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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. There is no law which says you have to get a Thai driving license within 3 months, so nothing will happen.
  2. Only required if OP wants to do the transfer in Chonburi, afaik no other province requires this from the seller. In case of Chonburi a copy of her passport showing the exit stamp will work instead. OP also didn't say if the owner is a foreigner or Thai, if Thai then not required anyway. I have done quite a few transfers over the years in different provinces, this is definitely not the case. Have you guys ever done any ownership transfer here in Thailand? Super easy. Theoretically all you need is the bike, the green book and a picture/copy of the owner's ID card or passport. Anybody could then complete the transfer documents in the owner's name and the DLT would transfer it (if the bike isn't stolen), don't ask me how I know....
  3. She just needs to send you the signed paperwork, costs as much as a letter to Thailand costs. Don't know why somebody would get a lawyer involved and throw a lot of money out of the window.
  4. Post some detail pictures, especially of the joints.
  5. I don't exactly have a big sample size, because I usually don't go to this type of bar, but from my experience: Buying a drink for yourself basically gives you the right to sit in the bar. If a girl comes over and you want her to stay, or if you call a girl over, you are then supposed to buy her a drink. If she feels she isn't getting enough drinks for her time, then she might go somewhere else. If you aren't interested in any of the girls then that's no problem, they leave you alone.
  6. You can't import used vehicles.
  7. I went to extend my driving license today. No appointment required, I just walked in, took about 1 hour total. The only test I had to do was a color blindness test.
  8. Today on a domestic flight, I noticed that the announcement regarding masks had changed, it said: "We recommend to wear a mask at all times [...]". The cabin crew reminded passengers who took off their masks to put them back on. Upon specifically asking the cabin crew why the announcement says "recommended to wear", they told me that the announcement is wrong, and that it's still mandatory to wear a mask in the airplane. What has your experience been? Of course from after 24th June, since wearing a mask is no longer required by law, before this is irrelevant.
  9. You need it to get/extend a driving license, or register a vehicle in your name, unless you have another document (yellow house book / work permit / embassy letter) to prove your address.
  10. non-immigrant The letter with my certificate of residence arrived on 27th.
  11. It's not mandatory by law. Every business can of course decide who they let onto their premises. If Starbucks says you have to wear a green shirt if you want to enter, then that's their right.
  12. 1 the flight out is only required for visa exempt entries, so you don't need one at all 2 no, the 30 day extension is only possible for visa exempt or tourist visa entries
  13. An apartment isn't a condo, the apartment building can't be split up on proxies or family members. I doubt there are many apartments with less than 5 units, so the law should apply to nearly all of them. They just don't give a ....
  14. Legally IOs have nearly no discretionary powers. Practically they do of course have powers, because the chance for them to get prosecuted for breaking the law is quite low. There is no appeal process for this. But if one IO refuses to give you the extension, and another IO gives it to you, you could file a police report for the first IO because he clearly failed to do his duties. If you had a witness with you the case is quite clear, evidence wise. If anything will come out of it is still not sure though, because police doesn't like to go after each other...
  15. I never used the evisa website to apply for a visa, but when I applied for tourist visas in the past (at embassies/consulates), an onward ticket was never asked for. There is also no requirement to have one when entering Thailand, this requirement only exists for visa exempt entry. Update: I just clicked through the evisa application, it doesn't ask for an onward ticket when applying for a SETV.
  16. Applying for a Covid extension isn't illegal, so he hasn't extended it to the maximum legally permissible time yet. Actually he has a right to apply for this extension, and if an IO denies this extension without any valid reason then the IO is acting illegal.
  17. 30k is only the preliminary compensation from the compulsory insurance. In total they will pay up to 80k baht, your friend just has to submit a claim. Your friend could sue the rider for any amount exceeding this.
  18. There is no requirement to have a flight out of Thailand if entering with a tourist visa.
  19. You can't check the contents of the parcel before you pay, but cool story bro.
  20. Yes, there is a reason for "disney+ hotstar" being considerably cheaper than "disney+" or other streaming services.
  21. You only get those if you bought the 2 million baht membership, so you paid one million baht extra for these perks.
  22. With the elite visa he also has to apply for an extension every year.
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