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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. The fact that The New York Times would run such a story is conclusive evidence that it is plausible that Israel either deliberately or accidentally bombed the hospital. Whether they actually did or not will come to light eventually, in the meantime the IDF's claims of moral superiority are clearly and irrefutably debunked - they too are baby killers.
  2. Yes, Al Jazeera! https://adfontesmedia.com/al-jazeera-bias-and-reliability/
  3. Did the New York Times retract their mistake and offer an apology? You have once again, unsurprisingly, either completely failed to comprehend simple English or you have deliberately misrepresented what I have stated. I have been very clear that there is not, at the moment, enough evidence for either side to definitively prove that the other side is the guilty party and therefore, anyone who values the truth and facts over partisanship and point scoring would acknowledge this reality and reserve their opinion until sufficient reputable evidence is provided. Please provided proof that I have stated that I am sure the hospital has been bombed or withdraw your false claims and apologise.
  4. Quite the opposite, it is you one-sided truth deniers who constantly post about "start your own thread" and "off topic" to avoid facts that you cannot refute. If the arguments that you are making are sound, if the positions you are taking are supported by evidence then there is no need to obfuscate and avoid any area of discussion related to the Middle East conflict. Yet you constantly do it and I understand why...., it is very hard to debate when you are at odds with the facts.
  5. Zero. Look at that, no need for honest people to avoid answering simple questions.
  6. And again you have avoided answering a simple question. And I thought the side you’re supporting was supposed to be the civilised side.
  7. If the New York Times has yet to obtain sufficient evidence to reach a definitive conclusion either way, what on earth makes you think you know enough to have reached a definitive conclusion?
  8. But it is not Abby communicating anything, it is Israeli’s doing the talking - why would you be too scared to hear what the “morally superior” Israeli’s have to say about the “subhuman” Palestinians?
  9. Watch a few of Abby Martin's Youtube videos with random Israeli's speaking candidly. They are interviews of Israeli's speaking their minds - uncensored. The fact is there is terrible people on both sides. I have no need to deflect anything for I am rational and sane enough to be able to judge both sides as being terrorists and being guilty of crimes against humanity...., those wishing to portray either side as being morally superior to the other though, these are the people in dire need of deflections - deflections away from the truth.
  10. No - I am judging the morals of the IDF based on the that the possibility of them committing such an atrocity is entirely plausible (likely?) to a great, great many people. The IDF is in the same gutter Hamas. IDF and Hamas are exchangeable terms when discussing the depths of human depravity. The only real difference is the IDF's kill count is always higher
  11. Hmmm. No evidence? Disproved? Propaganda? The New York Times, with all the resources available to them, have yet to get to the bottom of the mass murder at the Gaza hospital - perhaps it is a bit early for internet keyboard warriors to be spouting off, eh? The competing claims have not been independently verified. The New York Times is working to assess the various accounts through an analysis of photos, video footage and other evidence, as well as on-the-ground interviews. - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/18/world/middleeast/gaza-hospital-israel-hamas-explained.html
  12. No, the subject matter of the topic began long, long ago. As much as it might suit you to dishonestly state otherwise. The fact is, Hamas did not exist in a vacuum prior to October 7th.
  13. There are plenty of people around the world who believe Hamas is not a terrorist organisation as you seem to believe the IDF is not a terrorist organisation - both they and you are wrong. Not to the dead does it matter, for they are dead now and forever. Same same is the exact description of the morals of the IDF and Hamas.
  14. Updated information..... or manufactured misinformation. Neither you nor I can know for sure the level of truthfulness of what either side says. The very fact that it is a plausible possibility that Israel bombed the hospital and added another 500 innocent victims to their already in the many thousands kill count - tells every rational person all that they need to know about the morals of the IDF.
  15. Yes there is and there is a growing number of notable individuals starting to speak out about the awful Israeli occupation and oppression of Palestinians. History did not start on October 7th.
  16. And there is plenty of Israeli's attending demonstrations calling for completing the Nakba. There are equally despicable extremists on both sides.
  17. You will have to be a bit more specific, by terrorists do you mean Hamas or the IDF as both are clearly terrorist organisations. As far as who bombed the hospital....does it matter? The fact is that it is entirely plausible that either side committed this atrocity either deliberately or accidentally. Anyone proclaiming the moral superiority of either side is 100% wrong - they are both, the IDF and Hamas, in the gutters of inhumanity.
  18. How responsible is Netanyahu for recent events? "Indeed, Netanyahu himself had effectively admitted as much a couple of months before Distel Atbaryan made her comments, when he declared in a Likud meeting that “anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support strengthening Hamas." https://responsiblestatecraft.org/benjamin-netanyahu-israel/#:~:text=Indeed%2C Netanyahu himself had effectively,needs to support strengthening Hamas. "The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from" https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-11/ty-article/.premium/netanyahu-needed-a-strong-hamas/0000018b-1e9f-d47b-a7fb-bfdfd8f30000
  19. Is this the standard from which you draw your morals. Terrorists? What is the point you are trying to make, as long as Israel's crimes are not quite as bad as those of Hamas then that's perfectly acceptable? Are you supporting the notion that two wrongs make a right?
  20. Yep, keep that noggin of yours buried deep in the sand and keep up with the unfounded “Jew hater” and “antisemitism” accusations - that’s all you’ve got, ignorance and lies.
  21. Real Americans couldn’t find Israel on a map. If the Utahan was trans, half of American would be cheering on Hamas.
  22. Well of course they will prevail, the mismatch between them and the Palestinians is enormous. Slaughtering fish in a barrel is nothing to be proud of.
  23. Text book definition of racism from you here. Anyone making a similar sort of comment about Israeli’s would be met with howls of antisemite from the likes of you. Hypocrite.
  24. It’s a joke. Why did anyone believe it in the first place is a very important question though, isn’t it?
  25. It was a historical crime that consisted of genocide and land theft. Can you think of a current situation that is a crime consisting of genocide and land theft?
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