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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. who knows???!!!!! Khooo....... want, more polite. Like, "please turn down the music." or talking with an elder Yaak dai..... means I yes, i want. Like, "I want to eat ..... " Phom Yaak gin .... Ao.......want, give, take........ and it's SHORTER, so easier to use with kids, friends, etc.... then there is DTONG GAAN...... a different kind of want, but LONGER...... maybe like a "must" have I almost never say Khoaw or whatever (I write Thai, not this stuff. lol). It really depends who you are talking to....... at a restaurant.... Ao is fine. easy, quick.
  2. It's only paper......I have room in my backpack to keep them safe and dry. Better than throwing them away. Send them to me and I'll save the planet. You don't have to pay me, just pay for shipping.
  3. thanks comments, now I'm triggered!!!! did this person approve this word???? I need it notarized first!! i need all gender words banned from every book and every website!!!
  4. I'm old and my brain is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad and my maths got bad bad. let's say she stole 5000. 10 million baht gone. That's 2000 TWO THOUSAND times she has to steal and not get caught how would not not know 5000 is missing 2,000 times? sure, sometimes I don't know if I had 1000 more or less and I don't care. I'd know if I had 5000 less. And if this happened 2 or 3 times I'd be way more careful and think a little more 2000 times.......yea, ok the only way is it needs a little washed and she knows this....and he knows she knows....and whatever. let's say the obvious....for fun.....there's more to this story we will never know!!!!
  5. planting seeds in me???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, no. OK, seems like a nice site, but how many times are they going to seed me?????
  6. I've watched these "documentaries" (how do I know they are true and unbiased) and some of them said the mules usually go through China and then to Australia. The meth problem in Aussieland is pretty bad, so the internet tells me. More than once I've been informed of a road in Thailand being a highway for yaaabaaaa, and to stay away at night. I've seen undercover cops draw guns to kids heads and was later told it was a yaaabaaa bust. I guess yaabaa is almost free now, so that's like free cigarettes back in the day. the worst news possible. it's the number one reason I won't retire up North............. I'm very, very, very rich and my 87-room house will draw attention.
  7. China invades Taiwan. USA backs Taiwan. China takes Taiwan. Thailand must decide. Chooses China. 50 million Chinese come to Thailand, not happy with the falang falang goes back home where a cup of noodle soup is 180 USD and a bed 10,000
  8. too lazy to search your posts. Update!!!! What are your top 3 cities so far and where are you now!!! exact location so we can stalk you. joking.
  9. I'm hansum, so good value for me might be bad value for you.
  10. I'm sure it was worse 10, 20, and 30 years ago. No social media, no reporting, straight slavery, beatings, worse conditions, lower wages. maybe loan sharks before, etc.... Just because there is a story in 2022 doesn't mean it's a new phenomena. If I read a story about killings in North Korea, I won't think the world has changed. wasn't that long ago when Chiang Mai was reporting sales of Yaa Baa and it was a significant percentage of Thailand's GDP. OK, it was pretty long ago, but my point is it's not the world changing....it's your awareness. trust me, this isn't even the tip of the tip of the tip of the tip
  11. let me guess: green fees: 2000 baht club rentals: 3000 baht per day shoes: 10000 baht caddies: 800 baht per hour drinks: 200 baht for water proper golf shirts: 1000 baht golf is money!!!!!!! I built the casino with my own money!!!! when I say "my own money" it's after you pay for tuition it becomes mine.
  12. If he has a son, I'll vote for him!!!! Anything part of the same "tree" must be top-notch material. he is rich and powerful, we must believe he wants us to be the best!!! I'm also looking to buy a used laptop, anyone? I understand the fascination with monarchies and respecting history and enjoying a crown and all that stuff over in the UKingdom .......it's not for me, but I understand some people go crazy for tradition and put tradition above all else. across the pond, we hate every president. never can meet the standard of the American person. fails many metrics, but passes enough to remain in office. I'd be surprised if I find ONE president I really like, even if I live to be 100. if one person says Obama was good, the other says he did like 1 billion drone strikes. can't win. I'll run and turn every city into Pattaya!!!!
  13. Goose gander ... 1,000,000,000,000,000 broke falangs have been double-charged, lied to, scammed, taken to jade shops, etc..... too bad when one of them get scammed. Tough? I fought 100 taxi cabbies at 3 am with both hands tied behind my back for 184 hours. didn't seem very tough, typical day for me. oh wait, i'm in another taxi and there are lasers surrounding me.......easy escape!!!
  14. I need CCTV footage, now!!! These falang scams must be stopped!!! Swat, get ready!!! OK guys, gotta go............I'm in a taxi and he won't turn on the meter. no worries, I guess.............
  15. Money health partner Internal happiness security intelligence passions relationships money will check some boxes. Definitely won’t check them all
  16. When I was there everyone thought I was the greatest person ever! I wished I never saw another falang……..then I realized I wasn’t fluent in Thai and friends who can speak English is healthy.
  17. Show me the work permit! Breaking the laws of LOS as a falang is not clever. Just do onlyfans and make 800,000 a week. Become a Bitcoin billionaire. Do something legal! Netpeople hate falang more because of this. Call the swat team!
  18. probably more than entire villages, or even small cities during COVID. people? poor people? suffering people? who, where, what?? just give me my money!!!!! every country. greed..........................................
  19. I know of a few falang teachers who think it IS appropriate to drink with underage kids. Maybe not to the extent of renting rooms, but nevertheless. If you have a kid at a Thai school...........................start asking questions. Because it's Thailand, it's very hard to get these "teachers" fired.
  20. Every YouTube video I do there is the caption, "The only falang to ever see this place!!" I don't think these Thais have seen white people before. They are amazed at my face, language, and I hate going to falang places. I do think it's funny when the falang thinks you are ruining their "non-falang" vacation, while they all go to Chiang Mai and ride the elephants and take pictures of strawberries. Once you have been in Thailand for a few years, you simply avoid the top-3 falang cities and 99.9999% of the nutjobs will never cross your path. I met a girl in Pattaya this morning.....I think she has never met a falang before even though she gives soap massages and works in a bar!!!!!! these articles crack me. up!!!
  21. 900 million suffer and stay home . 200 million will travel.
  22. The little head is happy for a short time. Now resting for eternity. Think……think……and think…….and think again
  23. I'm in Pattaya right now on Soi Satan and every girl is wearing a shirt that says, "200,000" OMG................I'm never going to get close to another person again!!!!! 200,000 is crazy UNLESS.......UNLESS.....this drunk idiot really went over the top. I'm imagining him grabbing her butt.............maybe he didn't allow her to leave and it went on for quite some time. I've had many, many, many people grab my arm and stomach (usually older guys unfortunately) ...... I've heard rumors of kids in bars getting drunk in a very crowded place and randomly touching a girl's behind........200,000 each. Again, it was probably much worse here. maybe she started with 20,000,000,000,000 baht and the guy said 200k?
  24. Setting the scene. Japanese to Pattaya, the land of Satan. Ready to have more fun than all humans combined. Then reality.................bill.............5000 baht. OMG, was I scammed? LOScam? Wait, I will call my embassy. World News!!!! Helicopters!!! Hours later.......................hi kids, ah, yes, I was in Pattaya at a bar and .......errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  25. we must believe everything........ must. have no choice. brains only believe what we read. but really pocketed 800,000 and do you think this is the only one??? we will get some "news" and feel as though all is well. iceberg tip
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