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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. 6 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    It's not 12000 in 4 months. These stats are over the budget year....so it's from October to April - 7 months. The RATE of infection per month is barely any different between the current year and the budget year of 2019. 

    and if my link was correct it was 5k per month in 2017...so even 12k in 4 months is not abnormally high in comparision. I would like to find the 2019 official statistics.

  2. Just now, John CS said:

    Most scientists and virologists say for the public, masks have minimal impact if any, this is CDC and John Hopkins speaking here,they are more important / effective for Health workers, but we know its a business & culturally Asian peoples are predisposed to these masks, ( they feel safer) not so much Western people, as they are restrictive

    They can be suppressive of your immune system as you are not breathing correctly or exposed to virus flora of which your immune system is dependant and coexists, the wearing of these should NOT be mandatory as trying to isolate yourself from the environment makes your immune system weaker as does being locked down from the outside environment, we coexist with our environment ,seperate us from it does more harm than good.

    most western scientists and virologists...not most Asian..

  3. 14 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

    The death by pneumonia data (not including BKK) is published on the HDC site and updated more or less daily. Looks like not including BKK, Thailand had about 1,000 deaths by pneumonia in the past week which is about twice the average for the whole country (including BKK) for a typical week.


    I'm sure none of those deaths were actually Covid 19 as they would have been in the daily reports.

    I found this source saying in 2017 Thailand had 60K+influenza/pneumonia deaths or roughly 1150 per week? How does that compare to the numbers you found? https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/thailand-influenza-pneumonia

  4. 8 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

    The death by pneumonia data (not including BKK) is published on the HDC site and updated more or less daily. Looks like not including BKK, Thailand had about 1,000 deaths by pneumonia in the past week which is about twice the average for the whole country (including BKK) for a typical week.


    I'm sure none of those deaths were actually Covid 19 as they would have been in the daily reports.

    I found this from early March that thinks they are not. Do you have a source/link please?  https://nucleuswealth.com/articles/is-thailand-hiding-covid-19-cases/

  5. 11 minutes ago, RedPill said:

    Yes, that's what all the people want who have the means/and or can work from home ... not only here. 


    The rest of the millions of people who lose their jobs and businesses can stick it up ... or queue up for food or 5k baht every day


    seems extreme to me...seems more sensible to gradually reopen with reasonable precautions, masks. hand sanitizers, temp checks, distancing and react with strong testing tracking and quarantining with new cases so society can still function as other societies have done. Admittedly testing capabilities need improvement here.


    And those people with means can still remote work or isolate.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, JCP108 said:

    This is totally legit and for at least 12 reasons:


    1) Dr. Taweesin looks to happy when he does these reports,

    2) China,

    3) No mounds of dead bodies,

    4) No social media reports of mounds of dead bodies,

    5) Vitamin D,

    6) Thai discipline and no hand shaking here,

    7) Somtam,

    ???? Plara,

    9) Masks,

    10) Adequate testing,

    11) China, and

    12) No mounds of dead bodies. 

    Anf lots of sun and UV rays

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

    That's not a study from Cambridge and are your implying Cambridge University?
    So far it seems Frances first case may have been December.

    "Meanwhile, a study released last month by Cambridge University in the UK brought forward a similar finding, suggesting that the virus may have been circulating even before December"

    “While yet to be peer-reviewed, the latest work suggests that the first infection and spread among humans of SARS-CoV-2 occurred between mid-September and early December,” the university said in a statement on April 9.


    Directly stated in the article if you read it. Mid way through after heading 'First infection occurred in September' Unless the writer is fibbing.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Greg O said:

    Very informative and thanks. In addition the government stated last month that they would cease random testing at government expense ( their cost 2000 baht per test) as they were averaging 1 positive for each 1000 tests. They've been relying on tracking and tracing primarily and the private test data from the hospitals of patients that have been admitted. Not my opinion but what was stated by Doctor weeweee...

    Taiwan has taken much the same approach in deciding who to test although I would say they are much more competent in how they do things as a society.

  9. 8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I took Tramadol and paracetamol for the ear-ache.

    The kid had cough syrup.

    The misses called a cousin to look after her (on the sofa for 10 days) while she shook and sweated and coughed.


    I probably caught it from Chinese in CM or Saigon airport (mid-Jan), misses and kid caught it from me when I came back.

    That's it? Wow. I'm glad for you. Were you formally tested for covid? Or just assumed that was it?

  10. 1 minute ago, Forresttrump said:

    What happened to the 80,000+ PUI’s?

    My understanding with the PUIs is that they were people who were tested out negative, but were in contact trees so they are still being watched to see if they develop symptoms or test out for virus at a later date as the test is not 100%

  11. 6 minutes ago, sapson said:

    So the monthly testing figures if as above 34k represent a test ratio of O.05 % of 70 million population.


    They are congratulating themselves on a zero but having tested only a tiny fraction of 1 percent of the people.


    It is truly representative of Thailands normal farcical charade! but not an indication of the true Covid 19 situation in the kingdom........

    For sure, I would want much more, but I will still be cautiously optimistic about this result.


    Taiwan did so many things much better than Thailand, especially contact tracing and travel restrictions, etc, but their testing rate is quite incredibly low, only 68,107 and 2,860/mill, much less than Thailand's, so it is possible that the results here are not bad even with the low amount of tests.


    We will see soon enough how much of a farce it is as things reopen.

  12. 3 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

    The reason Asians wear face masks more than in western countries is because Air Pollution is much much higher in Asia and they are not willing to solve the problem.

    Instead they use face masks as a band-aid to cover up this problem. Off course masks they wear offer any protection against pollution.




    Partly that, but also to protect others when they are sick. In Taiwan, and I believe in Hong Kong, it is the standard when people are sick and out and about in school and at work to protect others and let them know that the person is unwell so as to take precautions.

    • Like 2
  13. 6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I feel safe not wearing a mask and always have.

    Caught COVID in January along with my family, wasn't that bad for me but the misses suffered.

    I'll stop wearing the mask as soon as I can get away with it.

    Hardly anyone in our gated mooban (all Thai) wears the masks unless going outside our community already. 

    Glad to hear that it turned out ok. Where were you treated for it and what was the treatment? @BritManToo

  14. 20 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    There have been quite a few proposers of the theory that Thailand had its first wave before we'd even heard about C19. There were many visitors from China, including Wuhan, before the infection was formally recognized and it's possible that the first wave passed through the country without anyone being aware of its existence.


    So yes, you could well have missed it.

    Interesting that you say that: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3932712


    Title: Coronavirus may have been spreading since Wuhan Military Games last October

    Suspected cases among international athletes months before China's first report to WHO


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