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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. Horrible I'm going to say this......just downright horrible. Why falang, why???? I don't think he's wearing underwear/underpants. Is that a big deal, you ask. YES, it's against the law. The law states you must wear underwear. Google says it's "funny....actually, the funniest": we need to report this to the highest level of sleuths and internet forensic analysis. Perhaps, send the picture to Interpol. Thailand has a bunch of unusual laws to follow, but this one is perhaps the funniest – it's illegal to leave the house without any underwear on.
  2. I think I can count about six this year without searching. IMO, not "extremely rare". Another poster brought up a good point, USUALLY it's people shooting people they know. In America, they are trying to get some high numbers to send a message or become infamous or something ridiculous. But murder is murder, and one missile from Russia kills hundreds and hundreds and we just say "oh that's war, not same same." and in China and N. Korea and the Philippines, mass murder simply isn't something people want to talk about......Americans like talking about it. Thais, nope.
  3. located in Chiang Mai, run by digital nomads out of CM and a Thai lady who owns a Khao Soi shop.... or not. but probably.
  4. short shorts wife beater tattoo Pattaya probably an "influencer" who hates English and his own history, currently in his Pattaya transition to full enlightenment on Soi 45
  5. initial probe found the establishment had been illegally altered and operated. ----- What? Nah, impossible. It must be the number 13. Oh, your doctor cut off the wrong arm? Oh, must be the number 13. Oh, you got killed by a drunk driver who did some micro-sleeping? 13!!! Oh, Monkeypox and COVID? 13? NO!!!! In that case, dirty falang.
  6. I am in the sticks. Mass murder with a gun this year. Covered here? nope. English story? nope. People talk about much? not here. Thai friend sent me the story, then other Thais said, "oh, yea." Oh it happens here.......................... The safest place? Massage parlour, since everyone is relaxed. Run, lay down, rub rub a dub dub
  7. I'll bump this thread. someone help this guy. please go to a hospital immediately and start with some basic EKGs that aren't too expensive. go from there good luck
  8. I personally think driving a motorbike under the influence is worse. Seems like it puts more people in danger, including children. Have police outside all pubs......10-year sentences. In this case, she won't do 9 weeks.......there will be a prisoner transfer probably in less than one week. That's why they said 9 years, a bigger story. She has done some time, but she'll be back home and maybe writing a book for millions before next weekend.
  9. I would not be surprised if those kid shooters, and kids with machetes were on some kind of pills. Thai guy told me........boys take the pills and think they are invincible, get very aggressive. maybe we will start to see more and more shootings and machete attacks. fun times
  10. I considered seeing Ubon.... Let me get my list.....................cross this city off my list Ubon, nope
  11. Get the main cities out of the way, but don't be afraid to randomly get off the bus and spend 1 to 2 nights in some strange city. It's in those strange cities where things happen that must be left unsaid. you wake up the next morning and ask yourself, "Did I really do that?" Well, whatever..... Finding that special someone who hasn't spent time with a foreigner ever, or in a very long time. And here you are. A match made in ........ ah,.......... anyhow, memories....
  12. Budget: 2000 a day, massage(s) 60 baht: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (20 baht noodle soup) 100 baht a week on used clothes 100 baht a week on random pills from pharmacy (see massages) 200 baht a month for internet (gotta use LINE for the massage girls). 3500 a month, fan room. Even if you only stay 2 weeks, it's cheap enough. 50 baht a day on random things Total: Who cares, YOLO
  13. In comparison with the local requirements, structures along much of the East Coast must withstand winds up to 140 mph, Williams said. mph, not kmph. It's probably close to 220 kmph or kph or whatever. American code. The building code requires.................... something you will never hear here. Here.................hey, bring over that glue!!! and some sand!!! rocks!!! do it by hand!!! 200 baht a day to build it... then some big guy farts and the entire thing collapses.
  14. hahhahahhahahhahah 99% of technical analysis is just some hindsight 20/20 "you should could'a would'a didn't" lines that mean nothing. predictive value of about zero. if you have a magic system, you don't share it. if rich, you don't share secrets. people share lines on a graph because they hope it will work never does and we are back at the should'a would'a well, not same, if only!!!
  15. How is this good for public safety? Maybe I'll go there today with my son, and then a group of machete-welding youths run at us?? If I knew the name, I could be more cautious. But not in LOS. Years ago I would argue it's very, very safe here. Now, not so much
  16. Do they have basic needs? If not, I think giving money is fine. Help them survive. If they want to buy an iPhone, well, maybe a used phone instead. It does feel good to give stuff........giving money rarely feels good. If they need a phone, give them a phone. not money. life is short, helping people is great. Money will make them lazy if they have food, a room, etc...
  17. OK, well........................I never thought I'd see the day. I'm selling my townhome in Bangkok then............. 100,000 baht. anyone? I paid 10 million, but what's money good for now? Lambo...............10,000. Paid 30 million and the list goes on.. I might not be able to respond, I'm off to Pattaya for one final week of happiness.
  18. Nobody told him to post. I would have flown to NYC to see my regular cardiologist. The LAST thing I'd do is ask Billy Bob Sexpat drinker broke homeless guy But he did. Adults can try to solve problems for FREE, that's his choice. and his results.
  19. I'm not sure all palpitations are the same. Obviously rest for a few days, try different coffee, massage to get the blood circulating, and then see a doctor if you're still worried in a few days. Had a similar thing maybe 10-years ago, or longer. I knew not to worry, and I was right. I would not have started a thread, so maybe your palpitations are worse.
  20. You gotta man up and admit your parenting skills weren't the best with this one. Dealing drugs, had drugs (maybe planted, but unlikely), tried to kill a policeman after running..... Why are we blaming the police?
  21. A rich driver knows they can plow through 100 farmers on bad motorbikes on their way to the resort. 100 times 500 bath is cheaper than being late for latte!!!! Especially if checking Tik-Tok on the way.......
  22. We are a falang community. she threatened you!!!! a falang!!! We must contact the police for your safety. You might be in grave danger. Extortion of 20,000. Embassy must be called.. You have not sent us the safe word. Sorry, this story is out of your control. Mi6 or CIA en route to your location. Are you hurt??? Stockholm syndrome!!!1 Sex for money is also not allowed by falangs on certain passports, their home country can investigate!!!
  23. 20,000 is like a month's salary. She will likely obsess over this for years. Have friends find you on Facebook(y), perhaps get help from a policeman. Years to figure out a plan...... Go to the hotel, get copies of your passport. For 20,000, you have no idea what motivation this gives them. use your phone app, send the money. forget out it. seems about 15,000 too much, but imagine the story in the papers.... "(Falang name) attacked (or worse) because he didn't pay his sex bill." Now you have people back home reading about it.....
  24. another happy falang in LOS who demands law enforcement, traffic laws adhered to, and weirdly capitalizes and doesn't capitalize certain words. Seems like you are living in the most awful place on Earth.........since you are posting you must be terribly upset. Deep breaths. Control your breathing. Relax, it's not your country. Maybe write to your congressman and have them send it to your embassy. They might forward your complaint to the ambassador and onwards.....then you can really change the world!!!!
  25. You are on here posting, so your gut feeling is bad. I would find another school. Your instinct is probably 100% correct. Maybe it's not only the contract......... One school sent me a contract, we both signed, they send me texts explaining how the contract is changing. Start and end dates changing. I asked, Can you please send me a new contract? NO!!! Of course I never went to that school.................I knew that without a work permit that this contract was meaningless anyhow. In my case, I was interested. The moment I got the first text to change, well, I knew I was never going there. Like a relationship, if it starts out rocky..........impossible. Start over with another school.
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