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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. It will head back toward 37 at the end of the week, after USA SS is dispersed. Dropped 0.5 baht the other day, just in time. A monthly occurrence.
  2. Reading the news, I thought he meant the USA ... ????
  3. I think they may be confusing return with re-infected. Unless they mean, people self medicating, aren't properly completing treatment regiments, and symptoms simple return since not cured in the first place. Those sick, asymptomatic simply are irresponsible and back walking amongst the vulnerable, who shouldn't be out among them anyway ????
  4. Oh yea, Buddha forbid owners should actually operate the vehicles responsibly. Irresponsible people are and always have been the problem.
  5. Triple isn't much of a stretch, since only about 2m have arrived so far. 6m for the year is definitely a stretch, and 3x that ... dream on.
  6. I think any candidate running on a total ban platform would be political suicide. What voters say & do are 2 different things. With all those 63 million abortions, I'd think a few were performed on the religious folks that aren't suppose to use contraceptive, or kill others. Hypocrisy rules ... Just a thought
  7. Yes, that is a problem, though TBH, my MG ZS (ICE) is pretty darn quiet, when cruising slowly. I really can't tell if engine running sometimes, as standing a few meters away, I've asked the wife a couple times, "car & AC is on right?", as we leave the dog in the car quite often when doing quick munch. People just seem to not look when crossing the street & driving. Not the EV's fault. I've spooked a few myself on my scooter. Since topic raised, when riding my ebike, I notice I rely on my ears also, and been spooked myself when something very quiet came up behind me when ready to change direction, and luckily looking to make sure, before doing. For some reason, I don't seem to be as cautious on the ebike as the pedal bike. Breaking myself of the habit, slowly.
  8. Obviously you shouldn't be driving any vehicle... ... TAXI
  9. States self rule, as it should be in a Republic ... ???? The 'Constitution' rocks ... ????
  10. Actually you can use water to put out lithium battery fire, BUT, you need a constant stream of, for quite some time, as they tend to flair back up. Fire blanket being a better solution to contain it, till self extinguishes, maybe over a 10-20 minute period. Used in combo would be even better, but not in an enclosed area, as fumes are toxic. Don't park your scooter in the living room, areas. A concrete garage without combustible, or outside in the shade, being a wiser choice.
  11. Divorces weren't really 'popular' till 70s. Other side of the coin, living together (unmarried) wasn't popular till the 60s. My parents were married for over 50 yrs, till death did they part. 2 brothers have been married for 50 & 45 yrs. Other brother on his 3rd (1 died), and myself on #4, along with 2 lives in of a few years each. Present wife, 16 yrs living together, 8+ of married. More than a few friends breaking the 30 + 40 yrs married, first & only. Though most actually getting married, half do end in divorce, or so we read.
  12. Unless waterproof, a couple are, obviously not that one, then no, shouldn't be riding through water, or about 10cm of, so tires in water, not the rims. Wouldn't advise that either, as would probably splash about, on the electronic. Battery is probably only 36 or 48v...3 or 4 - 12v in series, or lithium battery, which would probably be a bunch of 18650 or 21700s in series & parallel. Photos in news-blip are a bit strange. Well, not top one, as touched except tires & steel frame. Middle one, who knows, but bottom one, show scooter intact with wire harness & battery bay. Unless that's just a photo prior to, and why ? During a modification ? No reason to see wires & have battery bay open. Obviously living in Thailand, you wouldn't want an e-scooter as your main transport, unless waterproof. I've only driven mine, in the lightest drizzle, barely enough to get wet in. Not really recommended, or even washing with a hose. Washing is wiping down with damp cloth.
  13. Not sure it was a lithium battery, as a lot, most of those style scooters are not. And looks to be a rather large battery bay. Not sure the other types would start a fire though, unless arced & sparked near something combustible. Also if lithium battery, I doubt if those wires in one of the photos would have remained intact. Lithium battery burns very hot.
  14. Nothing to do with prejudice, I just don't respect the 'occupation' or probably anything that he would say. So no, didn't bother wasting more than getting to the query ... 'why are we here ?' ... seriously Ridiculous question to ask, surely to be followed by his silly version of an answer. Yet to meet a monk I respect, and I've know & met more than a few. Don't respect the religion, so nothing they could possibly say would interest me.
  15. Couple more of any E-scooter stories, and we can expect a ban in condo & apt areas ... ???? So he rode his scooter 'past/thru' water' ... Can't fix stupid
  16. Call me crazy, but wouldn't a new set of tires make more sense, since only 2 yrs old, and probably your largest loss period due to depreciation. If you like the truck that is, then simply change what's bothering you.
  17. Well if you think higher pay or training will make a difference in an emergency, you'd be highly mistaken. Case in point, sitting in FC on NWA flight, sipping my Mochito, service door just closed, armed. 2 gals in the galley, knock knock, caterer forgot to leave or take something. FA gives ????, OK for caterer to open. Other gals knows, and yell "it's armed" as she was a step behind her. Door cracks open, and ???? gal, shrieks in terror & fear. So professional, but luckily for the caterer, the other one grabs the door so he can't open it, and quickly disarms it, possibly saving his life. Caterer realized what happen, and if looks could kill. Look over to psgr sitting next me, we're both smiling on the way to a chuckle, and I said 'she'll be real helpful in a crash' .... another Mochito please ???? In any emergency, do consider, you are on your own. Know your closest exit.
  18. Should be easy enough to verify. Did she seek them out, applying to, or use an agency, that sourced the job. If the latter, simply verify with Emirates, that the agency is legit. List of agencies, stating so, which did she use, if not direct contact with Emirates: https://www.google.com/search?q=emarits+employment+bangkok&oq=emarits+employment+bangkok&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i10i160.15290j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 They are definitely hiring: https://www.emiratesgroupcareers.com/search-and-apply/
  19. Why it took an hour, to supply transport, is the only question to ask. That falls on Nok & the airport, not the Capt.
  20. Used a couple different ones here, I think, and excellent.
  21. There isn't any 86 yr old singer, I'd want to endure trying to sing for 1-1.5 hrs. Maybe an instrumentalist, but that would be a stretch also. Just peeked YT, and he's getting around pretty good.
  22. Meaning of life from a monk and or clergy person ... no thanks.
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