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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. Do you get any messages on the computer and if so what do they say?
  2. Are they worse? Is there independent evidence to support this?
  3. Had 2 primary + 2 boosters and I am not getting any more. Had enough.
  4. I assume they understand that Parrot fish decimate coral reefs. Not that I agree with him catching all of the ones he shows in the photo but just thought I would add that fishy fact.
  5. Try both and see which meets your requirements the best
  6. No. Requirement is based on what? There is no rising threat towards Thailand or is there?
  7. They already have started the invasion
  8. Bit Defender. Used it for years and always in the top 3 of effective Anti Virus software.
  9. I think, but not sure it is a maximum of 30%. In a car we had the windows was 15% which I found to be dark enough to allow for a good view of the road.
  10. I have an agent I use for Renewing my visa and driving license. They may be able to help. They are located in the Rangsit area I believe. They are called Viswics and are contactable using LINE
  11. It comes under the facility NFC (Near Field Communication)
  12. 2 connections in such a short space is not acceptable. It just shows the poor quality of workmanship. Not the person who installed it at fault but the lack of training he received from the company.
  13. You have to give him credit for staying at the scene of the accident.
  14. It probably wouldn't be something you consider but as a Telecommunications Consultant it is something I take notice of. After installation an OTDR test should be made on every fibre within the cable but I doubt if that is always performed. I am not blaming the fibre as the sole reason there are many but they would be outside of a discussion like this. No the last 100m doesn't determine it at all, it is the condition of the fibres in the cable, the quality of connections and splices if applicable.
  15. Wiring regulations 18th Edition I think it is now covers everything
  16. Would certainly seem to be the case
  17. The guys do, do the best they can with the knowledge they have but it isn't up to standard. I am sure most of the guys would really enjoy learning about fibre cable and how to install it. I don't blame the guys who are carrying out the installation I blame the companies for not properly training them
  18. Any car I am driving wont move until everybody has seat belts on. Are taxi's going to be checked to ensure all seats have a seat belt and that they are in good working condition?
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