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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. So TH is shooting to get down to just 'unhealthy' vs very unhealthy PM2.5 levels ???? From June 1st ... rainy season ???? Two or three different levels of 'unhealthy', and TH can't even get to the higher end of almost healthy. Some areas, Nov to Apr = long term. "What is a healthy PM2 5 level? Most studies indicate PM2. 5 at or below 12 μg/m3 is considered healthy with little to no risk from exposure. If the level goes to or above 35 μg/m3 during a 24-hour period, the air is considered unhealthy and can cause issues for people with existing breathing issues such as asthma." https://www.indoorairhygiene.org/pm2-5-explained/#:~:text=Most studies indicate PM2.,breathing issues such as asthma. "WHO now recommends a maximum level of 5 μg/m3 for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) for long-term exposure to protect health. These Guidelines are addressed to all countries of the world and provide uniform targets for air quality." https://epha.org/the-who-air-quality-guidelines-should-be-used-to-set-air-pollution-reduction-targets-in-our-cities/#:~:text=For instance%2C the WHO now,uniform targets for air quality. I'm guess 3 or 4 months is considered 'long term': "What is a good µg m3? National Ambient Air Standards are established to be protective of public health. The short-term standard (24-hour or daily average) is 35 micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/m3) and the long-term standard (annual average) is 12 µg/m3." https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/indoors/air/pmq_a.htm#:~:text=National Ambient Air Standards are,is 12 µg%2Fm3. Good Morning PKK, thank Buddha for Xiaomi Air Purifiers:
  2. I did state 'not recommended' ... unless you're going to pay attention & DO outside ???? That's charging a non rechargeable. The other, reviving a dead rechargeable is safe to do. Better not to run them down to nothing.
  3. I could go for a little of that GW down here, as 25C / 77F already this AM, and the sun's not even up yet. Guess cool season is over, now if only the winds would change.
  4. More Global Warming ... ... Loving it Do miss the snow but not the frigid winds. Divorce solved that ????
  5. Mid May to Nov, the AQIs are usually fine, during rainy season. To wet and green to burn anything.
  6. That's a window in master bath, and letter/#s haven't a clue, wife's handy work. There's an outside cooking area now, outside the laundry area. It's basically a giant eat in kitchen with 1 bedroom ???? We don't get guests, and I've never used a living room. Veranda, sitting area, and storage/laundry to the side.
  7. Strangely, just got my 1st post badge, and Newbie ranking ????
  8. AQI of 70+ is far from wonderful. Worse is the PM2.5
  9. Yes, exact same brand, mg & tab count. Same with other two that I priced. Actually surprised about the difference.
  10. I'm back, and parcel sent. My first & last shopping experience with MediTide. Ordered early AM, 2 days ago, paid bank transfer. Did not receive order confirmation yet, and found elsewhere for much better price. Contact them thru LINE, couple hours after order placed ... please cancel, no prob, but won't refund ???? OK, guess I'll eat this overpriced purchase. Then thinking .. I'll price 2 more scripts I have, that I don't really need now, but will eventually. Both were considerably more expensive on MediTide. So shop around before hitting that 'order' button. Don't assume online, or since recommended here, will be cheaper, as this vendor was not even close. Now paid ฿510 for something I could have gotten locally for ฿300. ฿450 + shipping vs ฿300, a 50% higher product price ???? A bit surprised, since recommended by a few here on AN. LIVE & LEARN If after shopping, and want to try to find cheaper online, contact Medisafe first, instead of Meditide. As bought 2 scripts from MediSafe at competitive pricing and quick delivery ???? YMMV
  11. I think you need to work on your 'people' skills. Me: "12 hours ago, KhunLA said: Not so sure about that, just honest reviews." You: "and not just babble about subjects you don't know" Suggested reply would have been: "From the vid below, you may notice your assumption is incorrect" Just a suggestion ???? I think I need a 'safe space' ????
  12. Something many don't realize, you can actually "recharge a non rechargeable alkaline battery". Though not really recommended, but it is possible. You can also "revive a dead rechargeable battery". Those that wish to verify those 2 statements, simply search youtube for "quoted" statement.
  13. I'm not sure about that, as taste isn't everything. Definitely get a <deleted>/PPM pen, and test before drinking. Won't tell you what it is, but clue you to something may not be right. Bottled water is usually <10 ppm Tap about 170 ppm Good to have, especially if you drink the 'free' water on tables at vendor. http://www.xiaomithailandstore.com/product/121/xiaomi-ปากกาทดสอบคุณภาพน้ำ-รุ่น-mi-<deleted>-meter
  14. Why would, should, a mobility disability, move you up in the Q, if that is what the OP is asking. Get in line like everyone else. If you can't stand (I can't but long enough if needed), bring a wheelchair for a guaranteed seat. I have 2 herniated discs & 5 degenerative, and standing still or sitting for long periods is quite uncomfortable. Also would be unfair to those in the Q if I was moved ahead of them. Deal with it or use an Agent.
  15. What type are we talking about ? Car, phone, camera, action cams, AA, AAA, LiPo/RC or other. I have rechargeable AA & AAAs, Panasonic, highly rated and bought from Panasonic LAZ Flagship store. Not cheap but excellent Along with their charger. Anything else, and I've found them to be total KRAP. I wouldn't buy any of the batteries they sell in stores here, and suspect ... IMHO ... most are counterfeits. Especially if Duracell, as they don't offer batteries in TH. LiPo s for my RCs, are hit & miss, same with e-bike, though the miss wasn't that much of a surprise, due to price of. Add hit & miss to phone, camera & action cam batteries that I've bought. Industry full of fakes, and untrue specs it seems. Or, extremely expensive.
  16. First post was humor, and true. About SA. AA is a completely different subject, though as I stated, and you agree, one could influence the decisions to satisfy the other, and if so, could become a problem. That part didn't become a problem, for me, thankfully. Others that can't control either, then yes, help would be advised.
  17. Drinking, rarely open a 2nd beer (490ml), the past 15 ish years. Drinking was never a major problem, as just a hobbyist vs lifestyle. Days past, when had a few, that's when choice to fill the SA addiction may have not been the best. As stated, lucky & unscathed.
  18. Neither, myself & wife enjoy our sex life, why would change anything. Days past as a youngin', I definitely, probably, maybe, made the wrong choices to satisfy the addiction. No harm or major regrets because of, and suspect consenting partners had the same addiction. Fun, funny & embarrassing, when looking back, but safe & harmless. Amazingly escaped all those years of, STD free ... ???????????? Knock on 'wood' ... ????
  19. Maybe .. eye doc discovered early cataract development in my left eye, and noticeable difference when doing the one eyed 'eye chart' at distance. Gave me drops for it, and I think working. Anyway, asked how to slow the progression of, and both (a 2nd opinion was sought) docs, suggested to wear sunglasses. Sadly, last time I filled my scripted sunglasses, both UV & polarized, I opted for a darker tint, which shortly after, realized I didn't like. so haven't worn for years ... hmm Note to self: go buy sunglasses, and lighter tint, dumbA$$ Good news, it is my left eye, and right (power) eye seems to be fine, which is good, as the one I use with the camera viewfinders. Strangely, well, not that strange, the drops are not approved for cataract treatment in the USA, and ONLY surgery is recommended treatment ???? Talk about industry control for profits. I believe the drops are working, as I put in both eyes, and the left eye's cataract does seem to be dissolving. The tell is the 'crustys' in the far left corner of the eye when I wake up, as I sleep on my left side. Before drops, never had that much. And I think I do notice less blur, though was minimal to begin with, before told having. These are the drops if anyone is interested, and I'm not a doc, so due diligence on your part. But my opinion, they are working: I just restocked online @ ฿85 per, and ordered 10 more. Local pharmacy sells for ฿100, and doc sold for ฿120. Cheaper & safer ... IMHO ... than ~฿50k per eye for cataract removal
  20. Why would I seek help ? Maybe if it was harmful addiction.
  21. Polarized & UV protection have nothing to do with each other.
  22. Inexpensive way to test, is buy a UV flashlight, and added plus, you now have a UV flashlight: https://www.allaboutvision.com/sunglasses/how-to-tell-if-have-uv-protection/#:~:text=An eye care professional can,access to a UV flashlight. https://www.google.com/search?q=uv+flashlight&newwindow=1&sxsrf=AJOqlzXoVg5A-xSsVeDALwYra92nAw_x0A:1675305871538&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYx_Pa6PX8AhV5CrcAHX3RDq4Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1229&bih=577&dpr=1.56
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