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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. Thx, but I dont need to, I know how they lived. My wife's family are from Roi Et, Korat and Chumphon and I've spent enough time in those places to witness their daily lives. But to your point, not every ordinary Thai as you stated lives in the " rural area". They have an emerging middle class and they too represent Thailand of today and not just the villagers.
  2. Lol!! I think your take on " ordinary " Thai is 20 years behind!
  3. While we're at it, what happens in a storm when your power outages are damaged? How about the availability of stations throughout the country ?? And so on and so on...
  4. We booked Southwest Airlines 2 months ago , $1200 for a family of 4 to Hawaii. It was cheap and flew out of San Jose where we lived. Spending our summer vacation, 3 weeks, on the tropical and beautiful Hawaiian islands. The customer service and hospitality has been awesome from hotels to restaurants and everything in between.
  5. How interesting that Thailand has a " top adult movie star", but prostitution doesn't exist in LOS!!????
  6. "Study and analyze " Lol please. I'm surprised he hasn't set up a committee to study masks removal. ????
  7. Just freaking do it already. Enough of this hoopla big production. Thailand has a pathetic penchant to hype everything they do only to flip flop the next day. Furthermore they just loved giving everything a term or acronym!!
  8. https://www.expatsblog.com/news/14072010075/vietnam-is-now-axing-dual-pricing-for-its-attractions Shame on Thailand!
  9. I kid with my Filipino friends in the states that the PI is unfortunately cursed from corrupted governments to natural disasters.
  10. They probably mugged you that many times when they found out you believe Vodka, Tequila and Gin are a poor man's preference.
  11. Some of the most unscrupulous and psychotic women I dated in America were Filipino women. They're great for some wild times in bed, but no thx!!
  12. Soon if not sooner, Viet Nam will be head lining this forum when discussing cost of living, entertainment value, and accommodations etc to LOS.
  13. Alameda county overreacting. The other 8 counties are not going to follow suit at least I hope not. Summer is coming, people want to enjoy this summer for the first time since 2019 without any restrictions and definitely no masks especially in the hottest months. I think Alameda will reconsider as we get into the summer months. https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/Alameda-County-is-reinstating-mask-mandates-Will-17218627.php
  14. Can we have a Anutin section on this forum? Everything this clown says can be store in his very own section so we can go back and LOL on everything he's ever spewed out of his moronic mind!
  15. Thailand under this junta is almost right up there with their older brother the CCP. ????
  16. IMO, Viet Nam would be a better choice for Thais. Good and cheap food, affordable vacation, a long beach coastline, historical sites, traditional and developed towns and cities, visa free hassle, and a short flight would be some of the reasons to visit.
  17. Japan has the 2nd highest suicide rate in the world (they average 70 per day, mostly men). South Korea has the dubious distinction as the #1 in the world.
  18. The Mayans already had the concept of zero 2,000 years ago. They used it to precisely calculate their calendar which was more accurate than the Gregorian calendar.
  19. The numbers aren't the only thing they borrowed from Khmer.
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