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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. What response do you get when you initiate? The only potential connections I have encountered center around similar music interests. For example, wearing a band t-shirt that resonated with a particular music sub culture. Somehow establishing a common connection beforehand. Even that was just chat though, not really a "friendship". There does not seem to be enough in common to relate to other guys easily just off the cuff.
  2. I agree. The only reason I would want to renew through the agent is the leverage factor in getting the deposit back. It looks like they are listed as a third party or witness on the lease, not the principal. They take pictures before and after and document it all. If the deposit is not returned for a good reason their reputation is at stake. They may also pressure the landlord legally to return the deposit, but I'm not sure. If I'm not drawn up on a current dated lease with them as a third party I think I'm on my own though.
  3. Who do you think is actually holding the deposit, the agent or the landlord?
  4. There might be a problem between the agent and the landlord. Initially, I just communicated through the agent. Then the juristic person here contacted me and wanted my Line or phone number for the owner. He said, the owner communicated to him that the agent would not answer their messages. So I got caught in a triangle of sorts. That's about the last thing I want to do in Thailand with someone holding my deposit (30k).
  5. My lease expires in less then a month. I contacted both the landlord and the real estate agent and expressed by desire to renew. The landlord told me privately that she would prefer that I tell the real estate agent that I moved out so she did not have to pay their fee for a new lease renewal, and that I just keep paying rent as usual and could remain in the unit. I'm worried about getting the deposit back at some point if I'm not on a lease and the real estate agent is out of the picture. It also feels weird to not have a lease. I have never met the landlord and only send line messages. It's just a line contact the juristic person here gave me. Also, I paid the deposit in cash to the real estate agent initially. The agent is trying to do a lease renewal but the landlord has not signed off and I'm running out of time to find a new condo. It's also unclear if the lease expires or if it self-renews. It says to give 30 days notice to move out, but also says contact the agent to renew. Should I just move out if the lease is not signed by the expiration date or stay and keep paying rent?
  6. The scene you are referring to is dying. The future is woke-ism. It's primary interest is being seen, on display and attention, more then sex and relationships.
  7. I don't like being in the elevator with people anyway breathing other people's air, so it works for me. Not catching Covid is just a side benefit.
  8. Part of it may be not liking foreigners in general, not just lack of curiosity. Is definately not just you. Odd isn't it? It's not something that can be overcome in my opinion, after living here many years. Bob and I were on the same page in this regard as well. Many theories were brought up, including penis size, but I don't think anybody really knows. On the surface it seems to be disinterest, but there is a spitefullness as well and avoidance you don't find with just non-interest. Part of it may be fear of embarrassment of not speaking english or understanding you. Even the noodle soup store guy I eat at regularly acts weird when I ask a question and I eat there several times a week. It's kind of a blunt curt manner like he is in a rush or afraid to interact with me. Other times he is overly attentive if I don't say anything. Weird. Very different then Mexican guys who are easy to meet and interact with even with the language barrier.
  9. Chinese people like it because it feels premium. Same for real brands clothing stores.
  10. Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.
  11. That large gated wall in the video is not exactly user friendly. It looks like I'm entering a nuclear silo facility. The only thing missing is security dogs and armed guards.
  12. Theives are usually in your head. Even if you do get some riff raff it's not worth the expenditure in security in my opinion to have manned posts and a guarded compound that feels like you are entering a "facility". It's overkill.
  13. @Old Curmudgeon What do you think about this relationship?
  14. I used to live in gated community with manned gates and even fancy patrol vehicles with lights, etc. It seemed Ok at first until I realized that it was all meant to make people feel safer. It had nothing to do with actual security since we were out in a semi-rural location. A waste of money basically paid for with resident assessments. You're right though, residents may have the funds to keep the area up and looking well and care about the area. They kept upgrading the security all the time as well, needing better patrol vehicles that were as good as police cruisers, etc.
  15. The way the guy is eating makes me feel it's scripted (fake). I think these may be couples that apply for the show and are paid to appear.
  16. I hate going through manned security like that. Feels too restrictive.
  17. I would go to the embassy first and see if they will replace it without the police report. If they ask for a report, tell them you are on overstay and don't want to get arrested.
  18. They don't know how to read it. I went over this with a grab/bolt driver in Bangkok. They don't have the spatial ability to follow a map route. Little dot is there and route mapped out but they can't grasp the concept. Sounds crazy, I know... Try thinking how you would approach it being an adult with only elementary school training. Not years of looking at facts and numbers and books. It would just look like a hodgepodge or you would not have the ability to interpret how it moved and respond in kind. Or, you would lack the patience and mental focus to follow what it was telling you.
  19. I will leave it to the Op, it's his group. It may be something to consider how to respond to people that crash the group or don't vibe with the other members when the live meets take place. Usually, they leave on their own accord. With attendees off this forum though, I'm not so sure that would be the case!
  20. I'm not sure restaurants are the best idea for this kind of group. I would be inclined to find someone to host that has some sort of garden or outdoor area near town with some comfortable chairs, shade and tables where drinks and snacks can be served. That way you are out of the Thailand vibe and bustle and can create a space for discussion. People would also be comfortable attending since the time and place would be the same. That's what my neighbor did with the Soiree'. We had wine, drinks and food in an elegant gated setting that was more like Portugal or France, not Thailand. All the riff raff in town was gone, it was invite only and people had similar interests and backgrounds. You could make it into a Uk gentleman's club vibe if you wanted to also, since it's just a blank canvas space.
  21. I'm so sorry you could not figure this one out. Onward & upward!
  22. It's not this guys fault he got old. It will happen to all of us eventually.
  23. Fuk 'em. Lay low until you are forced to go in. That way at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing they are doing something right.
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