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Everything posted by bbko

  1. There's a Facebook page dedicated to listing Pattaya bars for sale. https://www.facebook.com/groups/112226222443528/
  2. Is it time to get a credit card with a high limit, charge everything and then "forget" to pay it, 555
  3. So tRump and his lawyers were so incompetent they couldn't prove their case in over 60 lawsuits?
  4. Just out of curiosity, what country are you from? Cause IMO politics are joke in many countries, and I'm from the US where our democracy just went through a coup attempt.
  5. The car's blue book or the motorbike's green book should never be carried in the vehicle unless it's being sold that day. A photocopy works fine if asked by the police.
  6. How moronic and shortsighted of the school's administrators.... They should have ordered the students to serve alcohol to them AND the female staff.
  7. Sign the car's blue book now, she can add her info later.
  8. What's preventing you from buying today and drinking later? Also many mom & pop stores sell on those non sales days.
  9. Just wait for the typical AN posters to put a negative spin on this.
  10. Seems like more dribble from broken heart loaners. How about growing a pair and being a man for once?
  11. Please enlighten us as to what is MSM and to what is factual news?
  12. According to some on AN, Thais are racist, after reading through this thread it seems that trait isn't limited to Thais only.
  13. Boyz Town
  14. It cracks me up when I read about foreigners in Thailand complaining about an influx of other foreigners. How can one be xenophobic when they/we are foreigners in a foreign land? 5555
  15. bbko

    Bar Menu’s

    It's funny how some can turn a simple drink request at a bar into a petty drama story.
  16. I know right? I was guessing at least 75%, ????
  17. I'm willing to bet dollars to doughnuts half the people here complaining never attended these places even before the price hike. 555.
  18. How many seconds out of the day does it take to be friendly in the land of smiles?
  19. bbko

    Bar Menu’s

    Ask to speak with the bar's sommelier, they can suggest a good paring to go with those bar peanuts. ????
  20. Please enlighten us to your "brings nothing to table" rhetoric. What do you bring to the "table" other than money? And please don't post about your smarts, it's a lost cause.
  21. bbko

    Bar Menu’s

    Yawn, someone posting about semi-bad service in the LOS. Thank ghod the OP never to endure bad service until he/she came to Pattaya.
  22. I'll agree with posting/complaining on this forum but what is the expected outcome? Will griping here change any policies? If I don't like the pricing of any establishment, it's very simple, I don't enter. No need for me to become bitter, complain, jaded, life is too short to worry about things I can not change.
  23. There's a device used in Emergency Rooms called a "ring cutter", it's a small hand tool that operates similar to a can opener, turn the knob (no pun intended) and the wheel cuts through the metal.
  24. Like, "I was walking across my kitchen naked and didn't see the potato and slipped" he said.
  25. I worked in Emergency room for many years and every so often someone would need intervention for their sexual habits. Some of the excused they came up with on how their situation came to be were hilarious.
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