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Everything posted by bbko

  1. I was thinking the same thing, how is it any different from the tens of 1000's of bargirls tricking money out of farangs?
  2. Bought a new mattress about 6 months ago, the Mrs and I visited a few shops and ended up buying from the Home Pro on Sukhumvit. They seemed to have the largest selection, for better prices actually go inside the store and don't use the shop in the lobby/foyer. Side note; we bought a memory foam topper off of Lazada for our son's bed, feels fine.
  3. Whenever anyone uses words or phrases like "everyone knows", "everyone is saying", "we all know", I know they're either trying to spin their narrative or just plain delusional. In Faux case, it's both.
  4. Cable storage on Shopee Shopee Link
  5. Just another reason I won't be voting red in the next decade or so. Signed a 24 year military retiree.
  6. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tktt-mop-wringer-pail-mop-bucket-cart-janitor-cleaner-cart-casters-mop-pail-baldi-mop-beroda-serbaa-i3979354011-s15406105063.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Ajanitor%2Bmop%2Bbucket%3Bnid%3A3979354011%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3Adeccd474445d4ec3a669805c584248a8%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A3979354011_TH%3Bprice%3A3332%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A1000296790%3Bpromotion_biz%3A%3Basc_category_id%3A12033%3Bitem_id%3A3979354011%3Bsku_id%3A15406105063%3Bshop_id%3A524182&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=0&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=0&lang=en&location=Overseas&price=3332&priceCompare=&ratingscore=0&request_id=deccd474445d4ec3a669805c584248a8&review=&sale=1&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.67a328dc7dvOlm&stock=1
  7. Opps, I stand corrected, to pay at 7/11 need to either use the 7/11 app or True Money. I use my Bangkok Bank app to pay everywhere else.
  8. Up from 20b to 50? Not a deal breaker for me, but this place's dual pricing is; MAX MUAY THAI PATTAYA For the Best Muay Thai fights in Pattaya Tickets Price1,500 baht (Guarantee Great Seats) Free entrance for Thai Citizen
  9. Two professional beggars at my local 7/11 every night, what little money they do get is quickly spent on booze.
  10. I use my bank's app (Bangkok Bank) all the time, never had a problem.
  11. Easy, just pull out your phone and say "Scan", they'll understand.
  12. Does the position of the chair/table change the conversation?
  13. Another vote for JIB; https://www.jib.co.th/web/ I used to have an Internet Cafe here in Thailand and over the years found JIB to be the goto place for me.
  14. Right hand side
  15. https://ttexchange.com/safe-deposit-box/pricing
  16. I didn't notice the farang in the back of the truck till I took a second look.
  17. Two things; If it sounds too good to be true it probably isn't and You get what you pay for. With that being said, I bought a "JBL" Bluetooth speaker off of Lazada for 400 baht and not the usual 4-5+ thousand baht, the sound was "OK", but the battery life was crap, it wouldn't last a hour. Nowadays, I keep it outside in the garden and keep it plugged in and play music when I'm washing my dogs or some other minimal garden patio activity. When it's family BBQ time or I have friends over I bring out the "real" speakers.
  18. These days the big name and even moderately sized companies buy in bulk (container size) and have the entire containers shipped to their selling country and ship items at a much lower price. I have a old high school friend in the states that's into importing from China (container sized) and selling in the USA, he asked me if I was willing to routinely fly from Thailand to China and bulk shop/buy for him to be his exporter. I gave it a pass as I wasn't fully aware of all the ins & outs.
  19. 555, the Saudi didn't raised his elbows above his nipple level and Trump was already bending/bowing/squatting down and did a double dip. And you want to feign disapproval with Yellens? 555
  20. Yesss, a high ranking US government official bowing or doing a curtsey to a foreign government official is disgraceful right?
  21. You can access it, but the real question is, "Is it safe to download?" Better to use Stremio or https://123-movies.zone/movies
  22. Two things concerning what the OP posted about; one I used to run a internet cafe that was open 24/7 and the work station PC was on 24/7 for weeks/months at a time; if when the power was cut I'd use that time to clean the insides and swap out fans, but there were times when it would run 24/7 for 3-4-5 months at a time without any problems. Two; downloading "regular" (non-porn) movies off of PB is old style, nowadays there's plenty of websites that stream movies with a decent internet connection and a decent PC; give this site a try, yes there's a few pop-ups till you get to the movie/tv show you want but it beats waiting hours (days) for a download; https://123-movies.zone/movies
  23. Yes, good to hear you disapprove of high ranking US government officials kowtowing to foreign governments, what's your thoughts on this?
  24. If a 2 week prior extension will still be enough to cover your holiday, why not go 2 weeks prior? Or even 10 days prior? Never wait till the last days to get things done, plus make sure there's no Thai government holidays coming up during your time in question.
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