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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. Medical, marijuana, digital nomad and now gay hub. Amazing Thailand is one stop shopping paradise of the world! Anything for that baht.
  2. very true. the same can be said about Europeans of the past. going all the way back from ancient times (Alexander the Great was 5'4) to the medieval period (knights were 5'7 avg.), the homes/castle doorways and rooms were designed for people under 5'6 or shorter.
  3. Not to mention the tax on wine imports are too high! Just messing with you Mike. Lol
  4. Most developed nations would terminate these corrupted cops, but not Thailand where " transfers" are the norm.
  5. so, this Pita who has not officially been name PM has started to take names and kick ass already? this should go very well.
  6. this I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I would love to see how many fugitives have been caught in LOS over the years. My goodness, I have never known a country such as Thailand that seems to be the primary choice to run away from law and justice. Of course, we all know the reasons why criminals seemed to preferred Thailand.
  8. the most truthful post on Issan yet!!
  9. China Might Have 65 Million COVID Cases a Week by June. How Worried Should the World Be? (msn.com)
  10. Let me preface by saying, if you wish to continue to wear masks, by all means, carry on. With that said, I watched lots of YouTube videos on Thailand from vloggers to travel related stuff. I'm noticing more and more people from issan to the south and anywhere in between no longer wearing masks. Bangkok is slowly doing it as well, but as the capital and symbol of " obedience and conformity " it will take a bit longer. I almost recognized Thailand again before the pandemic lol.
  11. Agree. Viet Nam actually has the death penalty for various crimes (mainly drug related) and will use it without hesitation.
  12. Biden says hold my ice cream
  13. All true, but when the Thai " victims" get arrested by the local authorities, it's called human trafficking and these masseuse will claimed they were unaware of the business they were involved with. ????
  14. "Thailand's sex workers hope a customer will change their lives" fify
  15. NOT only that it's a myth perpetuated by western men who loved hearing that from bar girls. there are countless Indian men/ Thai women marriages and relationships over the last century in LOS. Bottom line, $$$ is the international language with these ladies and with the economic situation after the pandemic, you won't see too many being picky.
  16. " Shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted." ????
  17. Did anyone bother telling Prayut the latest poll?? ????
  18. I tell you what Thailand is trying their damn best to destroy the golden goose. After a nice recovery in tourism from the pandemic, you would think they would be grateful getting an economic boost from tourists, but as usual greed is never too far away.
  19. Are we talking about the same woman? wow.
  20. You think she has some work done?? goodness gracious!!
  21. Thailand Remittances - April 2023 Data - 1996-2022 Historical - May Forecast - Chart (tradingeconomics.com)
  22. when I read King's or Queen's Guard, it's like I'm reading a medieval novel. But then again, I'm reminded TIT where certain things stand still.
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