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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. The OP should check out Cheese to Meet You on Nittayo Road, next to the post office. English, Dutch, German, South African, Polish, American... all kinds of sausages in various size packs. Speak with the owner, and he can probably do some special order based on the quantities the OP seeks. https://cheese2meatyou.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Cheese2MeatYouTH/
  2. Indeed. They've just gotten themselves about 335,000 new votes at the next rodeo.
  3. Have you tried being born again?
  4. Not sure what country you are from since we dont use the word wee in the US unless we are 10 years old. If not from the US why you are casting that fishing line. 40 million americans have already early voted, thats about 25% and maybe 10 million more by Tuesday. Trump support is more than double among blacks and latinos than in 2020 because the Democrats do nothing for them. OK, I will indulge your ignorance of the Scottish vernacular for short or small. You're American after all. Those early votes, like the early votes in all previous US presidential elections, haven't been counted yet. You are simply repeating what your preferred flavor of media is telling you. Now, who's fishing again?
  5. Well said. PS: I liked the Willie Brown - Hoover joke earlier.
  6. Hold on a wee minute. The election is NEXT week, no?
  7. Oh wow.... looks like someone heard Trump's latest invocation that America is only for Americans. BTW, What name do you call your Thailand anchor? Baby?
  8. Drowns out the sound of the Hoover...
  9. Do I detect some incorrect or misunderstood financial advice? A squandered business opportunity? An ill-advised investment, maybe? Maybe a bitcoin skeptic? Buying lottery tickets? Sorry, off topic. Regarding the premise of an 18 year-old being interested in a 40 year-old, that is unusual. Maybe the 40 year-old only thinks (wishes? hopes?) the 18 year-old is interested? As for a 40 year-old man's need to determine or confirm a girl's age, if he thinks that this needs to be verified by asking for her ID, just stop and don't even go there.
  10. Yes, some have said in other threads that it was accepted by their bank without much clarification. My experience, with an Udon Thani-issued PID, it wasn't accepted at the Pattaya branch of Bangkok Bank where I was doing a transaction on my personal account held at that branch. It had to be my passport. With regard to applying for finance in my name, both the YB and PID were copied, but this was purely a belt-and-braces approach for proof of address in addition to my Thai DL. They love their copies here, and that is empirical!
  11. Simply pointing out that your experience, like the many, many different and varied experiences of others in Thailand, including mine, aren't empirical.
  12. Not the same thing at all. If you had been denied boarding or otherwise kicked off the flight with no alternative booking or a refund, then that's analogous to your shopkeeper scenario. The airline got to your destination, albeit in a different seat.
  13. After a few short-term internet outages over the past six weeks or so, that 3BB have managed to fix quickly without a house call, the 3BB tech dropped by yesterday and replaced the original Huawei router with a Huawei AX3000 HG8045X6 Mesh WiFi6 router. Smaller unit with a couple of external antennas. Painless replacement, I just gave him the wi-fi passwords and all online in less than ten minutes. First thing I noticed is the 2.4 GHz signal strength was low (red LED) on the TP Link extender at the back of the house. I have relocated that to an outlet that a bit nearer the source and now have four blue LED's. Signal strength looks good, or as good as a freebie wi-fi network analyzer app says. So with a new WiFi6 mesh router and mesh extender, I will get the lodgers in the annex to check if the speed is any better for gaming.
  14. The shrieky VP's elocution and intonation really grates. I totally tune out when she starts slowing.. down... her.... speech..... when..... she....... thinks........ she............. needs............... to......................... make....................... a.................................. nother word salad point
  15. It's in the small print of AF-KLM's (and many other airline's) conditions of carriage that regardless of flight class, pre-selected or check-in seat assignment, they can and will ask you to change seats.
  16. Last century, the amphur in Udon Thani accepted passport translations done by the only translation shop in town that's still accepted by the local police, hospitals and other government agencies in lieu of anything from MFA in Bangkok. That was for the YB and took a couple of visits and was inexpensive. The pink car was a DIY job early this century when they became available. Free.
  17. Correction: some five star hotels in Bangkok and Hua Hin that you may have stayed at have accepted you pink ID. Unless of course you have stayed at every five star hotel in Bangkok and Hua Hin.
  18. OMG!... you don't think @Bangkok Black is the OP's real name, do you?
  19. When I checked out availability on this route about three months ago when the route/dates were first announced, it was under£800 r/t. If you are looking at dates for next month and high season, pretty much all carriers will be more expensive, especially the non-stoppers.
  20. BA does not do BKK-LHR direct, only LGW. You are probably picking a return date where they either don't fly BKK-LGW or it's sold out.
  21. I can assure you that @bob smith is alive and well.
  22. No he isn't. He's expected to marry, raise a family, retire at a reasonable age, and let his 'young and fit' progeny take care of him in his dotage. What's the word for a (lonely, bitter and angry) male spinster again?
  23. What do you mean by "have" a much younger girl? Is this an ownership claim, or is it just about having sex?
  24. Not quite.It's a rally in Londonstan. No. Regardless of what the website you lifted it from claims it is, it was a demonstration against then PM Imran Khan held in Lahore, which is definitely not in the UK.
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