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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. Depends what you want to use the computer for. For videos not really, needs to be changed out.
  2. A bit stupid but probably was not aware of its significance. As for offending me no it wouldn't.
  3. Reduce the amount of sugar that is put into just about everything. That may help to reduce Diabetes which is a serious problem.
  4. Assuming that they knew when the person passed away. Sometimes it is better to move the person sitting next to them.
  5. I assume you have never flown with them.
  6. A hospital should be considered as any other business. It is there to make money and if it cures people in the process great. One thing I cannot understand is why anti-biotics are thrown at many complaints that don't need them. I guess someone is making money from it.
  7. That happens a lot all over. It isn't just Thailand. This is why in many countries there are CCTV cameras pointing at drug cabinets and being recorded in hospitals.
  8. At least you can win on the one arm bandits
  9. If it was illegal for companies to take your personal data and sell it on, a lot of scams would never occur. Companies are quite open about telling you they want to use your information and will sell it to other companies. If you want to cut down, you will never stop, scams make it illegal for any company to hold and/or sell your data.
  10. You want politicians to tackle the real problems? Thinking that must be a hate crime at the very least.
  11. I wonder why no number plate? We can probably make a reasonable guess though
  12. ''32.7 traffic fatalities per 100,000 individuals—one of the highest globally" is on the low side. The figure they quote for road deaths are those that pass away at the scene of the accident. No account is taken for the people involved in a road accident and are taken to hospital and later die there
  13. I said transfer and deposit. If they didn't before maybe they should have done but didn't bother and that is fine but now they do which I am sure is not a problem for you
  14. The Congo is not exactly high on the tourist list so it will only, or should only be, a few people checked.
  15. It is standard. Whenever I transfer money or pay in they ask for ID
  16. Not if you work and earn in a tax free area of the world. If you are in a place where you pay taxes then you should pay but you shouldn't enter a double taxation system.
  17. How about you talk rubbish, that may be better.
  18. I owe no tax as all my money was earned before 2024. However, Thailand has tax agreements with many other countries including the UK. Therefore if you have paid your taxes and your home country considers you as paid tax and nothing more is due, any taxation in Thailand would be double taxation and this is against the treaties that Thailand has with other countries. If this is not the case I would be interested to know what the truth is. My information was obtained from the HMRC in the UK.
  19. If the Palestinians are all great people please explain the following: 1. The recent sickness of Hamas with the Israeli bodies was not what any reasonable person would call acceptable. 2. Why wont any of the Gulf countries let Palestinians into their country? A reasoned answer would be appreciated.
  20. It can be reversed but wont be with the weak simple minded people that are currently in power. There is an age old saying that the UK and Western Europe have forgotten and this "Charity begins at home".
  21. No they are rooted in the dictators that are ruling the countries in Africa
  22. Just signed the petition. 100% agree with you. It is by any way look at it discrimination,
  23. Evidently you have never been to Africa.
  24. Doesn't seem to promote the "Family friendly" narrative
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