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Everything posted by bbko

  1. The cynicism/hatred for Thailand is strong in this thread. If I hated the country I chose to live in/visit, I'd find another country and move on with my life.
  2. I'd suggest buying one off Lazada then going to any motorbike shop that installs alarms and ask them the install price. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/real-time-gps-gsm-gprs-tracker-gps-locator-global-locator-anti-theft-alarm-st901-i4065210633-s15849777076.html?from_gmc=1&exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:20771742606!!!!!c!!15849777076!317244652&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2KitBhCIARIsAPPMEhJEYxoGr9arvaVv7_58eQB_J_JBAxQ1sJ7pWdE9afZL-8gN--QbTLwaAgw7EALw_wcB Side note, when my wife bought her new motorbike, it was about a week old when she went into a darkside 7-11 to buy a bottle of water, in that less than 3 minute absence, two wanna-be thieves tried to steal her motorbike, the steering column was lock and they kicked the front tire to try and break the locking pin. they didn't succeed. Driving home she noticed the steering was off and took it to the shop the next day, the shop checked it and said it's common for thieves to kick the locking pin and have a friend with another bike to help push the stolen bike away. We used a kryptonite lock for the next few months after that.
  3. Looking at the photos from the link, one of them looks poor and near homeless.
  4. Is it true the Viet Nam thieves were arrested for taking jobs away from the Thais?
  5. Living in Thailand is like living in the old wild west, you have to take the good with the bad. If you want a nanny state government, seek life elsewhere, Thailand is not for the easily offended.
  6. Or they are trying to raise awareness of this disease.
  7. Three colored bottles to choose from; blue (unscented), yellow (fresh fragrance) and pink (perfume). Here's some hints & tips in English from the maker's website; https://www.kao.com/th/en/tips-tricks/
  8. Roughly 6 years ago, my Thai wife went to the USA on a tourist visa. For the interview she brought all the forms, birth certificates, paperwork, chanote, bank books, etc. The interviewer spoke fluent Thai, asked her a few questions and looked at just a few papers for a few minutes and was approved, no hassle. I think some of decision making goes down to how credible the marriage is, in our case we were already married for 10 years and have a son together. If your marriage is new, maybe they will "dig" a little more.
  9. Anyone know if yogurt can be made using powder milk? How does it taste?
  10. If you're flying in and this is true, you'll be handed one. If one is not handed out, proceed out the airport doors, problem solved.
  11. Why don't the Thai police patrol the streets/motorways in cars/motorbikes pulling over lawbreakers like they do in 'Merica?
  12. So the rent for a upper floor condo is the exact same price for a room next to a pool pump room??
  13. Even fake gold can get people in trouble, I remember a story several years back were a farang was riding his motorbike & wearing a gold necklace, as he was driving another motorbike came alongside him and snatched the necklace causing him to fall off his bike and then get hit by a passing car.
  14. Bees can be very protective when provoked. There's a large open field next to the house, and I needed to trim back some brushes growing around the utility pole, i didn't see the small hive and those bees came out stinging, they got me 3 times in a matter of seconds before I took off running as fast as I could.
  15. Farm Frites Finest, but expect to pay more than those budget fries. I use my air fryer.
  16. American needs a good cleansing and Trump is the emema.
  17. I'm not yet eligible to start collecting MY social security, but as my friend was telling me, be careful with the GOP, they are already eyeing to cut social security, so I better consider collecting my money earlier than if the Dems are in power.
  18. IMO it's better than having every Som Chai stopping wherever they felt like to make a U-turn. Plus the Thepprasit night market is less chaotic when the cars exit. Now if they could only deal with all the cars double parking in front of whatever shop they feel like cause they are too lazy to properly park a few doors away.
  19. There are many print shops that allow you to print using yours and their Line accounts. Send your file to your Line account and then go to the Kodak/Fuji prints shops and they can walk you through how to send the file to their Line and they will print it.
  20. Those motorbike sidecars are a sad joke. While visiting the in-laws up North, I needed to go to 7-11 and used the family's motorbike with a sidecar. That thing was dangerous as hell, the bike did not drive in a straight line, it kept pulling to the right and I had to use force to keep it driving straight.
  21. Foreigners who enter Thailand under this Tourist Visa Exemption category may only do so for 30 days at one time with a maximum of 3 times in a 6 month period by flight and 2 times a year for overland crossing. Foreigners entering Thailand under the Tourist Visa Exemption category must show the documents below at the port of entry: Proof of adequate finances for the duration of stay in Thailand i.e. traveller’s cheque or cash equivalent to 20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family. Proof of onward travel (confirmed air, train, bus or boat tickets) to leave Thailand within 30 days of the arrival date (**otherwise a tourist visa must be obtained). https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/84256-tourist-visa?page=5d6636cd15e39c3bd00072dd&menu=5f4b6eb3f6ae4b236972c562
  22. If you buy by the case you can place an order with the Makro (and I'm guessing other supermarkets) service desks.
  23. With no rain in months, the air if filled with dust. No wonder some still wear a face mask. Anyone up for a rain dance?
  24. Why not avoid the stress of trying to find an available printer at DM and print now?
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