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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Well yes, of course I made up my post based on classic African stereotypes. Now, what's your excuse for copy/pasting something you saw on your Internet affirmation chamber and believing it verbatim?
  2. So, in summation, Trump has posted fake news on his own social media platform.
  3. In other news, Justin Trudeau visits Mar-a-Lago, meets with Trump...no phone call needed.
  4. You do realize it cost Churchill a bloody fortune to get the Japanese to bomb you off your wall of isolationist indifference at Pearl Harbor.
  5. Yes, correct but AirAsia and Scoot don't fly trans-Pacific do they?
  6. The Italians? You forgot the bloody Italians. Then there's the Irish? You're not doing very well at this at all, are you?
  7. ...and home of the brave Yes, you have to give it to Bosnia.
  8. Excellent example, thanks. Now he can press on with America's unique trait of military exceptionalism. He who has most guns wins. I would have thought the Navy SEALS would have been more indicative of success but he probably can't swim well enough.
  9. And in perfect counterpoise, we have this.
  10. Nicely stated sir, thanks.
  11. America....making the rest of the world look better and better, day by day.
  12. Hilarious! Thanks for brightening up another dull Saturday evening in Pyongyang.
  13. The goats were destined for Malaysia you narrow-minded and ignorant fool.
  14. LOL...African food is bland compared with Fort Worth, Boston and New Mexico. Fodor's watch out!!!
  15. Buh-bye @Dan O, thanks for the kind words. Now make sure you have a simply awesome life.
  16. Anyway, I could use their 777's if they start doing the US west coast. I think the east coast will probably be a tad too far for that old bird but well within the capabilities of their A350's.
  17. The non-stop LAX economy was the most comfortable 'back of the bus' service I ever experienced. The seat pitch was increased to 36" so that even with 80% pax load, the weight distribution was maintained with the added bonus that Coach always looked full.
  18. They also served BKK - LAX non-stop, but it was unprofitable because of the A340-500 and fuel costs, nothing to do with grifters. It was a comfortable service, but pax loads were limited to 80% due to expensive fuel needed for the four-burner. Not many A340 flying any more, maybe Lufthansa still does, but Thai have been trying to sell their half-a-dozen since forever.
  19. I think that someone's been messing with Google gemini.
  20. But the tourist doesn't know that.
  21. And to think that some forum members think that some forum members are like this.
  22. Even the LTR holders parking their bus here for 180 days or more?
  23. Yes. Foreigners need to file a W8, if applicable.
  24. I guess she has a 100k debt that's way overdue. She's not a teacher is she? Government worker maybe? They're all riddled with debt as they get easy loan approval but end up living well beyond their means before thy can cash out with their pensions on retirement.
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