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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. It is not a problem per se. But it is certainly legitimate to question her impartiality on this topic just as I would question any Palestinians opinions on this topic.
  2. You don't have to believe Piers at all. His show is providing a platform for people representing both sides of the conflict. Most of his guests have had worthwhile things to say, some I agree with some I don't. Ultimately, I am better informed for watching his interviews. Of course my opinion is not agreeable to everyone, most opinions aren't. Piers has had representatives from both sides and has been reasonably fair to both sides. It hasn't been Fox News or MSNBC nonsense. Australian troops tortured and murdered innocent Afghani's - I wouldn't be surprised if the British did the same.
  3. Palestinians are indigenous to the land, this is not disputed. The Jewish people would remain in the Middle East in their half of the partitioned land. Do you not think that there should be a two state solution based on the 1967 green line? I have an old Jewish friend married to a Chinese lady who thinks the Jews should all move to Madagascar - 🤷‍♂️
  4. Piers has been the best interviewer on this conflict to date. My opinion, he has shown a slight favouritism to the Israeli side but has certainly given plenty of Palestinian voices screen time.
  5. Your lawyer's father was born in Tel Aviv and she is the legal director of UK Lawyers for Israel. May as well be asking a member of Hamas whether or not Hamas has committed any crimes.
  6. Instead of using your special powers to determine what I have read or not read why don't you instead tell us all next weeks lottery numbers. Start using your special powers for good.
  7. What's funny is that you think that you have any idea about whether I've read the links or not. You don't know me. You have never met me. You know absolutely nothing about me. Yet somehow, you think you know what I have or have not read on the internet. This is truly bizarre. It's crazy talk. I guess it explains your posting though. Clearly the facts and the truth mean absolutely nothing to you. Just make up whatever you want and then pretend you've won. Interesting approach. Good luck to you bro. I hope things work out.
  8. One lawyer? If this particular lawyer's opinion was at odds with yours would you still unquestionable agree with him? Why is Israel not a signatory to the International Criminal Court?
  9. I was actually lowering the bar for you by saying to forget yesterday. Don't forget yesterday. From yesterday until the time your buddy posted a link are you claiming that there were less than two articles written on the subject of the Israelis showing journalists a 40 minute video of Hamas atrocities? Her's a hint to help you out: 1. (16 hours ago) https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-shows-foreign-press-raw-hamas-bodycam-videos-of-murder-torture-decapitation/ 2. (14 hours ago) https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/israel-shows-raw-footage-hamas-162925865.html 3. (14 hours ago) https://themessenger.com/news/new-gopro-footage-hamas-terrorists-israel-gaza-victim-beheading-shovel-screaming-children-executions Why do you post untruths? Why?
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_war_crimes_against_Israel
  11. Hamas and Israel will never agree. It would have to be enforced from an external party. Without unconditional US backing Israel would not last long, so the US could certainly bring about a two state solution. Bibi Netanyahu has been one of Hamas's greatest supporters for years - he has publicly said the best way to thwart a Palestinian state is to support Hamas.
  12. Forget yesterday - how many news organisations do you think have reported on this story today? This is a typical example of what has destroyed this thread. You are interested only in trying to score points against anyone who doesn't agree with you to the point of completely wandering off the reservation and leaving reality way back in the rear view mirror. Are you claiming that there was less than two articles on this subject matter available prior to your buddy posting his link?
  13. 1967 Green Line. (with agreed land swaps)
  14. I've read multiple articles on this well before you posted a link. What is there to comment? Terrorism is terrorism. It is abhorrent and barbaric, the very purpose of it is to create and spread fear. Hamas have achieved their aim. They will do it again in the future if Israel maintains the status quo in the occupied territories. Let's not forget many the 5000 dead Palestinians also died in terrible pain and agony. I am sure the leaders of Hamas are just as eager as the Israeli leaders are to show off their dead to garner sympathy or excuse their own crimes. How to prevent it from happening again is the pressing question. Keeping Palestinians caged in oppressive inhumane conditions hasn't stopped it. Periodically murdering thousands of Palestinians hasn't stopped it. Perhaps it's time to give back the land?
  15. Terrorists committed acts of terror. I am not surprised by this. Give it another 3 - 5 years after this war ends and it will happen again. What I am avoiding is this thread - it has descended to unimaginable depths of inanity. Anyone that was posting worthwhile commentary has long departed - no doubt tired of the incessant nonsense. Are you interested in the Palestinian mothers weeping for their children who continue to be murdered day after day?
  16. What exactly do you think you and your three buddies are achieving here? You constantly ignore facts and misrepresent other peoples posts and then pat each other on the back as if your efforts have contributed something of value - they haven't. Not one of you have contributed anything to this thread that is of value to the reader looking to learn more about this topic On which page is there a single post of mine that even hints at what you are claiming here? List the page number or directly quote my post. Of course you can't because as usual you and your mates care nothing for facts. Why do you waste your time posting lies like this? Are pats on the back by three anonymous like minded keyboard warriors something you think actually have enough value to impel you to denigrate your own integrity? I consistently stated that no one can draw any definite conclusion to who bombed the hospital and whether it was an accident or deliberate until more evidence was provided by a reputable source (2 posts on page 111, 1 post on page 108 and 2 posts on page 107). Access to posting histories are meaningless if the person researching them is only interested in misrepresenting and falsifying what others have written. Hasn't there been enough death? Over 2000 dead Palestinian kids to date. Yet the keyboard warriors call for more. Israel is not going to eliminate Hamas. The leaders of Hamas are not in Gaza. The financiers of Hamas are not in Gaza. And just like a Hydra, every Palestinian that the Israeli kills creates 10 more Hamas foot soldiers tomorrow. Israel is not going to eliminate Hamas. Of course I make mistakes, just not as many as you and your three buddies and yes, if the facts show that my opinion is most likely wrong, I change my opinion. More importantly though, is that I tend not to speak in absolutes and that I am never in a rush to pass judgement on any information provided without sufficient supporting evidence - you should give it a try. Not so much pro-Palestine as pro peace. And no, rational people not blinded by bigotry and prejudice reserved judgement on this issue until further credible evidence was supplied. Same goes for the "40 beheaded babies" story. Both Israel and Hamas have full time media divisions operating purely to promote their version of events - both sides are equally uncaring about accuracy. Displaying patience and avoiding leaping to conclusions is exactly the content of my posts. Why do you continue to type lie after lie after lie when commenting on other peoples posts? Do you genuinely have comprehension issues or are you being deliberately dishonest? Is there nothing you won't stoop to to try and win a pat on the back from your three buddies? Excerpts from my previous posts: Updated information..... or manufactured misinformation. Neither you nor I can know for sure the level of truthfulness of what either side says. The New York Times, with all the resources available to them, have yet to get to the bottom of the mass murder at the Gaza hospital - perhaps it is a bit early for internet keyboard warriors to be spouting off, eh? I have been very clear that there is not, at the moment, enough evidence for either side to definitively prove that the other side is the guilty party and therefore, anyone who values the truth and facts over partisanship and point scoring would acknowledge this reality and reserve their opinion until sufficient reputable evidence is provided. Do you care at all about being truthful? It certainly appears not. And so I ask again, what exactly do you think you and your three buddies are achieving here?
  17. This is exactly the reason why the established press, with reputations to protect, should be believed to a much greater extent than prejudiced "internet experts". When organisations such as the NYT get something wrong, they retract and apologise whereas biased keyboard warriors never do likewise. Any intelligent and rational person will have the awareness to not accept at face value the attempts by both sides in this conflict to either demonise their opponent or downplay their own criminality. Just because one wants something to be true as it benefits their side, does not make it true. Be patient, don't leap to conclusions and wait for verifiable proof from reputable sources. Most importantly of course, is to not forget to change one's opinion when the evidence shows that one is wrong.
  18. You’re wrong here. This war will end when international opinion reaches a tipping point against Israel’s uncivilised slaughter of civilians. When the last bomb has been dropped on the last hospital - Hamas will still exist (and probably be even stronger than it was before October 7th). Just think, all those dead Palestinian babies - for nothing.
  19. What do you know of the demographics and geography of Gaza?
  20. There’s the ever present comprehension issue again. Why do you continue to get even the simple stuff completely wrong and then post outright falsehoods? ”No evidence on both sides” I never said this. You have just made this up and it is wrong. Post after post you are distorting what others have said because your arguments are factually weak. I said “there is currently insufficient evidence from either side to definitively reach a conclusion”. Do you understand that what you have posted is false? Do you actually believe that every random internet forum poster is an expert in missile or bomb crater analytics? You and I are both not qualified to pass judgement on the validity of evidence being supplied by either side. What are your qualifications in this field? My initial comments were regarding the fact that whether Israel did it or not, whether it was deliberate or accidental or whether it ever even occurred the fact that many of the worlds major news agencies believed it was a credible accusation to be made against Israel given what they have already done and continue to do to the Palestinians clearly blows apart whatever claim Israel had to bring the civilised side.
  21. Politicians? Politicians are your more reliable sources? 🤣🤣🤣
  22. Absolutely Hamas can reduce the number of Israeli lives lost by releasing hostages. They should do it without delay. How many dead Palestinians will it take for you to agree that Israel should stop the slaughter of Palestinian civilians?
  23. It is very simple. If they resort to unfounded accusations of antisemitism or start ranting about “go and start your own thread” it means that you have won the debate. Judging by the number of posts where they have done one or the other, it is quite the losing steak they are on.
  24. You've got to be joking. In a 2004 article for the Political Research Associates, Jean Hardisty and Elizabeth Furdon call NGO Monitor a "conservative NGO watchdog group ... which focuses on perceived threats to Israeli interests", adding that "the ideological slant of NGO Monitor's work is unabashedly pro-Israeli. You think a pro Israeli organisation is producing factual, fair and balanced analysis of other organisations that are critical of Israel? This is as silly as accepting Hamas's claim that their October 7th terrorist attack was justified. 🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely stupefying post.
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