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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. sounds like you are looking for hua hin to me. any particular reason you are going to the pattaya area?
  2. Unless, everything can be turned into a positive. Then it does not matter. Better get to work! ????‍♂️
  3. The story just states that his flight was cancelled and he got stuck and he tried to re-schedule. The negative excuse is coming out of your mind ????‍♂️ ????.
  4. I usually get a high index thin lens. You have to get the coating. One time I asked for it without coating and it still came with the cheap anti-reflective coating. I think they do that so it flakes after a year and you need to buy lenses again.
  5. check out the look on this guys face. what mischief was he up to in bangkok those weeks, temples?
  6. one thing i could probably use right now is more testosterone (just turned 53)
  7. Some of these guys are not too smart. He could have agreed to something and the driver does not even understand what was agreed, he just drives and makes up a price at the end. I took a grab taxi where there's a map on the phone app with a moving arrow to tell the driver where to turn, everything. He could not figure it out and got lost and had to keep pulling over to ask directions. The fare is the same no matter what he does. He had the guided map directions there on the dashboard the whole time!
  8. I bid you farewell, sir. ????
  9. How would they know you were a citizen if you presented a foreign passport when exiting?
  10. a man is always working out, he can be eating a vegetarian meal, pumping it, meditation or working out, he's getting off no matter what he's doing. -arnold schwartzeneggar (pumping iron)
  11. Looks like you stayed at garden cliff resort & spa, not garden cliff condo's. The condo's look like boxes to me. The resort is nice like you say but it's 1,900 baht a night.
  12. I agree. I tried that, rented my place with a property management company because it's a waste to just let it sit empty. One problem after another. It was like a part time job getting the rent and fixing every little problem.
  13. Yes, but you are renting at the mercy of the landlord. Rent could go up or they may want to sell. If we are talking about retirement is that really how you want to live? Not a big deal with a glut of rental properties available, but for some people that's not really 'home', it's just a temporary arrangement. Also, as one gets older moving all the time is a hassle to put it politely. As far as buying property you can by a condo box which all look pretty similar to my eye sans the furniture, or you need the land in a Thai's name, or someone said you could do it under a company name but that option does not appear to be very popular (don't you need 51% Thai owned ). Like I said before, for those who need a stable living situation a property and 30 year fixed interest home loan in your home country may be preferable (if you have credit and can afford the payment).
  14. They are pushing the rent up after the lease expires, correct? Not just at a whim.
  15. The only kinds of things they want non citizens doing here is stuff like drinking or having sex. Even working on the fence in my garden was looked upon as strange or improper.
  16. One big reason is that if your a Us citizen you can get a home loan. So it's possible to live in a much nicer house in the Usa then one could otherwise afford without the hassles of renting or feeling like a pauper. In Thailand, one would need to buy a condo or rent which is basically a small box and the size would be limited to cash on hand. So the answer to your question is basically that you can't afford to not live in a small box.
  17. What happens if they walk away, does the business revert to the landlord? If so the landlord could keep reselling the same business each time an owner walked or could not pay the rent. Then they try to sell to naive people, collect rent while the place loses money, then resell it again.
  18. The other question is does it matter? There does not appear to be a lot of loyalty to specific establishments in Pattaya. People generally go where other people like them go and that's where prices are cheaper. I don't think many people car what the name on the door is. There always seems to be a new popular place with cheaper prices.
  19. You don't have to go back to the USA. There are resort type homes up North in Cm/Cr for about half that.
  20. I'm not a fan of these income based visa's at all. Imo it should be based on bank balance they can check every year. Income in retirement is a bit out dated. A lot of people withdraw from savings and investments only what they need and nobody I know in Thailand needs to take out 80k.
  21. I love online shopping. Everything I need is there. I can compare lens type, price and even research brands. When I goto a shop in person I'm rushed out with a lens I know nothing about. Just a hi-index lens.
  22. I thought they would be cheaper in Thailand. Sounds like that's not the case. I will just get mine done at Costco in the Usa when I'm there. Many Thai's cant afford 20k for glasses. Perhaps they are covered under the state health plan, or they just get cheap quality lenses.
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