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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If finding, make sure they are legally selling.
  2. Looking at the appendix, Thailand is not listed for Macaws. If I'm reading it correctly. TBH, not exactly sure what the means. Countries listed could simply be the animals origins. Macaws are neither native to nor migrate through Thailand. Something to be considered. https://www.thainationalparks.com/list-of-birds-of-thailand So I assume having one as a pet / companion here may be legal (OR NOT), depending how sourced and from who, which explains why a few of the locals do have. Gal at Swensens was out with hers, sitting on her head & shoulders, while they enjoyed their ice cream. Loving bird. Nice to see it not in a cage or tethered. https://checklist.cites.org/#/en/search/output_layout=alphabetical&level_of_listing=0&show_synonyms=1&show_author=1&show_english=1&show_spanish=1&show_french=1&scientific_name=macaw&page=1&per_page=20
  3. And here I thought the judges were approved by the representative of the voters that elected them. How could my POD teacher get it so wrong.
  4. Or a simple curiosity as stated in the OP. Got some very interesting & funny replies also. It is in the 'fun' forum after all.
  5. Just using the warranty as a base, and people can put in the #s they want. But for any realistic comparison, you need a baseline. IF going by my driving over the past 20 years, then yes, I would be hitting that 20k a year mark. Which I did in 6 months, after receiving the ZS. I sold 2 Vios and gave the Mazda to daughter. Try to sell before the 2nd timing belt change, so knocking on 150, and Mazda had 125 on it, if memory serves. So 400+ over 20 yrs, 20k a year. That's a lot of out & abouts, and 70 kms a day school runs. School runs, done, and out & abouts, winding down .... or not. As I do have quite a few planned, and want to get them in before the tourist return in big #s. As stated before, sure we'll racking up the kms once the house & solar is done. Go by the past 6 months, and it would be 5k a year, as stuck locally, and most of those on the scooter. But you knew that, as explained a couple times already. Last time you pointed it out. You drove less than 10k ... huh.
  6. Some people keep reading the battery is dead after the warranty. The warranties for 70-80% of battery capacity remaining after the 8 years, depending on manufacturer. I believe MG is 70%. As with everything, take of it, it will take care of you. Older tech ... 7 yr old Tesla, 5% ... @ 8:30 of the vid
  7. I've yet to keep a car in Thailand for more than 7 years, let alone 8. That will probably change with the EV, or not. Who know in 8 yrs ... BUT Saving on operating cost over those 8 years / 180k kms is huge, especially if putting even close to the 22.5 kms they think is average. If most of the charging energy comes from excess solar at the house, some might consider that damn near free operating cost for 8 yrs/ 180k kms Save 500-600k baht or more ... that's more than 1/2 the price of the ZS ... like a giant rebate. More you use, more you save. If you bought the EP ... damn near a free car in 8 yrs/180k kms. Old #s, so need to add a few baht & that's just petrol cost saved. Under warranty ... where is the down side to this equation ... ???? Y'all are seriously going to say, spending 600+k baht to operate an ICE, is better than saving 600k baht by buying an EV. Don't forget your oil changes, tune-up, belts (2 timings, maybe) Y'all need some new batteries for your calculators.
  8. I have same type, works great. Coffee machine has a steamer/frother, but find it easer to heat the milk/half & half in the microwave and use this instead. 60 baht @ Daiso, and it's lasted a few years.
  9. Not one fueling station in TH, and if in the USA, you better live in S. California. Hydrogen ... what a joke. 25 years ago & today.
  10. I'm a Yank, 67 yrs old . Yes, I've driven muscle cars ... useless in Thailand. They make EVs now that out perform all the old muscle cars. Try to keep up. Stop living in the past.
  11. They tried pushing the Hydrogen cell car back in 1997 ... 25 yrs later and ????
  12. In that case, I hope MG honors our sales agreement, as it may turn out to be the bargain of the year, if things / prices skyrocket, even a wee bit.
  13. Hydrogen car isn't being developed for a reason. Dream on. Think you need to do a wee bit more research.
  14. I actually see the first wave of EV owners here either selling and buying new, as they do with their ICEs, but others, who will keep longer, until battery degrades to say 50% and only good for around town, will either keep as a 2nd car, or discard. Myself, another battery for the solar would never hurt, and or keep for knocking around town, if still alive. For younger folks, discarding as 'scrap', and who ever buys them, make use of the batteries or to the recycle markets. Then the motors can go to the conversion kit shops, that will have spring up in the next 10 years. Simply add them new fancy, cheaper batteries to the kit, for full conversion of the ICEs people can no longer afford to fuel, or mandated to the junkyard for not being 'green enough'.????
  15. Sadly that won't happen. Proprietary is where the money is. They'll make it as difficult as possible, as long as possible. They're giving up too much already, of the money stream they get from maintenance, since little to none is needed.
  16. In TH, so don't care what's going on in USA, or anywhere else. Market is too new here to establish a demand for battery service shops. Surely in the not too near future, as the locals are quite crafty that way. And with inexpensive labor, great place to be, if owning an EV. Did spot a couple conversion shops, if youR ICE is on the way out, and want to convert to electric. That was pretty cool, if the rest of the vehicle will last long enough to justify the refit. If service being done at the dealer to maintain warranty, manufacturer is benefiting.
  17. Along those lines, and since EVs don't need 10km silly oil changes, they devised their own separate, maintenance money scam. Here is the UK maintenance, to 'keep warranty' schedule for the ZS. Only Buddha knows the silly hourly labor charge for this silliness. Thankfully Thailand's cheap labor won't be a major issue. MG's (TH) service estimate is ฿9k / 5yrs, so I worked it out to ฿16.2k over 8 yrs. What a scam, but who isn't going to keep the car under warranty.
  18. I posted all the EV vids I really needed to see, from one of the most experience EV owner in Thailand. Along with many other EV reviewer on the internet/YT. That and trust the EV owners on the forum. Don't really need much else, as they confirmed my other, off forum research. Don't think I missed anything, and researched extensive, as know it's shy of 1 mill baht outlay, so yes, intense research. As I'm quite happy with the ICE version I have now. Specs & numbers on paper don't lie, and actually a very easy decision for me.
  19. Are they complaining about the drivetrain or the options ? ICE & EV manufacturers seem to have the drivetrains down to a science now with few real issues. I do read complaints about the option people order, which is why I always get as few as possible, as I don't use, and they are the things that seem to have problems. People complaining about missing a sale ... oh well. You can do that about any product. I suspected a govt incentive was coming, and was waiting for better specs. So held off buying until they materializes. Better research = better shopping experience ????
  20. Think it's going to be a long time before you see user friendly / DIY, battery maintenance on EVs. As they are giving up a lot of income, due to low maintenance of EVs vs ICEs. Lost revenue they aren't going to make easy for you to have by DIY battery maintenance. The constant every 10k kms upkeep, oil, belts and tune ups of ICEs is a huge part of their revenue stream. EVs counter that, so cell replacement will be dealer only thing for years to come. Some 3rd party vendors will be out there, but slow market, especially in TH, as there really won't be a demand for them, the next 10 yrs. The one big IF, nobody can really answer yet, so if owning an EV, your battery maintenance will go a long way to longevity and less headaches. Slower charging and keeping it in the 30-80% range, I believe is highly recommended. Top up to 100%, when knowing you need. Will definitely influence the 2nd hand market, so chose wisely if buying. If you change cars every 3 year, EVs, maybe not the best investment for you.
  21. Just did, though already knew Canada is huge, #2, USA/China #3 or 4 area wise. USA being a bit more user friendly, if not minding a southern heat wave, tornado, earthquake or hurricane now & then ... vs ... damn tundra ... Brr
  22. Nah, not really. TH doesn't seem to be a dairy friendly place ???? Half & half will cut the cost a bit. UHT probably best alternative, no worries of going off. Except for whipping and half & half, and H&H is marginal extra fat vs UHT fat content. Some of the other 'barista' labeled coffee milk / creams don't even have the same content of some whole milk. Bit of false marketing. I have to plan wisely when getting a carton, a liter of H&H as will turn before I use it up. Plan on a week of cappuccino & a creamed pasta dish, if going to succeed using before it turns ????
  23. Nope, only this thread is mine ... not seeing where I asked about anyone, in any replies to thread either, at about same time. Think you got me confused with someone else.
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