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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If that's how you want to read it ... although, use of 'them folks ... And that's a lot' isn't all inclusive of <50 yr olds, unless you read that way. UP2U
  2. One can only take being oppressed for so long, especially when it seems every peace agreement & UN resolution is ignored. Even the TH chang has had enough every now & then, and kills it's mahout.
  3. They'll be going forward, just not dependent on US/EU/UK/NATO nations. BRICS & ASEAN, and learning Chinese will get you further, as a Thai than learning English. Think TH has realized, tourist ฿฿฿ is nice, but something you can't depend on. Commerce & trading partners takes the priority, for every day, month, yearly income, not hit & miss seasonal tourism, that drops with every other year's news-blip.
  4. Them folks under 50 yrs old, or less income than 800k a year. And that's a lot, and why so many have departed since the Imm rules have been 'enforced'. Non issuing of income letter was the last straw for most, as simply couldn't met the financials ... income vs cash in hand, after child support & alimony deducted. "SHOW ME THE MONEY" ... ???? On Topic ... following YT'er Paddy Doyle, for a while, transitioning from TH to VN, can definitely see what SHTF stated above as true, and what I suspected with my readings of VN. Main point for me would be infrastructure & roads. As first week or so their, Doyle was stuck behind landslide after landslide. Visa issues, how to legally stay. Does seem to be cheaper, but you get what you pay for, and if hostel living, food & beer is your priority, then join the hippy dippy crowd that seem to be enjoying themselves there. Problem with that is, past couple years, and the hippy dippy crowd is a bit skint, unless traveling on mommy & daddy's wallet. From his vids, you technically aren't even allowed to drive a motorbike there. Some lovely landscape though, along with even more pollution & trash than TH. NO brainer for me, TH wins for SEA living, unless living out of your backpack on the cheap. Not my vision of comfy retirement or holiday.
  5. At times is an understatement. How about all the time during high tourist season, just worse on some days. The infrastructure simply can't handle the amount of tourist ... everyday. That's why the beaches were so pristine during covid. I'll only visit again, during the next pandemic, as it was lovely before they returned. As he stated ... swim at your own risk. At least keep your ears out of the water, and don't swim with any open skin cuts.
  6. I'm sure there's plenty of folks that quit drinking & smoking, that didn't believe in a higher power. Along with so many other things. They just didn't go to meetings or do the 12 stepper. That some thought they had 'inspiration' from above, doesn't mean it's needed for all who decide to quit and take control of their bodies & mind. Issue I have, is AA seems to push, 'if you don't believe, you can't recover'. "If that be the case, you may be suffering from an illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer."
  7. Seem to be meeting my expectations now, when planning the solar system, of 600-700 kWh a month. Not even hot season yet. February ... best day was the 12th
  8. It all flows down to those that act responsibly. Theft = lost revenue, and enough loss revenue, results in higher prices, less competitive, possible closing, and lost jobs, lost available money to be spent elsewhere supporting the economy. Butterfly effect from criminals .... probably leads to global 'cooling', and maybe why global warming has taken a break ... ????
  9. But still a crime .... Not Cool @warrima
  10. I'm sure the production, actors, characters & budget is much better. But from the trailers I watched, still a bit too much soap opera-ish for me. Plus not a big fan of HiSo folks in TV series. Can't relate at all. Same with most minority, poor intercity, drug/crime sagas, can't relate, so usually give them a pass. That's a lot coming from me, as lived in an 'economically depressed' area/slum a couple times myself. If you can't speak at least broken English or hold a handgun properly ... don't insult my intelligence. Why actors even take those degrading roles is mind boggling, as some don't need the money.
  11. So ... what's a normal 'local' O&A like. Local = 100-250 kms, no CS, and topping back up at the house. Popped up to Hua Hin, about 100 kms away (~ 200 km day), for a munch, and CS tester, before being 'on the roads' over night. Tested EV Station, plugged in, started charging, 5 mins, unplugged & paid via CC. Just a test / No issues ???? Hua Hin, nice munch, very little shopping and returned home about 1600hrs Topping MG ZS back up, with solar, still an hour producing, partially, so plugged in, 1st day ???? 2nd day, up before sunrise, 0615 hr, plugged in till about 1645 hr, didn't quite finish. Could have, but didn't want to take the ESSs down any further. 3rd day, topped up, most from ESSs. Of course, could have used 2 other options; wall charger or MG CS, or combos of all. I went with -0- baht option.
  12. You obviously haven't been on the other side of collecting larger claims. They stonewall, wait as long as possible, as their money is earning elsewhere, and if you die, even better. Most people don't have the funds to sue, or to live on while waiting a settlement.
  13. I enjoy my carbs, cereal and especially bread & pastry ... making bread now (no sugar). Have to go easy on cheese, too bounding, unless on a taco or salad. Cut back on butter intake also. Dairy being my worst vice, food wise. Ice Cream, usually once a week @ Swensen's Tues, 2/1 scoops, and now 2 instead of 3 or 4 scoops. Milk (whole only), I've cut way back on, as 1 liter a day is a sip for me ???? Limit 1 cup for my cereal & cappuccino. Maybe wash down a pastry, which I no longer eat 2 or 3 times a day ???? Once or twice week. For sweet tooth, peanut butter (homemade) and jelly works for me. Red meat seems to only be burger, couple a month, with an occasional ribeye if at Hua Hin, once a month, maybe @ You Hunt We Cook. Seem to eat a lot of skinless chicken breasts. Pasta instead of rice. All in all. much healthier than last year. Eating healthier since Oct 2022. Alcohol intake isn't worth mentioning, the past 10ish years. Most drink more in 1 sitting than I do in 1 month. Above & blood work mentioned before, but all good. Blood sugar still top limits of normal. Cholesterol normal now, actually quite good. Taking a statin (only 10mg), so can't take all the credit for that. Stopped my liver from making krap cholesterol.
  14. KhunLA

    Snakes in garden

    Damn ... another Malay Viper at the house/garden. 3rd one in 2 months ????
  15. Because they can, and that's what ins co. do. Probably hoping the 'go fund' will pay for the bills and flight, and they'll just pay the balance ... or nothing at all. Why I never bothered with insurance, if not mandatory, except once, as had to sue them every time for a claim. From home owners, to workmans comp, to extra waiver (the optional one), to SS disability ins. 6 settlements in all, all in my favor. They are scum.
  16. Come on ... don't ruin a good spin. Yes, the op-ed is a bit different than the title. IF, and a big IF, if foreigner quotas or 41 % was max'd out for all condos, then less than 20%. Which would actually make sense, if RU tourist, all of them, are buying condos, as their arrivals are probably in the 20% bracket of, and that's just a guess. Actually smart investing ... good for them. Any luck, they'll be able to lease them out.
  17. I like my carbs, so the same bowl of cereal almost everyday for 1st meal, just before noon. Corn flakes (Nestle'), Oats (Aro), Slivered Almonds, Raisins & Blueberries for little sweetness. Damn Tasty.
  18. If not for high air tickets and hotel prices, there would be more of ALL nationalities in TH now.
  19. Yea, sort of. 1893 was good. 1923 is OK, a bit slow. Short series, so can't waste too much time playing soap opera. 1923 more so than 1893. But agree, though haven't watched Yellowstone, or even plan to, as trailers are very soap opera-ish.
  20. BKK Embassy states a much longer period than needed. Guess it avoids idiots of waiting till the last minute and not having when needed. Most report < 3 week from mail in to received. "the process may take up to four to five weeks from the date we receive"
  21. If OP dropped off friend, how would he/she/it know how long the Q lasted. Would think most there, expats, for 90 day pulse check, takes all of 5 mins, maybe. After a few days in HH, what tourist would extend to stay longer ????
  22. My drone come in handy for that. They got the message, perch elsewhere.
  23. IF in Patts, doubtful, but would have to be 7-11. Locally, when in delivery distance last year, only ordered Khao Soi. Now too far out, as closest 7-11 is 2.6 kms away, and won't deliver, though I wouldn't bother anyway, though wife tried ???? Last rental, walking distance to 7-11 & made to order vendor next to, all of 100+ meters away. Only order Khao Soi as too far to walk to.
  24. Either works, as long as they obey & are compliant ... I'm needy 24/7 wink wink ... morning coffee without having ask for it ... always a cold beer in frig ... served in frosted glass Didn't vote, since moody, both or neither. Ask after the next divorce.
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