we were raised, that shows character. Yes, being an honest person matters in my world, and says a lot about someone's character. How you don't understand that ... well, nuff said.
  22. Doesn't that apply to most Royals, unless actually skilled in something other than 'birthright'. Harry can pilot an Apache helicopter and imagine it wouldn't be much to convert that to a civilian helicopter license. Can you fly a helicopter ?
  23. KhunLA

    Ear Wax

    It's so easy to maintain/clean your ear wax accumulation. Stop listening to the ear docs that say 'don't put anything smaller than your elbow in you ear', when they do the opposite. After your next cleaning (or before), simply use Q-tip/ear buds once a week after a shower, and wipe the excess that accumulates on the inner upper ring of your ear canal. Your not going to damage your eardrum, unless really careless & stupid. Think cleaning the under side, of the top of the peanut butter jar. That's all it takes. No need to go in any deeper than the opening of the canal. If you do, go deeper, then you may even pack what's in there down. Not good, so just clean the inner rim. Actually a lot of room between the opening of canal and the eardrum. Don't want to stick anything in your ear, use the butt wash, adjust the pressure to something comfortable, or simply warm showerhead water, IF you can get the pressure up enough.
  24. Also is for the house & EVs, though expensive compared to other DIY systems noted on the forum, if this and last month is any indication, and not even hot weather yet, looking at <6 yrs ROI. https://aseannow.com/topic/1268214-solar-8kw-hybrid-inverter-w10kwh-upgraded-to-20kwh-in-sept-2022-essbattery-not-diy/page/7/#comment-17928625 But we'll go way off topic if we get into that. ON TOPIC .... OP's 'small' car, is relative but as stated, I wouldn't buy anything with less specs than the Neta, or MG EP. You have to put that against a small inexpensive ICE, like the Celerio, (฿328k) at 200k less than Neta, and put that 200K towards about 100+k kms of petrol. That's a few years of knocking around town, kids to school and shopping, hopefully on the way. Almost 2x that if buying the EP. Definitely something to consider depending on budget. Without our O&A, we barely put 10k kms a year on, and most of those aren't necessary for us. So 10 yrs petrol for someone driving 200 kms a week/800 kms a month, 10k kms a year. That's a lot of local driving, unless a long school run 5 or 6 days a week. (20 kpL @ ฿35) If considering the more popular, top end Toyota or Mazda entry level cars, then it's no brainer, as the Neta is cheaper & EP same or a tad more.
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