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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. What is it with rich royals. As if not having enough already, as their subjects live in poverty. People still hold them in high esteem. Foundations .... what a scam fund. Clinton foundation a fine example, when out of the influential political game, contribution drop to zip. hmm ... a bit telling, no influence no funding.
  2. Even says I'm very mature ... got that one wrong.
  3. I think 20k kms a year, a bit more with the MG (180k/100k)is more than generous, as most don't drive that much. If I lived in the USA, and had the funds to be out & about, I'd rack up a lot more than 20k a year. Would that really be fair to the manufacturer. First 6 months with the ZS, and we put 20k on it, and really not out & about as much as I'd like, as Thailand is so small. Plus living in hotels isn't expensive here, but also isn't cheap if every night. Using just that, 40k a year, 320k over 8 years, and that's being very conservative driving. If having the finance, and being somewhere more interesting, I could easily put 50-75k kms on a car year after year. Most in Thailand, lucky if they do 10k a year, if working locally and kids close to school or van it to any school at a distance. Driving 70 kms a day, 5 days a week, doing 2 school runs a day, I only racked up < 20k kms a year. Most don't come close to that. Now, I'm putting about 10 kms a day, for my daily local driving. <5k a year if I was consistent. That's silly low, but all I really do now. Just as 15-20k a year, is high for most people, in Thailand or anywhere now, considering the cost of petrol.
  4. Whoa ... that's a surprise. I like it.
  5. One would think when buying an EV, that would be one of the more important specs / info wanted. Doesn't matter where it's at, though pretty hard to miss, even if not looking for, and certainly very prominent in all promos I've seen. Every EV warranty I've looked at, is as good or better than most/any ICE warranties I've seen. Guess it depends who's looking and their ability to interpret the info.
  6. Arrive TH at 45 yrs old, 67 now. Found TV long time ago, and hated it, as extreme Thai bashing and mob rule. Sadly, that aspect hasn't really changed, but more members, and more interesting topics since revamped, sometimes informative threads make up for it. EVs & Solar mainly are an interest, along with home DIY & farming life info. Some travel tips helps, but not much here of that. Agree, censorship can be OTT at times, but as a business site, obviously their right. Limits any real diverse opinions or real debate, but it is what it is. We joined voluntarily, so can't really complain. Back to using the ignore function, and helps a lot.
  7. Says the owner of the Celerio ... ???? I don't need an expensive car to go to 7-11 or Makro, or to Hua Hin or Krung Thep. Cars do nothing for me, a machine, serves a purpose. I'd rather spend it on something else I'll get more use & joy from. MG puts out a good, value product. Buy what make you happy. Easy enough. If you could leave your prejudice & bigotry out of the conversation for just 1 page, it may be an enjoyable thread. But I guess that really is asking too much. IGNORED ... again.
  8. Also if you grew up in a mixed racial neighborhood (white/black), them good ol' boys that migrated N after that speed bump, brought some of that dialect with them, abet, losing the southern draw along the way.
  9. Just stating, considering the size of some countries, living in different parts of the USA, is similar living in another country (aside from same language) in EU, if going same distance. Away from family & friends aspect, and all that was once familiar. Philly to FL was 1800 kms from my home town. If going to Key West from Maine, or E to W coast, a wee bit further. 1500-2000 kms, from central EU, and you can cover almost all of the EU in that distance, except up to the Scandinavian countries & Russia. So yes, living in Philly suburbs, and moving to FL, like moving to opposite ends of the EU. E to W coast USA, where a few friend went to, for that Cali vide, that's 4500 kms away. That's not even considering Hawaii or Alaska. I stayed in USA, as I see others bounced around internationally, quite a bit. My work kept me local, East side of Mississippi River, as being ignorant of the advantages of working outside the USA. Not really the family or social bug, would have been easy for me. Friends and family thought I was a bit goofy just moving the short distances I did, and couldn't grasp me living away from hometown area. I was the opposite, and couldn't grasp staying in hometown area. I get bored quick. An issue I have with Thailand, since small, but apparently too lazy and not that concerned to uproot again. Beside, having a daughter, I can understand now why some don't move around. As little actual time we are together, just something about being a few hours away if I'm needed.
  10. People do learn from their mistakes. The Republic has been going strong for 235 yrs, minus 1 major speed bump. Not bad at all for a country that's only 246 yrs old.
  11. He's not a fan of the app, though improved over the last 2 yr. Thankfully most issues are with the app, so all good in that aspect. Not an app fan myself, and I rarely use apps, so almost totally irrelevant to me. Haven't used the iSmart app with the ICE yet. Apps = marketing and can't tell me anything the car doesn't. Don't need to start the car and run AC remotely, as it cools off in 1 or 2 minutes when started, and we have no tint on the windows.
  12. For those, most members, not living here it seems, he does reviews of various models. A couple, silly priced ones are available now, maybe, and surely in the future. Though maybe not in our lifetime ... ???? https://www.youtube.com/user/bjornnyland/videos
  13. OK, let's go negative, for anti-EV'ers, ???? the car is 9 yrs old. Remember, it's old tech, apparently affects charging speed. Haven't noticed EVs available in TH, getting negative reviews. Must have had an oops at 70k kms, as battery pack replaced. Total 260k kms on battery pack, vs 350k for the car ???? Double dog @ 9:40 ???? Not sure why he's doing short hops. EVs been around for quite some time, and improved, though not bad for being 9 yrs old, on old tech.
  14. GWM Ora Good Cat ... 500 Ultra ... BKK - CM cruising at rather high speeds, cited @ 126 kph ????
  15. That should read 39 smaller than UK ???? 11 states larger ... ???? Only Russia & Ukraine (EU) are larger than Texas. So yes, many states are the size of countries. https://www.thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTUxNzU5NDU.NTU5NTk4MQ*MzA4ODM3NjA(NjYwODM2OQ~!CONTIGUOUS_US*MTAwMjQwNzU.MjUwMjM1MTc(MTc1)MQ~!IN*NTI2NDA1MQ.Nzg2MzQyMQ)Mg~!CN*OTkyMTY5Nw.NzMxNDcwNQ(MjI1)MA
  16. A bit curious, and get a better read on some of y'all. Where y'all from and lived, living. Actual living, 1 year of more, not holidaying, visiting cities or countries. Think there's a thread for that somewhere. Only live USA & TH Yank as you know, and bounced around, following the money. Few different states, sort of like countries, since some are kind of large. Considering 39 states are larger than the UK. Guessing more than few UK & EU'ers moved to different countries. Someone asked me this elsewhere, so not to waste a good list ... ???? Reads easier if start from the bottom (H - owned home): Feb 2017 - Ko Lak, Prachuap Khiri Khan - H April 2011 – Ban Nong Kae - H April 2008 – Ban Nong Na Kham Sept. 2020 – Ban Tat, Udon Thani, Thailand - H April 1996 – Germantown, TN (Memphis area) Oct 1995 – Wayne, MI (Detroit area) Clearwater Beach/Delray Beach, FL SW Philly - H Chester - H 1981 - Sharon Hill - H 1980 - Prospect Park, PA 1979 – Hightstown, NJ (Princeton area) 1979 – Lambertville, NJ 1978 – Beckley, WV 1975 – Sharon Hill, PA 1974 – Wrightstown, NJ 1974 – Collingdale, PA 1954 – Sharon Hill, PA
  17. Sucked in by the visual ... guess forgot to read the #s
  18. These may interest, real life experience. I like him, as he'll point out negatives along with positives. He owns MG, and has driven, test many other, MG's EP, but other brands as well. Here in Thailand & Norway. Already posted, long distance drive: Sleeping in, starts @ 6:10: 24 hrs in car challenge, in disgusting CM: MG EP range test: GWM Ora Good Cat 400, (also has 500 test): More Ora Good Cat vids: https://www.youtube.com/user/bjornnyland/search?query=ora good cat
  19. It's hard to believe, people actually have to be told about travelling internationally with drugs. Short story, AMS - PHL flight and I was upstairs watching deplaning, standing next to one of the DEA agents. They checked every flight with dogs downstairs on the bag carousel, before they hit the public baggage area. The dogs walked over and basically sniffed every bag. Without fail, one bag at least, would be caught. All pre ganga being legal in USA. So I'm standing there, me, DEA, watching, and dude strolls by, tight shirt, with 2 joints in his t-shirt pocket ???? Too obvious, too funny. We just looked at each other and shook our heads. Yes, people really are that stupid.
  20. Y'all ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till they rule on W.V. vs EPA ... ???? If they rule for WV, extremely possible, probable, then the 'alphabet' agencies will no longer be setting policy, and the Congress folks might have to show up and actually do some work. https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/cert/20-1530 That ruling actually will affect most citizens. Agencies no long making up and dictating policies on people and business. Congress will need to show up, actually work, and pass laws. ... Reaffirming 2nd Amendment ... a big nothing ... Freedom of expression ... another big nothing ... Letting states decide about abortion ... strict states, simply stricter, maybe ban w/exceptions. Less strict states, a big nothing for them, no changes, just more business.
  21. If not wanting to go to the hospital to Q up, look for these signs. Ask if they can write a script for meds that you want first. Some can, some can't ...
  22. You may want to read that back to yourself. Would an honest person, pay to get a job ? Also, if so called nepo. job, doesn't say much about the family or friend doing the hiring. I'll add you to the ever growing list it seems of posters with extreme reading comprehension difficulty.
  23. I would think you lose every time you exchange any currency, so just once, and if UK like USA, the better rate is to be had in TH.
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