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Everything posted by Tazmo

  1. Archers, down the road from Zoe’s in Yellow, an English Guy who also runs The Moat House; Next to the Moat( they also do a vegan breakfast). OMG opposite Rasta by the Iron bridge ( during cricket tournaments, most of the cricket teams use it), highly rated! also they do the best cod and chips ; O.Malleys Irish Pub in Anusarn market; The Score Sports Bar, across from the UN Irish; Crustys down the road from the holiday Inn. These are also places where you would get a roast turkey dinner at Christmas! UN Irish and Butter is Better have their own bakery with a wide choices of bread and fresh! Happy noshing!
  2. In England they say sex is like snow! You don’t know how much you’re getting and for how long 555
  3. Depends on where you live? I use a local Clinic and the Doctor does not charge ( unless you go for a Consultation). Clinics tend to be in the Evenings, as the Doctors work during the day and the Clinic is usually at the ground floor of their home ( my area is semi rural). You will most likely need either a Thai Partner or a Translator. let the translator do all the talking. But provide her/ him with your list of medication names; dosage and frequency. Maybe you can google clinics near to your location? Should’nt be a problem. Good luck
  4. https://aseannow.com/profile/11421-neeranam/ I had a few years of poor sleep and tried all that has been mentioned in this forum. So I decided to see a Specialist who prescribed tramazone 50 mgs at bedtime and if required 1 mg Lorazepam. I tried the tramazone on its own and it didn’t help. So I started adding the lorazepam and it has worked. Tramazone apparently can take up to a week or more to work! I have a follow up appointment in 4 weeks time and by then I will decide whether to continue or not. It was a 900B fees altogether for Medical, hospital and medication. But IMO it has been well worth it.
  5. No hatred in my blood, I think, Retired to enjoy life and remain open minded, but 5 observations and maybe more : 1. Ex Pats who brought their racism here from the West, when I thought I escaped it from leaving a Western Country. Yes, it’s common in all races but the degree varies. 2. Ex pats with more money than social skills and would never have a Western relationship with a woman. 3. Old Ex Pats with money who come here for young boys. 4. Ex Pats Clubs with Racists, totally unaware of their racism and are quick to say “ I am not racist, I have a Thai wife”, but living like their British Colonial ancestors. 5. Addicts, Sex, drugs, alcohol, Ex pats again who find a haven here, yet their fellow compatriots never acknowledge this but moan about Thais way of life (“ moaning minnies “, ‘ whingeing Poms”).. social skills
  6. I have checked your records and I can confirm that the Life Certificate has been received, and it was processed by our offices on 18 July 2023. Pension payments were reinstated and issued at this time and no further action is required. Please note, payments can take up to 5 working days to clear into your account. ( this was after my phone call on the 18 July……last payment was in March!)
  7. Correct reply that Widows Pension has been phased out. It is now known as “ Bereavement Pension “ with a different set of criteria. I am yet to read it all.
  8. PaoloR you need to repeat as before and send with a tracking post. Then it seems like they genuinely believe you’re alive when you phone and speak to them. They will ask you to hold for a minute while they check if your Certs have been received. Once you told them that you have tracked it. They will confirm same and then They will ask a few questions for identification purposes. Then politely inform you that your pension suspension has been lifted as of “today “ and you will receive your backdated and future pension as before. This will be confirmed by an email the same day.
  9. I would just like to update on this topic which was covered before. I was in the same situation as a few others. Not having received a Life Cert by post, so surprised when I didn’t receive my pension as usual. My email was answered and a LC sent which I completed and returned by registered post with a tracking code. I found out it was delivered but still no pension 3 months later. So as I am in the UK I rang and all was acknowledged and the suspension lifted and was told I would receive it the next day. Followed up by an email, confirming the lift of the suspension but stating it could tayup to 5 days! But I am satisfied. I also confirmed that my pension rate will be adjusted to the local rate whilst I am in the UK, providing I write with supporting documents ( air tickets), which I have done. One question I have is about Widows pension. Would my Thai Partner/ wife be entitled to this or does it not apply nor exist? I could only find “War Widow’s Pension “ on their website!!
  10. Depression needs a thorough assessment of several aspects of your life events, background,upbringing, relationships, drug use and its effects etc etc, done by a professional. During the interview which can be over 2-3 sessions, you might yourself stumble upon the causitve factor eg you may link it to an earlier bereavement a year or so ago for which you hadn’t grieved and now the anniversary has stirred up guilt feelings etc. Or the Therapist might identify the causitive factor and agree a plan with you to tackle it. on the other hand it may not be related to life events, but chemical imbalances which can be rectified by antidepressants and or tranquilizers. Has to be monitored closely. Side effects could be an issue but you have to balance that against the benefits you’re getting. Others have been benefitted from psychotherapy but you have to be suitable for this form of therapy. Incidents of suicide have been documented during this therapy (/ easy to break up the gig saw but difficult to reassemble again, sometimes there’s too much focus on early developments and with an unhappy childhood that can leave a client hopeless upon reflection. Counselling, dealing with the ‘ here and now’ has been often the most effective and is evidence based. Group therapy has also been helpful for suitable clients. Alternative therapy, mindfulness, yoga, meditation has helped many. Apart from reactive depression, there’s also endogenous depression. Occurring from within, for no unknown reason. Hard to treat and sometimes psychotic features may be present. In the past Electric Convulsive Treatment has been used successfully, as a life saving measure. It requires informed intervention consent from a relative/ friend/ advocate. Has been used successfully with the Elderly, but can leave short term amnesia. The new trend has been post traumatic syndrome therapy. First started with the Military, many who saw colleagues killed and ended up with huge guilt feelings. Started heavy alcohol abuse. They found a new form of therapy that treats the basal section of the brain which is affected by trauma unlike the frontal lobe for other types of depression. Some of the therapy if Freudian based and there is the danger of clients remaining a “ victim” for the rest of their life! There’s a lot of good advice give in this forum, and I have just added an overview of treatments and the importance of early and accurate diagnosis. Even go for a second or third opinion.
  11. From your experience and the way you managed has worked well for you and I have no doubt that you worked hard to achieve the results you got. But by addiction I am referring to the over indulgence/ excessive use to a point where the individual is unable to function or recognize there is a problem until he/ she hits rock bottom. You really need to see it to understand or believe. I am not going to try to convince or argue with you. Some are able to deal with it while others struggle big time.
  12. Addiction is a disease and you won’t recognize it unless you worked in the field or had someone close to you who suffered or died! Use, abuse and misuse of substances including alcohol is as old as the hills. Many people indulge without any harm. It doesn’t mean to say that another person can do the same without harmful effects. I have known people who smoked all their life and never had lung cancer or drank alcohol all their life but never had cirrhosis. Sadly they are in a minority. Several factors contribute to becoming addicted to not only alcohol and substances but internet ; sex; love ; food . The addictive behavior takes over and controls your life, you become a ‘Slave’ to it! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you doubting Thomases! lol
  13. There’s a lot of good advice given here. As a previous sufferer I would echo most of the advice from those experienced advisors! If your reflux is a symptom then you need to have it diagnosed. Just like headaches, a symptom, but there are 100 causes! So if you know the causative factor then you can get the appropriate treatment. if you only want to treat the symptom then you got all the necessary information. I used gaviscon and tried different beers, nothing worked so I quit alcohol and only have Heineken 0% whenever I fancy it. Some Foods also bothered me, some breads, pizzas, meat etc. So I went vegetarian. No further problems. My last meal is early evening, 5ish. Now after spicy food I might have some plant based milk. Different things will work for different people, depends on your values and beliefs to some extent. Old habits are hard to break but I decided that I didn’t want to be a slave to alcohol! And I think of how better I feel without it. That’s after several decades of loving it, 50+. Cheers!
  14. Good to look for alternatives rather than animal and poultry farming which is adding to the Global Warming! plus murdering animals who have a right to live like us, while we pretend to love dogs, cats etc. We stopped hunting, time to stop farming. Compensate them and go organic and plant based! Better for our health too and future generations!
  15. Quite interesting and helpful to read what others have experienced. Also comforting to know that I am not the only one in this situation. I also received no pension since April. Not received any LC by post from DWP. Contacted them by mail and was sent an electronic LC form which I completed and posted via EMS and tracked it that it was delivered within 7 days. But still nothing up to now! Emailed them again, no response! Going to the UK on Thursday, will follow up there. What a terrible system, feels like you’re begging!
  16. My sons didn’t seem to bother. I think they knew I wasn’t reckless or thoughtless.
  17. From my experience as a Head Nurse for an Endoscopy Unit ( doing colonoscopy) and an Operating Theatre. I would just share my experiences on the topics. Propfol is dangerous only if not used under supervision and with the correct equipment available, so in an Operating Theatre is is considered safe and I worked where it was the drug of choice, particularly for short procedures eg day cases/ day surgery because it effect was immediate and recovery fast without a hangover, but not remembering anything, some even asked if the procedure was completed. ( I believe this was used and referred to as “ the rape drug”, and also I believe it was the drug prescribed for Michael Jackson for his insomnia, he could go off to sleep quickly and wake up to do his work. That’s what I have read. But his Doctor was prosecuted because it was prescribed without the necessary equipment available!). In the Unit for colonoscopy we never referred to anaesthetic but said it was done ‘ under sedation’ and only used pethidine 2mgs and 2 mgs of I think midazolam? Most anesthesiologists give an emetic pre operatively, as it cannot be trusted that the patient would have fasted and there is a danger of fluids etc getting into the lungs. In fact it was a standard pre op medication back in the UK. I know because I had to order drugs to restock our cabinet! vomiting post surgery is not unheard of, but a rarity. In years gone by, preparation of a post operative bed for someone returning from surgery, always had a vomit bowl. Up to 10-12 years ago this was not the case. Logically if the stomach is empty then there is nothing to vomit. But some patients do feel nauseous. But I have never heard of an allergy that causes vomiting, but having said that I would not doubt it. I know of warm and hot feelings during the administration of a drug. Also some had become aggressive and violent with the sedative having a paradoxical effect. The ones that I saw vomited had either eaten before the procedure or ate too early after. With Cardiac problems an experienced anesthesiologist would administer a spinal anesthesia. But not all anesthesiologists are trained for this. It’s very effective and does not compromise your heart or brain functioning. There should be a pre assessment before any surgery ( except emergency) and you should get the opportunity to see and discuss your condition, concerns, preferences etc with a anesthesiologist. Personally I would not accept surgery if I didn’t have this opportunity. Often it’s the anesthesia that kills people not the surgery. Where I worked in the Middle East they performed gastric banding for obesity. A patient died because of the anaesthetic and they stopped the procedure altogether!
  18. It’s been nice to do things that you haven’t been able to do when working and do more of the things that you liked doing but not had enough time. So plenty of cricket, tournaments, traveling, spending longer periods away. learning to cook new dishes, international cuisine, started to look after my health and became more health conscious. Get to know myself better, studying yogic science; yoga; meditation; spirituality. The markets around Thailand as much as I can and supermarkets, looking for new products or ones not available in Thailand eg bought loads of fennel tea from Canada! Caribbean curry powder and spices from the UK. Veganism and vegetarian. Eating out almost daily, restaurants, cafes by the river; waterfalls; rice fields; lakes and of course beaches! Sounds a lot but I am contented with doing as much as possible or as little as possible. Meditation rules out boredom. By that I don’t mean sitting for hours meditating, far from it, just being contented and not restless. Everyone to their own. I enjoyed reading others activities, very interesting indeed!
  19. Bad news for the environment and climate change. Cattle farming and it’s increase on carbon emissions have been well documented by environmentalists.Also add The tons of crops, soya etc it takes to feed the animals when there is still starvation in parts of the world! Wow! Instead Governments are only focusing on fossil fuels reduction! India is said to be one of the biggest beef exporters now, I heard at a recent Conference! At this rate by 2050 we are doomed, the predictions are already bleak and politicians only want big companies to flourish and the “ economy “ lol, I might not be here but children might be and grandchildren certainly will.
  20. The outcome for me wasn’t good at first with my youngest daughter but great now. When my Thai gf became pregnant, her family put pressure upon her for pregnancy outside wedlock. So I decided to go with the flow and agreed with a ‘Thai blessing’, which they see as a marriage! I told my 5 children. The eldest two who are 5&6 years older than my partner were ok with it. But my youngest, in her 30’s, appeared to disapprove, her email stating that she didn’t understand me, blah blah blah. I replied saying I understood because when I went through some emotional trauma after separation from her mother, I never shared this with her, I felt it not to be her business but dealt with it myself. She didn’t reply but as fate had it my partner had a miscarriage. So I visited them all on holiday shortly after and was able to give an account of events and partner’s background etc Partner is a Teacher. They all seemed okay. Then on my next visit I took my partner and all was okay, they got on well, became friends on fb etc And then the youngest one came to Thailand ( her 3rd visit) with her bf and stayed with us. Alls well that ends well! I have never interfered nor disapproved of their relationships, regardless of age, race, color, sexual orientation. They have to live their own life. We all have our own karma plus inherited Karma, according to Yogic Science which is older than modern science!
  21. Ethnicity is important, it influences our diet, behavior, language etc. I learnt this in providing good health care services and traveling. When people are sick or emigrate they lean towards it. Why do most Farangs want bacon and eggs for breakfast, or Sunday roasts in Thailand, for example??
  22. Sorry I forgot to ask first, where are living. Why do people ask for help/ advice and never give their location?? Maybe I wasted my time if you’re not in CM, but good luck, follow the path I recommend or as the Thais say “ It’s up to you “!!
  23. You didn’t say where you’re living? If in CM I can suggest a Pharmacy if you pm me.
  24. If you have a mental health problem then it is likely to follow you wherever you go. So I would suggest that you seek professional help. You need an objective assessment then you may be offered counseling to help you see yourself out of the rut and reduce or stop your heavy alcohol intake. I would suggest two paths, either you go to the Psychiatric Hospital and ask to see a Psychiatrist. There are Males or Females, English Speaking. They may prescribe medication and follow you up to see if you are improving, and or he or she may refer you to a Psychologist for counseling. That is Suan Prung Hospital. You can ask for Dr Artitayaposn ( female who speaks English). I have known her for 3 years. She is very good. Or you can go to CM Ram Hospital and ask to see a Psychiatrist, you can ask for Dr Suttipan. He’s a Consultant Psychiatrist who is also very experienced in treating depression and or alcohol abuse. He also co-owns The Hills Rehab in Mae Rim. He also offers alternative medicine/ treatment after an assessment. I have worked with him for several years, he’s good. He also has access to counseling. Or you can contact another Rehab Service in Mae Rim and ask to see Lee. He is an English trained Head Psychologist experienced in assessments of mental health problems with alcohol or addictions. He works at the Cabin. I have also worked with him and he’s very good. Seriously consider professional help or you might regret it later in life. If you don’t need or want medication then let them know this.
  25. A few replies have hit the nail on the head. Gambling is an addiction and the hardest one to treat. At one time the highest suicide rates were of gamblers. They would not recognize that they have a problem, only money shortages! Its a disease, like diabetes etc and becomes manifest at Certain times of one’s life. Maybe genetic factors too. Gambling and addiction is as old as sex! Denial is a main characteristic and only when the person hits rock bottom they may seek help. I saw an Ex Military American pilot who served in the Vietnam war refused to give up alcohol, until he ended up in the ICU, unconscious and near death. Miraculously he recovered and took notice of the wake up call. He had residential treatment for his alcoholism. So it’s difficult for you to standby and watch her destroy her and others lives. In your situation I would contact and speak to Specialist Residential Addiction Services. Some would do home visits to intervene and will also give you the support and advice that you need. Remember cross addiction is also common where she can switch from one addiction to another. Scientists have identified in the brain of an addict that there is an imbalance of dopamine, so that they are unable to stop and their habit is compulsive. Try to understand that and seek professional help. That’s what I would do. There are hundreds of Such Services in Thailand. If she was a diabetic or had some other disease, you won’t give up on her, would you? So think of disease and get help.
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