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Everything posted by bbko

  1. "It was not clear why the tourists were kicked out of the bar." How hard is it for the so called journalist to ask? Smells like shoddy yellow journalism.
  2. A more accurate poll for posters of the year would have categories; Most inane drivel Most valuable Most entertaining Most argumentative Most friendly etc.
  3. https://www.hardwarehouse.co.th/store-locator/
  4. Can we clear up his nationality? Is he Thai? or Is he a farang that has Thai citizenship?
  5. 555, my bad, that's for 2X paint, not 2K, sorry.
  6. Top 4 in nonsense posts? Top 4 in terms of number of posts? Or Top 4 in posts of substance?
  7. Clear, "Falt" (flat?) white, black, gray primer and a few other colors of 2k spray paint pop up on Home Pro's website; scroll down to the bottom of this page to see other colors available. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1035293?lang=th&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz8emBhDrARIsANNJjS5v9L4_jOvrEuqBRalaJQYfhYLWhE4MyrGOPC4NDlVJRTOmePxLcBgaAns2EALw_wcB
  8. Over the years I've used a few on the Darkside's Nern Plab Wan, there's one just opposite the PT gasoline/petrol station. Or just look for the Kodak or Fuji Film signs in your area.
  9. This Facebook page (in Thai) is in the Pattaya area and sells the paint you're looking for, but I have no experience with them. Pattaya Project Color Link Also there's many auto body shops on Sukhumvit you may want to visit. IMO it might be safer & cheaper to order from Lazada.
  10. There's gotta be better ways to socialize than being a taxi driver, I'm not suggesting other tuk tuk drivers will attack you with a machete, but I'd bet money some will see you as a farang that's taking money away from them. You could try to be a tour guide, hotel concierge, advertise as a private driver for hire, tourist police volunteer, etc.
  11. Why does it have to be a credit card? I shop online with Aliexpress, Lazada, Shopee, etc and my Thai issued debit card works every time.
  12. Just make sure you get the one that whitens, apparently dark armpits are a concern for some.
  13. Similar to assuming those that pause for a moment to look at dead body on the road...
  14. 555, If that's how you processed my posts and take that leap from parking cars to helmet wearing, more power to you.
  15. Thank ghod that trait is limited to only Thais and nowhere else in the world, eh?
  16. When the buyers dry up so will the construction.
  17. Yes cause underage girls in other countries NEVER get pregnant or are used by older men, right? Let the Thai bashing continue.
  18. I guess going through life with blinders on is one way to live,555.
  19. Go with the flow, if you see cars parked then you can park, if no cars don't park. Plenty of parking at Central Festival.
  20. bbko

    Crutch hire

    350 baht at Fascino; https://www.fascino.co.th/no-40-100-110
  21. bbko

    Crutch hire

    Have you tried the Fascino on Thepprasit? They are opposite that Kaan place. They sell crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9065165,100.8784395,3a,75y,253.17h,101.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shpeo0VbcmVwLGEFdS44NkQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  22. I was a paramedic for over 20 years, seen more than my share of dead bodies, but I'll still pause for a moment if/when I see a dead body on the road. You don't?
  23. Yes a dead body on the road is nothing to pause and take a look at, eh?
  24. I have a small zone on one side of my house that doesn't get much sun and mold is always a yearly problem. Now I spray with either bleach or vinegar then after a day or so power wash it. Laying ceramic tile with a sealer on that area is on my to-do-list. Edit, is it ok to lay ceramic tile on cement that has some mold?
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