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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. I agree with everything you said except Vinfast cars are so much more better looking than Tesla or anything American EV
  2. The people judging obviously had never had com tam thit nuong. This dish is everyday street food in Viet Nam and has more complexity and taste than some of the more " refined " dishes in Thailand
  3. Thailand as a whole is fleece from top to bottom at every imaginable level. It's a miracle this corrupted country can even function just enough to keep their heads above water. Nothing will changed. There is no checks and balance so all the dirty dealings goes without any impunity
  4. These forecasts regarding cooler temps always makes for a good laugh
  5. TAT employs fortune tellers and oracles!
  6. That's just the money in one of many bank accounts, they didn't even bother to check under his bed 🤣
  7. With the array of issues plaguing the country, this fool is concerned about fake news and such on tourism. But I thought tourism only accounts for 10% of the overall GNP?? It seems something is amiss with this figure.
  8. It's more than just the " higher ups". The royal family also has Chinese blood, the hi so cliques, government officials, all the so-called Thai billionaires, actors / movie stars, and of course the 11 million citizens of Chinese decent and the countless mixed Chinese/Thai who reside in the country. Essentially, Thailand is already a Chinese province. They won't even blink if the Chinese were installed tomorrow as their masters.
  9. Lol!!! These reports are just funny. Next week they'll say foreign investments are down again because blah, blah blah...
  10. I predict 4 out of 5 will either declare bankruptcy or go out of business within five years. Traveling/ vacationing are going to be rough the next few years as the economic woes are going to be hitting hard globally. As of right now, leisure travel , especially ones who are planning long stay, have disposable income.
  11. I got news for the ministry, Hamas nor any terrorist organization could care less about anyone let alone Thai people in Isreal. Their objective is to inflict as much death, destruction and terror as humanly possible!! Collateral damage be damn.
  12. Not to be insensitive in these difficult times, but Isreal or the Middle East would be the last place on my list if I'm looking to make money no matter how desperate the situation.
  13. Better yet, drink liquor. No sugar, no carbs and low calories. Quick buzz and has better health benefits!
  14. And they will bold face lie tell you they're from mother Russia ????
  15. My wife is among the many you mentioned who only comes back to visit family and even then she dreads it. Her eyes are wide open and she is embarrassed of how Thai society and the government is run.
  16. Agree and it doesn't help matters when well known Thai conglomerates are investing in Viet Nam more and more. They see Viet Nam as the next economic power house in the region and have less confidence in their own Thai economy.
  17. "Thai democracy at risk" You mean to tell me it wasn't before??
  18. 100%. tourist couldn't tell the difference between Prayut or Prawit!
  19. Oh look, we have a well thought out response from such an astute poster. I must have hit a nerve, huh? stay in your lane and keep the smart ass replies to yourself.
  20. My Thai wife of 14 years (lived in the US for 13 years) feels the same way. She sees LOS for what it is and preferred to visit family every other year. Lately, she has become more travel savvy and would rather avoid Thailand all together if she could. We just got back from France, the whole family loved the vacation, and she could see herself living there esp. near the southern coast. Prices are not that bad and everything from transportation to shopping are very convenient.
  21. Right, because electing the new leader of your country is not high on your list...????
  22. Hate to be negative, but with all the circus surrounding this election at the moment, I can see Swift back performing in Thailand before Pita ever becomes PM.
  23. Peet's coffee is much better and their selection blows away Starbucks. Living in the Bay Area, we're lucky to get Viet coffee ( Cà phê sữa đá and cà phê đá) .
  24. Thailand unlike Vietnam actually thinks Starbucks is good coffee. I realize Thai people believe it's a status symbol to pay for overpriced, crappy coffee. It's crazy. I had better coffee in the streets of Bangkok than anything I had at Starbucks.
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