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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Thanks Fritz, I tried that and it solved my problem. I'm not sure about the life question and will need to grt back to you at a later time when I discover the answer.
  2. Me too, booger. I actually like the taste of ice water better then Leo. Maybe somebody will figure out how to add alcohol to ice water. Would be a great seller!
  3. I lived in Pattaya on less then that. Something's really wrong here ????‍♂️.
  4. 'Copwatch' app records direct to their servers so a record is in public domain. I think it can even be setup to download to Youtube at a later time if your not around for some reason.
  5. Isn't the Chanote registered with the land office?
  6. It was probably not an accident, but an attempt to hit the rebels broadside (where maybe they were not watching that area and had little time to shelter in place). That means Thailand is participating in the war by allowing the incursion, and just announcing it as a mistake each time it happens. I have a feeling Thailand views the rebels as just a problem that needs to go away and does not care how.
  7. My problem is I don't like that lifestyle. Although I don't prefer to be around people who are skint, I prefer being outside on the street, outdoor markets, street food, etc. I don't like indoor places with a/c or places where I'm catered to. There is a lack of risk or edge that I don't like when I am in more expensive venues. They feel to me like a cushion from real life.
  8. You need to get out more. At least half the retirees I meet are skint. One guy cooked vegetables on a hibachi to make soup on his balcony every day. Another guy argued about an extra $5 for a hotel room, others spend their nights looking for a 20 baht discount on a beer. There's plenty of cheapskates around. In fact it seems to be the norm unless your holed up in a fancy place and don't go streetside much.
  9. Yes you can, but nothing in life comes free. (Here's what my comment means for the dim wits. When you save money on something there is always a trade off. You either get less quality, service, or take on increased risk in some manner. Saving money is an illusion, but you can spend less if needed).
  10. I would never give my passport to a shop that looked like that. That storefront looks sketchy. Can't you goto a place that looks legit or like it will be around tomorrow? How dumb can you be? Use your brain and exercise some discretion, you are in a foreign country with scams and other nonsense, so think about things before just paying or giving over sensitive documents or divulging all your secrets to anyone who asks ????‍♂️.
  11. I was about to go with LMG for their worldwide coverage and decided against it after reading the Yelp reviews. Page after page of complaints that they did not pay claims. Not one positive review on Yelp. Those nice people who sell you the policies are not in claims, it's a different department.
  12. Do I need the special certificate for the initial or extention if I get a Thai insurer? Has anybody had the opportunity of using their Thai insurance for something serious and getting the costs covered, and what company did you have?
  13. Well, there's the beach, a road, and a bunch of bars in any direction once you cross the road ????. Just kidding. The go cart course near the pier would be fun for a 14 year old. Also, the Chocolate Factory. Is this just a few days or long term? Much better options around like Tarutao Island, Phi Phi Island, etc. with tourist type activities on the water, for example snorkeling, kayaking, etc that take up the day.
  14. No "top girl" works in a thailand bar. They tend to have better options. ????‍♂️
  15. It does not matter what you call it, they were able to get another year!
  16. It's because you get to keep the retirement money in your home country imo.
  17. You could always keep records from the hospital and challenge the charges later with a lawyer if the patient passes. There is no reason to do it now, especially if it puts their care at risk.
  18. You could play hardball and block the beneficiaries access on your own. Report the card or bankbook missing and get new ones with a different number sent to the address on record with the bank, assuming the beneficiary did not change the address. You have the owners info, do it online or call in. The card is technically missing, how can the owner buy coffee? Forget the hospital drafts for now, focus on freezing the account from normal withdrawls first or it's too distracting to do both now.
  19. That's troublesome because it's happening while the primary is still alive. It's not connected to any trust, will, or any bills after death. It's just like giving somebody your atm card. On second thought, you may need to prove incapacity at the time bank access was granted (that can't be done to a certainty like a court would like since the evaluation was not performed at that point in time) in order to hold the beneficiary liable for withdrawing funds, NOT Now after the patient is already declining mentally. Heavy stuff for a lawyer to contemplate.
  20. Going to probate typically freezes accounts including withdrawls and debits. This requires passing obviously. Mistake was to give out account access early imo. Now that one beneficiary has the ATM card you could get a Dr at the hospital to certify incapacity of the primary and give the letter to the bank manager to block withdrawls using the bankbook and ATM card. The hospital debits will likely be allowed unless you move the primary to another facility. If the lone beneficiary decides to start making withdrawls, the primary is going to be at risk of not receiving care if the hospital cannot bill for the costs. I would talk to the Dr and bank manager asap.
  21. Every post you make is your opinion on what the reality is. If I were to ask the other parties involved the chances are pretty good I would get a different story each time. Put it through probate if there is squabbling involved. That includes with the lawyer or the bank manager, or any beneficiaries. You are likely going to need court oversight if your bickering. Are you in contact with the other parties, contacting them to relay what "other people said or think?". It's common for people to do that as a way of manipulating the outcome, whether you realize it or not.
  22. That's what you think.
  23. It's weird how they are never "normal" women however. They are always, bohemians, hippies, or some similar weird type. Not just a stereotypical woman you would see walking around a city in the USA, for example. The ones I have met always seem to be lesbian, or asexual.
  24. Probably better of just keeping him out of the news and attention. He's thinking of running again so he will try to attract attention in any way possible.
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