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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Use a thin paste of baking soda (NOT baking powder) and water and use a microfiber cloth to gently rub away at it. It takes a few days of 5 mins each but it does work.
  2. Or those to have to see it!
  3. I am sure you can Truss her!
  4. And that was also true before he became President!
  5. I wonder what other "avatars" "it" is using to spread identical cr@p as some others?
  6. Walking through a door in which country if he has "non UK address"?
  7. Saves on laundry/energy bills if you live alone!
  8. You would have had to have (even now) been 18 to get a tattoo legally in the UK. How long ago was this/before the recent "fad"?
  9. Three guys walk into a bar: an alcoholic, a priest, and a child molester... And that's just the first guy! I'm too embarrassed to talk about the other two!
  10. Where do child molesters go to university? Bring'em Young
  11. Trump probably assumes that originals fetch more than copies!
  12. Have sent a PM with links.
  13. Not much of an expert at 24,000 baht/month!
  14. With a right or a left hook? ???? Sorry! Let's stop the banter and get back seriously on a serious topic!
  15. Right on! ????
  16. I thought this forum was about the UK Head of Government, not the previous head of the USA! ???? PS; Maybe both!
  17. I searched for the search function but could not find it!
  18. I do hope they are not using the TAT crystal ball for their predictions!
  19. I agree! It means you miss her putting her hand in your trousers/pants pocket and playing with your "loose change"!
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