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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Yeah. If your thinking of getting a bar or restaurant now for things to pickup, I think you will get burned. It's a fakeout, there may be what looks like a recovery of sorts, but then things turn hard downhill for a long time. I think that Beach Club place in Tree Town is a great example. They did it all fancy expecting hoards of people to return and are probably thinking what the hell is going on. They probably thought they were getting a prime spot for a deal but caught a falling knife.
  2. Weird. I'm thinking it may not just be a Covid problem, but something much bigger. Like economies in trouble that lasts many years. If it was just a Covid thing I think it would have bounced back by now and not just lingering in a bad state.
  3. What's Pattaya like right now? I'm not there. Is it worth living there for say 6 months? I want something that resembles pre-covid days, and not just a ghost town with a few things open. What % is it at back to a pre-covid normal, 50%, 70%, or?
  4. In Asia it's the group that's important, not the individual. The flow of traffic is more important then someone waiting to cross the street. If someone insists on crossing anyway, of course people should stop and not hit them, but it's selfish for one person to stop traffic on the street so they can cross. They need to wait until it's clear. If you have a whole group of people crossing it's more legit. Do you see the Chinese walking around in the group with the flag? It's the group that's important. The people wear masks, the group health is important. John Wayne sits at the bar by himself. He does not need a group because he knows the individual is important.
  5. Your in a different culture. What you think as selfish is no so here. Pushing your way in may mean you are weak and others have to wait for you. You lose face by not showing restraint. Your at a restaurant and expected to pay. Are the other diners selfish or are they doing you a favor, or do they lose face by leaving and you gain face by paying?
  6. That and a million other things... If that kind of thing bothers you you may have chosen the wrong country to live in. I suspect your not a casual visitor since this sort of thing is just funny when your not here long term. Why does it bother you, does everything need to be perfect? Should it be done the way you think it should be, or have you considered that there's nowhere to park and it's necessary to get things done here, thus the police enforcement flexibility.
  7. Yes, you just need to know how to hold a conversation.
  8. I don't like seeing or feeling a dick down there when I have anal sex. It makes me think I'm having sex with my father.
  9. I never liked Nana much. It always felt like if I talked to a girl there she had just got through shagging a bunch of other guys.
  10. I'm not sure how these places make money on a street lined with bars. Seems like they would break even at best. The chances of somebody just stumbling into your joint for a beer seems very remote, almost like winning the lottery. I guess you could find buddies that take to a certain bar and return there each time because you know they will be there. So maybe the answer to your question about bars closing is how much community you have built up at your bar, not how bright the lights are or how cheap the prices are since those people will be one off customers and also everybody else just copies it.
  11. Cambodia may be an option. I just hope he does not need medical treatment.
  12. That's really expensive. Where was that? Do you know if the English Rose on Soi Pothole is still open?
  13. I don't think immigration cares where you depart to and going to a particular country is not enforcable. Just book a ticket to Cambodia on your phone and fly out if needed. Same with other countries who want you out.
  14. Who cares, just keep getting the extension. If asked for the insurance get it.
  15. I wonder why this is spreading mostly among gays? Do they have sex more often?
  16. I'm going to do that and just return every two years. I will lose a lot of money not having the funds invested, and it would pay for the return trip many times over.
  17. Jack, I thought I needed to show the money in Thailand after the 1st year on an O-A??? Do I get two full years with no money in Thailand?
  18. Do I need to reside in Thailand for a certain amount of time each year to renew the O-A indefinately? Or, can I get a re-entry permit and live in another country, and just return a few months each year to renew the O-A? (I want to make Thailand a long term base, but live in other countries most of the time that have shorter 90 day visas).
  19. Every time I cross that intersection I'm looking for some dweeb in a sports car ready to mow me down in the crosswalk. Years later.
  20. He should just return to the States and get an O then.
  21. The conversion stuff sucks, but I don't think military medical covers you in Thailand. You need the Thai policy no matter what visa you have if you don't want to walk around uninsured, unless you have some expensive global plan on the side.
  22. I missed it. What's the problem? Why are you so negative on this visa? We all need to have insurance so that can't be it ????‍♂️ How many guesses do I get?
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