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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I doubt he was in a nice apt. Sounds like he hit rock bottom in one of those addict guesthouses I saw there. Small cheap decent rooms are another story and are Ok.
  2. It's weirder in Cambodia because all hope is lost. Not being around even other homeless people that speak English is much more isolating then being destitute in your home country. There is also a meth problem in Cambodia so he was likely living with addicts who were shooting up. Some of the rooms are like shooting galleries with bloody swabs and rags just left on the floor. We call them "deathpats". It's expats that wash up there to die. Refusing to go home, or can't get themselves together to actually return. They end up as alcoholics or drug addicts, and victims of hookers and pimps or just other people around that can see they are going downhill that rob them of everything when they are high or wasted. It happens in those really cheap rooms where nobody cares.
  3. That's usually what happens, people end up in Cambodia in those run down awful guesthouse rooms. Was it the Walkabout bar by any chance?
  4. Are you only interested in meeting people that have the same interests as yourself? Seems odd, why would you do that?
  5. Yes, if there are that kind of people here. Most people who like the kind of dinners and conversation you are interested in probably don't like Thailand much.
  6. A lot of people move around so frequently it may be a very casual meeting anyhow. The same as you would get just going to a cafe and sitting among strangers. I noticed this problem early on after being here a few years. Relationships felt superficial, like just drinking buddies or someone you would meet on a train ride with relatively shallow conversation. Not really friendships like I would have back in the USA. The visa system (and other things ) pushes people to constantly move around so they never really dig in.
  7. I avoid the small elevator in my building if someone else is there. I just take the stairs. It's not worth catching Covid.
  8. You almost never see someone well enough on a camera and are lucky to get more then a shadow. Their primary purpose is to make people feel safer.
  9. You're not safe into old age anywhere unless you have residency, or preferably citizenship. You can get booted out in your 70's due to changing requirements. If you are able it's best to work towards citizenship in a place you can best afford while you are still young.
  10. I distain when people show up uninvited. No wonder the Op wants to limit membership. In the future you are to arrive with long trousers and closed toe shoes, not shorts and flip flops. Also, no beer branded t-shirts. We also require you wear deodorant as a courtesy to the other diners.
  11. We will still require payment for your meal before you're excused. Seperate checks.
  12. Things don't keep working. You get older, man.
  13. Not true. Sign was up in office just a few months ago.
  14. The Op got a taste of what it's like to deal with these people and is looking for an answer to that problem. Unfortunately, they probably won't find one even with "another correct visa". What he has will never be good enough unless he keeps depositing money.
  15. There's a noodle cart on the corner, mate.
  16. Not always, you need to go in person sometimes.
  17. As I said before, get used to it if you live here long term. There's no "answer" that will let you escape the hassle. It's part of living here and something you need to consider before retiring here. If you want an answer as to why it's like that, it's because things are broken and people are not educated and trained to problem solve. That's not going to get fixed anytime soon.
  18. Hookers can make those same accusations. Many men don't realize that. You are at risk of an allegation anytime you have a woman to your home or hers. Building security or lobby staff are her first recourse that makes it impossible to deny the meeting. Your passport is also linked to the residence in most cases. As a foreigner you are at a great disadvantage if an accusation is made. Be careful.
  19. So you eat bread with a fork? 🤣
  20. I wonder if the police here are smart enough to realize that though. They may go off some weird opinion or interpretation that does not follow your logic.
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