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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Could someone recommend a simple replacement for Skype used ONLY for calling toll free numbers? Prefer something I can load onto the laptop, so I can research while talking, send emails, read the news while on hold, and have the cellphone free if an OTP is sent. Don't need to call cellphones or private numbers, don't need a static number, don't need to receive OTP's through the app. Oh, and don't want endless popup ads of course. Just wanna call toll-free numbers.
  2. No, I was responding (I think) to someone saying they could not download the program files in Thailand without a VPN. The mirror sites allow you to do that. You can download and install. Whether the programs/applications run without a VPN, or provide the services you need, or you are able to set up outside the US without a US SIM, I can not say. I did not download Google Voice, just found a resource. I did get the Navy FCU application from this site. The NFCU app was unavailable outside the US. Essential as their website is not accessible from Thailand for much of the time. The downloaded NFCU app from this site installs and runs fine.
  3. There are alternative sources for download. This one appears to be trustworthy, but you never know. I've used some downloads from here, not available locally, no problems to report. Latest update version of Google Voice was.........today. https://www.apkmirror.com/?post_type=app_release&searchtype=apk&bundles[]=apkm_bundles&bundles[]=apk_files&s=google+voice
  4. Damn straight! The dang rayciss CCP guys wouldn't even let the Uygher minority participate in the one-child policy, forcing them to have the right to have multiple children. It wasn't until 2017 that Han Chinese in Xinjiang were permitted a second child. And then they had the nerve to have set-asides and quotas to guarantee spots for minorities in hiring and education. Dass rayciss!
  5. What it's saying is that one small faction of that group has been funded by USAID, or three-letter agencies, to commit terrorist acts in China.
  6. If they'd dropped a nukular bomb on a city and incinerated 100,000 civilians, they'd get a medal and a memorial wing at the Smithsonian.
  7. If the form is asking for a tax number, it should be from your other tax jurisdiction(s).
  8. Not if your 800K is in another bank, then you can ignore Krung Thai, and they'll freeze/suspend soon, then eventually get around to closing your account. As for me, I'll be heading to Krung Thai next week to deposit yet another Thai income tax refund in the account I opened last September. I assume this SMS was sent out to all foreign customers, seeing as I filled out the gosh-darned paperwork when I opened the account.
  9. Looks like a fake shop. 20 pages of products but no sales. Loads of those showing up recently. After you search, check the "local" box in the left column under "shipped from".
  10. Authentic vintage sanitation, unlimited opportunities to study entomology any time of day, sometimes electricity, and neighbors with benefits.
  11. I wasn't aware the Afghan sheepherders dropped nukular bombs on civilians. Learn something new ever' day!
  12. You're confusing democratic voting in liberated regions with the nazi apartheid regime without elections.
  13. Lucky for them they weren't picked up and extraordinarily renditioned to Guantanamo for decades of water boardings and anal probing with broom handles with no trial. For freedom!
  14. Legitimate targets with no article 5 protection? Not a great plan.
  15. <insert confused emoji>
  16. You heard wrong. Russia has said many times Ukraine in the EU is fine. Ukraine in NATO is not. That has not changed. As to Euro "peacekeeping" forces, that won't happen. Camels have noses, and western governments are mostly agreement incapable. There won't be a Minsk-3. As to China mining in Russia, well, they're already there. If you mean in the new Russian territories, why not if they have the technology?
  17. Didn't the new Russian territories hold referendums and elections while being bombarded by the Kiev nazi apartheid regime? They managed to vote even while being ethnically cleansed.
  18. They even vetoed all UN resolutions giving the Cambodia seat to the new government for 14 years, preferring that the Khmer Rouge retain the voting rights in the General Assembly. For freedom!
  19. That makes no sense. If wee, tiny Ukraine was strong enough to hold back and weaken mighty Russia, then Russia was never a threat to NATO.
  20. Grenada, dammit! We whupped that platoon of retired cuban mall cops single-handed, by gum! I know this from personal second-hand experience. My GF at the time was rotated into and out of the "combat zone" afterwards, along with thousands of other brave soldaten, for a week to "earn" a campaign badge. Too bad she didn't break a nail filing paperwork, could'a earned a purple heart! as a result of American military involvement in Lebanon and Grenada, the various service branches have authorized the largest batch of medals and campaign ribbons since the Vietnam War https://www.nytimes.com/1983/12/05/us/grenada-and-lebanon-bring-a-rush-of-medals.html
  21. Never would have been "high-speed" rail for the airport connections. You might have 250kmh in the countryside, but once into inhabited areas, speeds drop to 80kmh.
  22. Why surprised? Unless they have a child graduating, not many retired foreigners or tourists will be attending a community college graduation. Look for them where they are. On the beaches, in the bars, in immigration lockup, or spending their days in the shopping malls.
  23. Easy fix. Trump will sanction the mantle, and demand 50% of its rare earf's.
  24. Flood it, use it for submarine parking.
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