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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. my top choice in order is: Viet Italian Mexican Indian Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean Mind you, my wife is Thai, but we hardly eat Thai food, and she normally cooks her Thai favorites which usually doesn't agree with me and the kids. ???? We eat plenty of Thai when in LOS and it satisfies my craving for a while.
  2. Agreed. aside from Thai, Viet food is loved the world over esp. in the U.S., Australia and wherever the Viet diaspora happens to be (France, Germany, Czechia etc.)
  3. yes because its better worded than I can. you have a problem with that?? how I want to cut and paste it's up to me, why does it bothered you so much. who the hell made you the forum police?? I could have agreed with the OP and say Thai food is <deleted>. would that have been better for you??
  4. they do like Thai food, but most just eat pad thai, tom yum goong, khao pad/ sapparod and pad kra pao moo and believe they are Thai experts when it comes to the cuisine. they dare not tried the hard-core dishes and I can' say I blame them! ????
  5. When it comes down to variation, Thai cuisine doesn’t have that much room for creativity. Since this cuisine is flavour rather than ingredient-base, you can’t stray off the path that has already been laid for you in the aged-old recipe otherwise people will find your flavour “off”.
  6. They just can't help themselves, can they?? With all the economist's prediction of a looming recession and economies slowing down the world over coming this year, they should be very grateful anyone is coming to LOS.
  7. You can count me as one of those Americans that will not be coming again this year. Tickets for 4 are outrageous in the summer months from SFO to BKK. I haven't been back with the family since June 2019. I missed LOS, always had a blast and great memories, but the plane tickets have increased so much due to all the things we discussed since the pandemic makes it difficult to go these days.
  8. the title alone on this article is enough to scare away first-time tourists to LOS.
  9. Buakaw should know his history and lineage a bit better before posting anything on social media. Kuy people - Wikipedia "The Kuy are an ethnic minority in all three countries, where they live as "hill tribes" or Montagnards. Their language is classified as a Katuic language of the Mon-Khmer language family and, as such, is related to the Khmer language of Cambodia. The Thais, Lao, and Khmer traditionally recognize the Kuy as the aboriginal inhabitants of the region and refer to them as Khmer boran (Khmer), meaning "ancient Khmer"
  10. Thai honorifics - Wikipedia Thailand - Mon-Khmer civilizations | Britannica A Tale of Two Kingdoms: Thailand and Cambodia – The Diplomat this passage from the above link sums it up perfectly: "Thailand and Cambodia are among the oldest kingdoms in Southeast Asia. The two countries share the same historical roots dating back to the old Khmer civilization, which manifest in their similar languages, cultures, and socio-ethnic features. In fact, the Thai royal language is derived from Khmer words and the two languages still retain the same Pali-Sanskrit roots. The two kingdoms even share the same national mantra of “nation-religion-king.”
  11. This is an easy argument to settle, pretty much everything Thai culture is borrowed from Khmer culture. But you will never, ever hear a single Thai admit that they took anything worthy from the Khmer whom they look down upon and ridicule frequently in their inner circle. The Khmer empire and civilization was established in SE Asia long before the existence of Siam. Thai people freely borrowed Khmer royal and religious ceremonies, court customs and etiquette, classical dance, architectural temples and even claimed them as their own!! Sanskrit names for royalty, the alphabet, the Indian epic Ramayana which permeates Thai society (look at Suvarnabhumi airport as an example). The list goes on and on. So why wouldn't take also borrowed their fighting style? Kun Khmer is also called Pradal Serey which translates as “free fighting” and while it may share many similarities with Muay Thai, the Cambodians say that Kun Khmer has its own deep and rich history (first known record was carved in Angor Wat in 900 A.D) and claim that Muay Thai techniques originates from Kun Khmer. While Muay Thai dates back to over 400 years, although it’s widely accepted that the sport was officially founded by king Chulalongkorn in 1909 – 1910. You decide..
  12. Everything you posted is 100% true. But as my Thai wife often reminds me whenever I bring up this topic, the Thai officials doesn't care about falangs in LOS and do their best to ignore or even pretend they don't even exist. As she puts it, why do you think the 90-day reporting will never be removed, why foreigners can't own land etc. etc. She sarcastically says they love the fact that their hands are free from taking care and supporting thousands of Thai families.
  13. while you're at it, why stop there. the whole police department from the very top (they're the worse) to the very bottom should be look into.
  14. I caught something on the news this morning as I was driving to work, they interviewed a Chinese taxi driver who stated he was very worried about the CCP economy after the covid restrictions were lifted. He said he still had a mortgage to paid and a family to take care of and hasn't bought new clothes for himself in 3 years so he will once again be wearing the same clothes for the Lunar New Year. He mentioned that most people can't afford taxis these days and are taking public transportation or finding alternate ways to travel.
  15. Malaysians and Lao, huh?? I'm surprised they didn't count all the crossings into LOS from Myanmar and Cambodia too. ????
  16. the calendar might say 2023, but in old Siam, it's the 13th century. the more things change, the more they stay the same.
  17. some of the most beautiful Thai women I've seen are just regular ladies walking the streets in BKK.
  18. Ma is getting ready to set up shop for the eventual Chinese takeover of Thailand.
  19. restrictions were the wrong usage. Requirements would have been a better choice
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