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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Why not just re-map the two keys to ones you do not use like ] [ ?
  2. How many time do we have to see the same joke being repeated within days of each other. My repeating this makes 4 appearances on this page alone, never mind the previous entries over the last few days!
  3. Just be aware that if paying at least £100 by UK credit card and you book directly with the airline you are covered under "section 75" of the Consumer Credit Act(CCA) if you have a dispute with the airline. If you use your credit card to book via a 3rd party you are not covered against any action/inaction by the Airline. I suggest you use the flight comparison sites to narrow down your search of preferred flight(s) then book direct with the airline!
  4. Or which of the 57 varieties it might be? Heinz-site might help in identifying the sauce of that first variety.
  5. They could unfortunately stage another riot or so!
  6. Only provided you have already done regular back ups to the cloud before it is lost/stolen!
  7. I do not care how you dress up your salad but that was not really a rare mi-steak now was it or are you just cooking up a mistake to serve to us?
  8. There have been enough problems over the years after the "Techies" do routine updates on this website and more than enough day to day glitches! Please do not ask for any unwanted/unnecessary changes!
  9. An article aimed at returning and first time visitors with lots of place names but NO accompanying map!
  10. Why is that the best thing? Do you really want WW111?
  11. The fact they were members of NATO has NOTHING to do with it. They were acting independently of NATO, They could have been members of a bridge club for that matter!
  12. It was not just the "the American proficiency" which achieved the successful outcome of the "Berlin Airlift" it was; The Western Allies organised the Berlin Airlift from 26 June 1948 to 30 September 1949 to carry supplies to the people of West Berlin. American and British air forces flew over Berlin more than 250,000 times,
  13. They were acting as individual Countries in support of action in Iraq. They were NOT acting as NATO, No correlation!
  14. I do not want to "wind you up" but I suspect the watches may be automatics!
  15. I suggest he don't step on any "major" watch wearer's or his time will certainly be up.! ⏰
  16. Why do people provide links that need to either be paid for or signed into? Please just post the relevant info or a precis!
  17. I am sorry but as I do not know who you are can you please send me a letter with those comments enclosed and ensure it has your full contact details on the outside. My address is; C/O the First Scammer's address you can think of! Thank you! PS; Please include your bank details and passport photos which will help me in responding! ????
  18. The point is that the "Trump supporters" do not have a fully functioning mind! The are just zombies following his cult movement!
  19. I think you speak with "forked tongue" same same Mr Trump!????
  20. That is their problem and if they can't identify themselves in the context of their communication inside the envelope what chance will they have in putting sufficient info for their "problem" on the outside. Also if you worked in a in a "mail room in a large company" (as you say) the majority of letters would have been sorted and opened mechanically! A return address would be pointless. If however the mail was opened manually in a "small company" without a "mail room" it would be slightly different!
  21. Duh! Since you are sending it why not put that info inside and keep it private rather than let everyone who handles the letter see it?
  22. Only in the "colouring in" section!
  23. Then why imply that it was "compulsory" with your comment that it has "been standard form pretty much everywhere, forever." Obviously you may wish to do so as your "standard practice", why I have no idea, but it has never been mine!
  24. Everywhere, forever? NOT true with regard to the UK and a few other countries I have posted letters from!
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