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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. In general I would pay the agreed 1300. If he would have done something special, made my trip enjoyable, or whatever I would maybe tip him a bit. If he asks for a tip he surely wouldn't get one. Some waiting time is normal at the airport due to immigration, customs etc. should be no surprise to him. Him demanding 500 baht from me, which is of course a ripoff anyway, would make me feel so uncomfortable that I wouldn't want to spend 2 hours in a car with him. So I would just tell him that and wish him a nice day, then find another taxi. And same as above, if somebody asks for a tip I won't give one. Same in your last example with the waitress. If I haggle on a market depends on the type of market. There are markets where prices are basically fixed (usually having price tags), and there are markets (mostly for tourists, no price tags) where you have to negotiate to pay a reasonable price, so I act accordingly.
  2. Thanks for your answer, I will give it a try.
  3. In Germany I only know metal ones from really old buildings. I think today nobody uses metal anymore, it's always plastic. I just tried looking it up on Google, if searching in German I can't even find any metal ones, maybe they are not allowed anymore due to safety concerns or similar.
  4. They close it if it has been at zero for too long, so if you don't care about it never mind.
  5. Yes Thais are smaller and the manufacturers adapt their size scale to it. Not only helmets, but also clothes, shoes, etc. Thai products are usually a size smaller than "western" products. If a manufacturer is consistent that's no big deal, but especially with helmets they are often not consistent, for example Index has some models where a size L fits me, but size XXL of another model might be too small for me.
  6. According to the price list of my usual dentist: 500-800 baht for a regular extraction, in case of a complicated extraction not more than 1500.
  7. Looking to get PrEP in Bangkok. Which clinic can you recommend for it? Low cost? Short waiting times? Etc.
  8. The word "discretion" doesn't exist in the Thai immigration act, so it's only in your mind.
  9. Yes, only for those reasons, and they have to state the reason. The previous poster claimed that Immigration can deny anyone they choose and don't have to disclose the reason.
  10. Regarding entry: No, they can only deny people for the specific reasons listed in the immigration act, and they have to stamp the reason in the passport.
  11. Irrelevant what happens in other countries, in Thailand they can't (legally).
  12. In my experience Real helmets vary though, some seem like Thai size, some like Farang size, so you might have two Real helmets in size L, but one is bigger than the other. Same for Index helmets. Bilmola (another Thai brand) is more consistent with their sizing. In any case, always try a helmet on before buying to make sure it fits properly.
  13. Yes that's correct. If they ask to see the TM30 receipt, just show it to them? Or do you throw it away when leaving Thailand? If you threw it away you might have to submit a new one.
  14. Obviously approved by the Thai government, if the Thai government wouldn't like it they would just limit it, the same way visa exempt entries through land borders are limited.
  15. They most likely gave it to him, so that he can give it to his landlord to fill in. OP said already that he stays in a hotel, so he can't do the TM30 himself.
  16. Actually you need, because IOs may only deny somebody entry based on rules and laws. He is asking about entry into Thailand, so obviously he has been out of Thailand, not an indefinite stay in Thailand.
  17. That's form TM30. The hotel where you stay probably did a TM30 for you, but they usually do this online and don't use this paper form. Just ask the hotel for a printout of their online report and take it to immigration when you apply for your extension.
  18. Probably because the title of this topics is "new Samsung phone" and Samsung doesn't produce iphones.
  19. Sounds like he is staying in Thailand for tourism purposes, so a tourist visa seems appropriate.
  20. Thailand has rules in which case entry can be denied, there is now law which says that IOs are allowed to arbitrarily deny people.
  21. The minimum wage in Thailand is 350 baht per day, probably because this is considered to be "appropriate means of living" by the Thai government, I think everybody here can satisfy this requirement.
  22. There is no Thai immigration law which would allow them to arbitrarily deny entry.
  23. Why do you make up things? That's not what Thai immigration law says.
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