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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. If the signatories don't implement the agreement, what are non-signatories to make of that? Never implemented, never took deflect.
  2. Deflect, deflect, deflect! The Minsk agreements were a sham, never intended to be implemented, were simply killing time while Ukraine killed more Donbass ethnicans.
  3. If only Ukraine hadn't shelled the Donbass for eight years......... If only Ukraine had implemented the Minsk agreements. If only Germany and UK hadn't admitted the agreement was just a stalling tactic to get more war materials in place..... Gosh, if only.
  4. So true. If only they had signed that agreement in Minsk................
  5. Are you sure about that? Perhaps it's a warning to the Kiev nazi apartheid regime not to conduct their terror operations inside western Europe also.
  6. You're not helping your cause. "Sure, everyone knows they're corrupt, but only the fifth most corruptedest!" John Wayne Gacy may be a bad dude, but there are a couple even worse than him, so why not let him out on work release to perform as a clown at your kid's birf'day party?
  7. Would that include 5x deferment Biden, and 4x conscription dodger Zelensky? I can understand why they think it's safe to send kids into the trenches now. Even Hitler served honourably at the front.
  8. Not hardly. This is just another entry in the endless spewing of deranged rantings. Where exactly is the threat of losing "a lifetime of contributions" by auditing payments of benefits? The actual threat to your benefits is the system imploding sooner than expected due to corruption, fraud and abuse.
  9. So is the leadership in TelAviv, yet they're fine with ethnic cleansing and genocide. We whupped the Kaiser single-handed!
  10. Okay, fine..........most corrupt IN EUROPE. Heck, they'll even fire a prosecutor for a measly $Billion in loan guarantees, just need a BigGuy even more corrupt to make them an offer they can't refuse. I said, “Nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.” They said, “You have no authority. You’re not the president.” The president said—I said, “Call him.” I said, “I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.” I said, “You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours.” I looked at them and said, “I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.” Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.
  11. They're so corrupt they pay off the corruption judges.
  12. This would be good to know if true. But if true, that would allow an official to waive only the 2000 baht filing fee, not the underlying requirements for the extension, which are not detailed in the act. I've read the Act but can't find that statement in any form. What am I missing? Section 35 states: Each application of an alien for extension of temporary stay shall be made in the form and with payment of fees as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations. The alien may be permitted to stay in the Kingdom pending the decision. https://royalthaipolice.go.th/downloads/laws/laws_03_03-03.pdf
  13. Amazing, in't? And who did they give the job of running the most corrupt country and provoking Russia to?
  14. Exactly! You get it! Putin's Donbass niece preferred not to be raped, despite the promise of (ethnic) cleansing afterwards.
  15. No need to post any more until you was been, m'kay?
  16. Me? Do nothing? I've got money in the bank, baby. My visa extension is legal. I've filed my taxes this year, and last year, and the year before. And I got my three Sinopharm jabs. How 'bout you, Charlie Brown?
  17. Perfect logic by Don. Z shouldn't have raped the WWF champ's daughter. FAFO.
  18. I've flown with bike box(es) between China, Thailand, Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia on Asian budget airlines. Never, ever a problem. Even with box sizes. US is strict about that as well. Asian budget allows me to cobble together my own box large enough to hold the bike without removing wheels. Length limit was 2 meters, longest that could fit into the cargo bay. Also no problem separating into smaller boxes if I so desire. One airline sells 32KG luggage, which could be a single large carton, or 32 separate 1kg boxes.
  19. But he promised "not one inch to the west." Oh, wait. That was the side NOT agreement capable.
  20. I've heard from folks that fly US domestic, boarding agents will inform passengers that TSA goons don't permit any extras in the bike box. They'll find it when they open the box, pull everything out to inspect, and then damage it when the below average IQ stormtroopers try to force your carefully packed bike back into the carton. Square peg, round hole = bigger hammer.
  21. "We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing." Of that, I am.........certain.
  22. Putin held elections in Russia. Putin held elections in Donbass. Putin held elections in Crimea. Putin, I assume, thanks all the voters for voting. No need for Putin to thank me for stating the obvious. Putin, as a world leader, and president of a federal republic, would likely, and this is me assuming again,.....would likely hope the ukranians suffering under their nazi apartheid regime will be extended the same right, someday.
  23. Largest blind spot on any Thai vehicle is surprisingly small. Approximately the size of a cellphone screen. Amazing how it can conceal something as small as a child, or as large as a locomotive.
  24. The bike was in front of the truck as it was approaching the intersection. Driver simply not paying attention, likely on the phone watching his Korean soaps.
  25. Gotta have a rear-view mirror on a bike. I always check for traffic behind when coming to an intersection, looking for vehicles, especially 10-wheel trucks with trailer, turning left. Read too many stories about turning trucks drifing into the breakdown lane and squashing scooters. Always check the ditch and have a bail-out plan if something from the rear starts drifting too close.
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