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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Everyone I know has an iPhone, so FaceTime is it. Microsoft Meetings is another option, still using it for conference calls
  2. Essentially both. The left is in complete disarray and are smoldering in a self imposed heap of rubble and instead of going into recovery and seek mental and emotional help, they come here and try to make sense of their state of confusion by banging their heads into mush. The read is a real eyesore that makes for a good chuckle.
  3. Good grief, not another leftist low IQ thread …
  4. Because you have been conditioned into delusion by the media. Stop watching/reading that garbage and you’ll feel better once your head clears up.
  5. From an alternate universe… Swalwell is an abject corrupt leftist idiot with no credibility. Zelenskyy proved himself an incapable failure whose in way over his head, a total amateur hour clown show he put on.
  6. In many states it’s required to be registered to an affiliate party to vote in the primaries. During the the national election anyone can vote for whoever they choose. Personally never registered to any political party, so wasn’t able to vote during the primaries. Though that wouldn’t have made any difference because the state I’m from is run by the criminal left.
  7. The left does the exact opposite of whatever the right does even if it’s self destructive. For the left being progressive actually means to be digressive. Their sole purpose is to oppose as they sink further into their filthy state of demoralization.
  8. It’s a place to stop for fuel is all it’s good for anymore
  9. What’s your problem and why are you incapable of selecting produce yourself. Well deserved response. Go find a place for helpless needy people
  10. Most are going to be about ~1000฿ a day. Try Ann’s or Bizcar cnx.
  11. Not near the top ten…5! There is no top ten, it’s not even distinguishable. Pick your preferred ten, that’s all there is. And there are those who were/are some of the best.
  12. Boston wasn’t anything more than an average loud rock band that used reverbs and distortions layered over simple riffs. Neither was Rush, even worse and intolerable redundant simple riffs was never interesting lacking progressive detailed creativity. The Cars offered up something completely different, though not my cup of tea, definitely creative and progressive in various aspects.
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