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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. It appears everything you eat, may get turned into glucose, when needed, for easy digestion, absorption into the body. Does it really matter what you eat, as long as it's in moderation. A nice balanced diet for nutrients. All, fats, carbs, proteins are needed. All help with digesting different nutrients, vitamins & minerals. People get fat, because they don't burn off enough of what they eat, no matter, what that is. "The exact cause of most types of diabetes is unknown. In all cases, sugar builds up in the bloodstream. This is because the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes may be caused by a combination of genetic or environmental factors." https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20371444 "When your body doesn't have enough carbohydrate on hand, it will turn to protein and fat to make glucose. This reaction happens in the liver instead of the digestive tract. Your body breaks down the proteins, fats and enzymes it has to make glucose in a process called "gluconeogenesis," or the making of new sugar." https://www.livestrong.com/article/457948-the-production-of-glucose-from-protein-or-fat/
  2. To the title, as with everything ... moderation. I await the 'Is water bad for you thread ?' flour ... white vs whole vs brown rice ... carbs ... sugar ... coffee ... alcohol ... ganga ... msg ... salt ... e-cigs ... Must be true though ...
  3. Only time I don't carry my passport is when myself and Sniffy (dog) are out and about by ourselves. Will have wallet (DL & pink ID) & phone. Usually only in our Amphur. If with wife, usually means shopping or going out for a munch, so I'll have my bag with me, which wallet & phone will occupy the appropriate pockets, along with everything else I think I may need; PP, yellow book, bank book, money stash, knife, reading glasses, toothpick, tissue, pen, water PPM pen ???? All things important, I prefer not to lose, or may need. If wife not in house, then bag comes with me, as never left in the house unattended.
  4. Also do the same. Google Maps is one of, if not my main research tool. You can simply search 'nan province', then select 'nearby' and enter what you are looking for; viewpoints, hotels, coffee shops, restaurants. As you 'zoom' scroll in, 'search this area' will appear, then you click on that, and usually get more selections. While on the app, you can search 'along your route', if not wanting to detour to far off your planned route, if having. Best thing, has # of reviews, and some have ph#s, something booking sites don't have. I use booking.com sometimes for info, then cross reference with Gmaps, or visa versa. Wife gives a call to verify info, if isn't clear while searching those 2 sites. Rarely book in advance, as plan is ever changing when out & about.
  5. IMHO ... bread and or sugar, carbs, may contribute to, but certainly doesn't cause diabetes. Or I would have had years ago. I eat / ate a lot of bread, and pastries everyday. And yes, always told my blood sugar is a little high, but after 60 years of dietary abuse, still not diabetic. I have cut way back, but only because I don't burn it off like I used to. That includes cutting back on everything, with few exceptions.
  6. I never did at any age. Didn't bother with vid, as usually never do. Only advantages I can think of in TH ... ... 1/2 fare on MRT ... Pink ID never expires ... possible discount to some attraction, at gate keeper's discretion "Students, senior citizens older than 60 years old, ICOM ICOMOS members, monks, novices and priests of other religions are exempted from entrance fee" ... honey ... want to make my a priests collar for my shirts. USA ... ... Free admission to National Parks ... and much much more: https://www.seniorliving.org/finance/senior-discounts/
  7. Few others that were confused as myself: "On 1 August 1958 the Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) was established by merging the Bangkok Electric Works and the Electrical Division of the Public Works Department to be responsible for providing power supply in Bangkok, Nonthaburi, and Samut Prakan. For electricity provision in Thailand's other 74 provinces, it is supplied by the Provincial Electricity Authority."
  8. It's called fear mongering to steal your hard earned tax dollars, just like all news. Humans will self destruct before anything hits the earth. "This asteroid is one of the most likely to hit Earth. Here’s what it means for our future. New ultraprecise measurements show that the asteroid Bennu has a higher chance than thought of impacting our planet sometime in the next 300 years, NASA says." https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/nasa-osiris-rex-spacecraft-finds-asteroid-bennu-slightly-more-likely-to-hit-earth https://www.cnet.com/science/space/as-nasa-smacks-an-asteroid-hundreds-of-space-rocks-are-deemed-potentially-risky/
  9. https://www.google.co.th/maps/search/viewpoints/@19.1154101,100.8817467,9.82z/data=!4m9!2m8!3m6!1sviewpoints!2sNan!3s0x31278e090e1d6dbb:0xb8082b1388695c0!4m2!1d100.7730417!2d18.7756318!6e1
  10. Basically just less nutritious, due to processing removing more fiber. "Most flour comes from hard red wheat berries; all-purpose (white) flour is made with only the endosperm, so it has a lower nutritional value. Whole-wheat flour is made from ground hard red wheat berries and uses every part; the wheat germ and bran give the flour a darker color and a higher nutritional worth." https://www.myrecipes.com/ingredients/whole-wheat-vs-white-whole-wheat-flour#:~:text=Most flour comes from hard,and a higher nutritional worth. "Is white flour and wheat flour the same? One key difference between whole wheat flour and plain white flour is the fibre content. Whole wheat flour naturally contains the level of fibre found in wheat. Plain white flour on the other hand, has been stripped away of all of the fibre in wheat during the white flour production process." https://cotswoldflour.com/blogs/news/whole-wheat-flour-vs-plain-flour-5-differences-every-baker-must-know
  11. And yet, I haven't seen any 'go fund my stupidity' posts involving those folks. Most farangs could leave tomorrow, and Thailand wouldn't even notice.
  12. Stop producing, last bit to ESSs @ 17:23 Start producing, we bit to ESSs @ 07:13 94% - 70% = 24% = 4.8kWh overnight, 14 hrs
  13. Tops with me, and so much more important than covid or Ukraine, and neither affect me. 1. M&Ms 2. A&W's Rooty, now has to wear pants, it's outrageous 3. Skittles ... sorry, I'm too traumatized, I can't continue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGwkheRHyGw&ab_channel=LawsyLaws I'm back, where was I .. oh yea ... 99. Ukraine 100. Covid
  14. Describe 'old school' ... by date ? tech ? muscle car ? uniqueness ? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/bangkok/classic-cars/
  15. I guess I'll just tag along with the wife, although she'll need to register her own Accor account now.
  16. Volva XC40 - 78kWh Range test, and not so good, for having a large battery. Summary @ 17:15 of vid
  17. Yes, while at, throw billions toward solar, wind & hydro production of electric. Nationalize big oil, and put their profits toward their extinction.
  18. Quick peek, and they've had more than a few already ???? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_tornadoes_in_January_2023
  19. Kind of unseasonal. Or really early, as the 'season' is March - July. Weather is a major reason I didn't bother with retiring in USA. Florida was always top of the list, but hurricane season changed that idea. Got chased out twice while playing tourist in just a 5 yr period. Enough for me.
  20. Here's breakdown of hours of sun exposure, for 'our' system, NOT having panels facing East. Having 9 panels facing S & W, slight pitched roof, so good exposure on those panels. Sun coming up a bit SE, so S panels getting better exposure, than say June/July, when rising sun more due E or slightly NE. Panels start producing just after 0700, minimal, but producing. EV was plugged in prior, so didn't produce more than consumption, until 0920. Without the EV (2.3kWh), production would have been more than enough to meet consumption after 0800. Very light overcast, but no clouds, as no peaks & valleys in the blue. If no overcast, then would produce a bit more. See it maxed at <7kW. When clearer skies & sunnier, got near 9kW. At 11:20, it was producing 2X consumption, shy of 7kW vs 3.5 kW. At 1200, the EV was about done, and 1230, batteries topped up. Simply imported what was needed afterwards. Stopped producing enough for consumption at about 1730. So almost 14 hrs overnight, 1730-0730 today, the house runs off the ESSs.
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