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Everything posted by bbko

  1. The very first time I tried to get my license, I failed the computer testing, all they said was come back tomorrow, I went home, studied and returned and passed the next day, no extra fees. OP, there's several Youtube videos showing what's involved to get a motorbike license in Thailand.
  2. Try Boy Air & Sound on Sukhumvit.
  3. Firework shows attract spectators with money to spend on food, hotels, etc. If it's the lack of Pattaya visitors that caused them to be unemployed/hungry/homeless, you'd think this is the start of a good thing.
  4. The American guy gave police info on other drug dealers, I'm guessing those caught won't be forgetting him anytime soon.
  5. bbko

    Dune 2021

  6. bbko

    Taco Bell Bangkok

    To me, Taco Bell in Thailand is nothing like TB in the US. Here in the LOS TB is bland, small portions and overpriced. I tried it once here and that was enough to show me I won't be a regular customer.
  7. Yes they will, I only brought it to the neighborhood computer guy because of past positive dealings and he's always willing to add a few programs at no additional cost.
  8. Does the metal cap thing in the photo fit over the pump's power connector (the thing that plugs in the car's electrical socket)?
  9. My last PC build I bought the parts I needed from JIB here in Pattaya's Tuk Com, I spoke with the guys and made sure all components will work together, then I brought all the new parts along with my old parts (PC case, power supply) to a neighborhood computer repair guy and he assembled it for 500B, it runs fine.
  10. 2 Pfizer doses in the US, Feb/March 2021.
  11. I've caught some now and again on those rat glue traps, but mostly if/when I come across one in the garden I'll just smash it with a shovel or hoe. I don't want my dogs or anyone in my garden getting a bite from one of those bad boys.
  12. I used to have an internet cafe and through trial and error determined JIB was/is the best place when building a PC. https://www.jib.co.th/web/branch
  13. If you have the program "CCleaner", it's easy to disable any program that runs on start up using the tools/startup function.
  14. I know you asked specifically for locations in Chang Mai, but if you can't find them there; https://www.lazada.co.th/products/50-tropical-carpet-grass-i1065818913-s2386178842.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.29.244834abW5YCcl&search=1
  15. Lazada is the first place I look when shopping; https://www.lazada.co.th/products/1-bag-including-38-43-sheets-5050cm-tissue-paper-party-present-gift-wrapping-i2651683340-s9534435177.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:12654756915!117524295342!!!pla-294682000766!c!294682000766!9534435177!139904266&gclid=CjwKCAjw-ZCKBhBkEiwAM4qfF56HYNzFuQgODScenQxr8vNiFwKVeL_on7wyvAlHIlwqKaiZorijAxoCCB4QAvD_BwE
  16. Having a big bike crotch rocket in Thailand is useless, anyone going over 60 kmh on those things is risking life and limb.
  17. Where's this CCTV video that's being mentioned here?
  18. I didn't see any adult swim lessons going on, but you can always contact them and ask.
  19. Can you list the places you did try so you won't get repeats?
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