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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. 7 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

    As reported on CNN this am by a representative of WHO or some US medical research outfit - I didn't quite catch the full tag - it was stronger than that: "appears to be quite rare" were the words that stuck in my mind.

    Yes, seems the main driver of a lot the social distancing and lockdowns that one should beware of asymptomatic and presymptomatic people is in fact incorrect.


    “We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing,” she said. “They’re following asymptomatic cases. They’re following contacts. And they’re not finding secondary transmission onward. It’s very rare.”


    “What we really want to be focused on is following the symptomatic cases,” Van Kerkhove said. “If we actually followed all of the symptomatic cases, isolated those cases, followed the contacts and quarantined those contacts, we would drastically reduce” the outbreak.



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  2. 2 hours ago, pookiki said:

    Travel 'bubbles' are travel 'babble'.  Look at the situation that just recently happened when a repatriated Thai was nearly released from a 14-day quarantine and then tested positive.  Why is 14 days a magic number?  A reasonable guideline but it doesn't insure that we will be safe. With estimates that 35% of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic, those countries that open tourism will open the gates to a resurgence of the virus. There are too many facets of this disease that we still don't understand. I don't care if the tourists are MICE or Macedonians, there should be a uniform approach for all tourists wanting to visit Thailand or any other country for that matter. Or for those Thais who want to travel and return without a whole lot of hassle.  Just remember, the first COVID-19 transmission in Thailand involved a taxi driver.  After tourism opens, the taxi drivers will be on the front line, again.  No system will be fool-proof or bribe-proof. 

    Yes, but research from Singapore was saying that the virus isn't infectious after the 11th day of the infection.



  3. 2 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    I did and found nothing to say that they are actually beneficial.


    If you've found differently please provide link.

    "Recent research has linked the emerging idea of the hygiene hypothesis to viruses. This hypothesis attempts to explain and justify some of the high incidences of diseases such as asthma[22] and eczema[23] in the Western world to Western society's overuse of antibiotic and antiviral agents. This overuse potentially disrupts not only the bacteria of the gut but also the viruses that have long lived in harmony with the human body and now play a role in regulation of human health."



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  4. Just now, puipuitom said:

    We "enjoyed" the Spanish Flue for 4 years in 4 waves ( 1918-1922) . On a world population of 2 billion 30- 50, maybe even 100 million casualties, The death toll was 228,000 in Britain alone, with a population of 44 million ( so at 67 mln = theoretically 347.000 Boris + Dominic can laugh) . see https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/The-Spanish-Flu-pandemic-of-1918/ https://www.history.com/news/spanish-flu-second-wave-resurgence

    Except this isn't the spanish flu. Interesting that some are now thinking that for a possible variety of reasons in the range of 50-80% may not be susceptible to covid19. We shall see.


    Here is an interview with a mathematical modeler who provides information to public health officials in Britain to act upon. Karl Friston: up to 80% not even susceptible to Covid-19



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  5. This is just ridiculous. This disease is a bad one, but it seems to be implied here that we need 0 global cases to get on with life when the diseases ifr is most likely between .2-.4%. Yes precautions need to be taken for a while and the vulnerable need to be protected, because this disease will be endemic, but there seems to be a lot of fearmongering going on. Most likely, it will be herd immunity which ends up protecting us since there is no guarantee that there will be a vaccine that eradicates it.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Yinn said:


    everyone tested. Good system. One reason thai control covid= low death


    In Europe they not test old people at hospital, return to old care home, spread it = high deaths. 100,000+ death old care homes in Europe. 


    Europe quarantine system no control well. Up to the people. Many Europe people disobedient = high death. 


    Yes the poor practices at European and American elderly care homes is the main thing behind the huge death totals in the west. That and many commodities.

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  7. 5 hours ago, PaoloR said:

    Every day you go on and on about vitamin D being the miracle - you are starting to sound like Trump.

    Show us any evidence!

    Why have the Southern states in the USA (Texas, Florida or Southern California), which get lots of Sun and vitamin D got so many cases if vitamin D is the answer? What about the Middle East?

    Show me any verifiable evidence and I will retract - if not please stop posting this nonsense.

    Many people don't process vitamin D from the sun very well or don''t spend enough time in the sun. I had huge problems getting sick a couple of years back. Started taking 5k IU liquid vitamin D3 everyday and only have been ill once since then. I think many people's immune systems would benefit from vitamin D supplements.


    Most people from middle eastern countries I have seen have their whole bodies completely covered to protect from the sun.


    There are a number of articles discussing the importance of vitamin D3 in the prevention and lowing the mortality rate for covid. Here are a few. It seems vitamin D is especially helpful for upper respiratory infections in general. Seems that daily dosages are the recommended serving.









  8. 10 hours ago, ThLT said:

    For sure. But the dead can't present their case. 

    Lockdown was also implemented way too late, since UK was initially aiming for herd immunity. We'll never know for sure, but maybe there would have been 10,000, instead of 40,000 deaths (585/1M) if their lockdown would have been implemented correctly.

    South Korea has 273 deaths total—5 deaths/1M citizens in comparison...


    No lockdown in Korea. Just smarter policies and better compliance.

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  9. 18 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

    This is why they will continue the quarantine of foreign travelers when they eventually let them in.  This isn't going away soon.

    It's ok. Quarantine them, but let people who need to get somewhere do so whether they are full time residents or not, especially when traveling from other low risk nations

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