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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. The UK license is not issued for life at all. If you cant be bothered to get your license renewed and get an IDP then don't complain if you get fined. Might sound harsh but it is your responsibility to have the correct documents. I have a Thai driving license and when it near the time to renew it i do what is necessary. I have never driven without a valid license and insurance.
  2. Been stopped twice by the police driving a car. Both times they asked for my license and I did not receive a fine for anything. If they find something else to you then you must be very unlucky. If you didn't have a valid driving license then you should be fined. Would you drive without a license in your home country? I doubt if you would
  3. Sounds like something I very well might try next time I go to Cha Am
  4. Ok, MRI is the way to go. Hope it is all good for you. Take care
  5. Totally agree with you. No need to get the lawyer vultures involved at all
  6. Just out of interest what would an MRI tell you that a normal X-ray wouldnt? I am sure you have a good reason for wanting an MRI but I am just curious to know they reason.
  7. Have the ceremony first then go to your local Ampur who will ask if you have had the ceremony. Assuming you say you have had it they will issue a marriage certificate
  8. Sounds very sketchy doing this but that is up to the individual. However, at some point it will be unacceptable then everyone who is doing it the correct way will have problems. I have had both Retirement and currently Based on Marriage visas. Never have I done what is suggested and currently have left the full amount in the bank for my current visa.
  9. From what I remember "and 75 million local travelers" which I assume are Thai nationals being referred to, is more than the population of the country. In 2020 it was just under 70 million. Has there been an explosion of births in the last two years?
  10. It doesnt matter who you quote, I am sure they are all correct but the breakdown is required to see what is really happening
  11. Nothing nice about any death I would agree but governments tend to put case numbers in a way that makes it look like hospitalisations and deaths which it is not. This is what makes everything look worse than it is.
  12. Very nice but a "Case" is not something to get worried over. You catch a cold you are a case for the cold. The real problems come if, due to the virus and nothing else, you are hospitalised or die from it. But the emphasis is that no other illness is the cause of the outcome
  13. I never mentioned conspiracy. The number of deaths is small. What is the normal daily death rate in Thailand? With that you get some context. A number is just a number and on its own has little significance.
  14. Just out of interest did the deaths occur due solely to Covid or was there other underlaying problems which was the main cause of death but they was tested positive for Covid? There is a big difference.
  15. Yes I believe in the number detailed. However, they are of little value as a great number of the people wont even realise they have it. The data which really does matter is the hospitalization and death rate due solely to Covid and not with it. Testing positive for Covid when you have fallen off the top of a 10 storie building and died is not justification to consider it a Covid death.
  16. So just well known within Thailand. Not exactly of international fame
  17. Funny how they always need to get their friend to do something like this. You would think they would be man enough to accept what they where asked to do.
  18. If you have the money and you want to buy it then buy it. I wouldn't but it is up to the individual.
  19. I am not sure but many years ago when me the wife sold ours it was based as a percentage of the property price. If you ask at the Land Office they they can tell you.
  20. Had one at the rear of the house. Picked it up and put in the bushes. It was happy to be there
  21. Member of a famous pop group? Really? Never heard of her until now. What is this "famous" pop groups name to which you refer?
  22. It is a scam. I had the same and a vehicle did turn up but quickly went away. I have heard from Thai's that they may come but then they will try to extort money or rob you. I cant verify this but that is what Thai's I know have told me. Also, as I Have just said in a very recent post here, government departments do not use mobile phones to call anyone for legitimate business.
  23. It is a scam. First thing to note is that no government agencies use mobile numbers. I had the very same. The reason government offices, and this is not just Thailand but internationally, only use fixed line communications because they need, quite legally, to be able to record all communications in and out of the department.
  24. It seems like many live in a dream. Tourists are a fickle set of people. If they cant go where they want and do, obviously within the law, what they want they will go elsewhere. Having gone to another location they will forget Thailand totally. I think Thailand is great but maybe I am biased as my family is Thai, but this article is not about people like me, it is very much about the vacationing traveller. Try to impose restrictions and they will go elsewhere and not return.
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