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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. Customers are high-level politicians from overseas. Blackmail. 1 billion baht. Last "dancer" I met decrypted my crypto wallet, took my Glock, drained my...............bank account in Switzerland, and changed the locks to my penthouse. All in 19 minutes. Only top operatives are strippers.
  2. They even send you an email. One minute later..... done. These people are paid very little and need help from the falang. 2000 or 5000, it will make them smile. If you can help humans, help!!! Every 90 days is a great way to keep in contract with the powers that be. Consequences? You MUST report yourself to the powers........... hire people to remind you. post sticky notes everywhere. Get an agent. Rent an apartment above the immigration center. 90 days....... it is my life.
  3. First day in Thailand? After these kids eat whatever that is..........they are FORCED to buy ice cream, shop at the on-site store that sells everything, buy more stuff from venders right next to the cafeteria. "Lunch" is 20 baht. Added junk food filled with sugar.....100 baht. full, fat, and ready for more!!!! Big money made off these customers............errr..... students.
  4. As if Bill Gates' camera holds the truth. Me, falang, I tell them......look, look!!!! lookie, lookie!!!! Response: You are not Bill Gates. Therefore, it isn't really happening. Imagine if Lisa from Blackpink said, "Wow, so many deaths on motorbike!!!" Immediate change.
  5. The younger ones are soo self-obsessed, narcissistic, delusion clowns.....you might be right. The older guys know you can't complain when you shut off the computer. Smile, deal with the craziness outside. BUT we can vent online, and that allows dealing with the 10 bikers on the sidewalk going the wrong way while carrying 87 bicycles and juggling 28 dogs. We aren't really complaining, just venting the only way we can. What are we going to do? Complain to a Thai. lol I've met about 50 young kids. All lost, 98% went home after partying. So, yes, that is more "fun" in a general definition. Not ONE of them had a CV worth the paper it was written on. I think I'm bi-polar (but not really). I'm super happy or absolutely frustrated that I'm frustrated after knowing I'll get frustrated. I do interact with lots of people every day, so I can't be debbie downer. But sometimes it's fun to act online like things are CRAZY. When, in reality, boredom.
  6. - poll finds. In 2022, even the sheep know these "polls" are soo worthless. This literally has as much credibility as : - Big Foot declares - Swamp Man says
  7. bro, OK breakfast is covered. what about when the real drinking starts?
  8. Let me teach you the art of the CIA. This building, if built, will serve its purpose. Nothing more. It's the 109 massage shops with 10987 cameras in every city that you should worry about. and Doi Inthanon isn't even a real mountain. NORAD times 10. trust me, I wear a Gshock
  9. The online tests are garbage. Ranges between like 110 and 140. And you get better after you take one, which makes it even dumbbberable. If forced to take an IQ test, well, who cares, you aren't motivated. I'm sure there is a legit way to measure someone's IQ, but I bet it's pretty expensive and time consuming. Regardless, schools in America are 100000000000x better than in Thailand. So, there's that. Means some joker gets smart, has kids, etc.........
  10. Totally agree. Friend went to court, lost. got nothing, lost everything. became homeless after leaving Thailand.
  11. The beginning. Soon a Chinese "company" will invest 100 trillion Baht and buy all of CM. Then you will pay 30,000 for rent. Once one Rai sells to foreigner...........there will be skyscrapers on every block. Hi-So is coming................don't underestimate the power of countries will Zillions of baht
  12. Why pick falang name? why? OMG, now it's "David" who is the devil. David no sound Chinese.... no no......falang, sure.
  13. Unless I get framed for some crazy stuff, I want the guillotine for the member.
  14. Dollar at parity to the Euro. Impossible, America is doomed, right? How is this possible? The Fed is a ponzi, according to many posters!!!! How, How, HOW??? Bitcoin, zero. Gold, zero. Dow Jones, up and up soon. Rocky ride for some, big money for others. Baht, zero. sorry. or not sorry. This isn't even a real bear market. It's nothing. 1929 was the end. the end of capitalism. really!!! Or maybe it was the 30's or 40's or 50's.. I can't count all the doom and gloom that has been foretold for the last 10000000 years as America continues to dominate the globe. Not happy about it? Go to your country and create the next Google!!!!!
  15. I was with her and she MISSPOKE!!! 687,700. exactly. falang. you pay!!! Pick up wallet, theft. I want falang in jail for 1200000 years or pay my friend her money plus 4847 percent interest.
  16. Sorry, neither. The pollution is really so bad that it will really affect an old person's lungs. That's like 25%+ of the year. CM traffic.......OK if young. It's added to the pollution. Heat in the city, pollution, noise, traffic.......it's not a retirement paradise. not even close. but it has so many things to do, sad. CR really doesn't have much. there are also a lot of strange problems (yaba) living that close to that the Burma border. CR really has lots of different people there, which is great. Many different dialects. Probably better food in CR. Nan, IMO of course, is the only possible Northern Option for an extended stay. I'm talking years. Retirement. Not the city, which makes it a harder option. The city isn't anything special and the mountains aren't that close. You gotta head north. CM during August, Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec.....of course!!! That's only 5 months I can recommend. If you don't mind health issues, CM is 100x better now. Maybe in 20-years, CR. I've never met a Thai person who chose ANY other city up north besides CM.
  17. This is why I hire anyone (I mean anyone) to build my gold mines, find land mines, farm, work in the factory, swim in radioactive waste..... Once my slave worker asked for a raise, I said, "OK. 1 extra cent after 11-years." I gotta make my friends rich.....this is the goal. money, money. gotta go, my all-gold Rolls is getting another coat of gold.
  18. One of the biggest cities in Thailand. Easily run by the wealthiest country in the Universe. A country that spends BILLIONS on countries much, much, much smaller than Thailand. If COVID, this makes sense. I'll hold off on rambling ...... if still closed in a month, then there's a big problem. Of course they can staff any place anywhere at anytime. People, check. Money, check. It's not a staff shortage in this sense. But if they have COVID and they need trained people, well then I can see a temp. closure. still makes no sense........send people from Bangkok.
  19. Gold has been in a freefall to zero. Oil now in double-digits. Bitcoin somehow holding. This world has gone mad!!!! $99. hahaha. That's still super, super, super high........ but let's act like this is good news. Talk to me when it hits $40
  20. Yes, important to remember. Schools are closed Wed, Thur and Fri. No idea about immigration, but something to check if you plan on going next week. Then the following week more holidays. Or holiday. something. July is busy with holidays.
  21. No more facts!!!! It's hilarious when the old guys say, "Wow, it was sooooo much better way back when." Speaking for the majority of humans, I would say, "absolutely not." Some guys get upset because they don't have that "power" over women like they thought they would have a long time ago. I only miss the post for a few things: 1. Nothing was recorded, everything forgotten. No smartphone distraction. 2. I had energy to play basketball for 5 hours a day and only stopped because it got dark.
  22. I could have told you that literally 5000 years ago. Do you remember the Shogun beheadings and all the priests murdered back in the day? I think what you meant was, "Hey, if it's not America some news agencies might pay attention." Trust me, there are gun killings going on 500 km from where you are right now.......no matter where you are on Earth.
  23. Amulet of Thor!!!! Before we all make fun (oops, I did already), I'm sure that book with the cross on it tells some stories that are a little far-fetched.
  24. I don't understand this Nazi obsession. or Stalin. Maybe it's telling the kids you are older than most and remember Hitler. Right NOW there are massive crimes going on in China, North Korea, Philippines, Central America, Africa, etc....... and yet we go back to the late 1930's. I can TOP that......... Reminds me of pre-Mongol invasion. Genghis Khan and his sons/brothers. I think people just like typing Nazi to stir up emotions.
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