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Everything posted by bbko

  1. Looks like some Thai government official will have to return the stuffed brown envelope to the Chinese.
  2. Many years back when I was learning the Thai language, I went to a barber shop just as he was finishing up cutting a Thai man's hair, in Thai the customer asked how much (Taoli khap), the reply was "Jet sip", I was next in line and just to test the waters, I asked in English "How much?' the barber replied in English "One hundred baht", I laughed a little and in Thai replied "Mai ow khap" and left.
  3. Agree, some bars will let you bring your own bottle but they will add 1-2 hundred baht to the check bin. And some bars will want you to buy their own bottles, best to ask first.
  4. A few years back my wife was in our car, stopped at a traffic light and a lady on a motorbike slammed into the rear side, the lady on the motorbike tried to say it was my wife's fault, saying the car pulled out in front of her & my wife needed to pay the hospital bill. Luckily we had a dashcam that showed the car wasn't even moving when the "accident" happened, she showed it to the police and the motorbike lady was told right then & there she was at fault. I don't know if it was an attempted scam or just stupid driving, not having a dashcam these days is inviting trouble.
  5. The old "my brakes failed" excuse. "Don't blame me, blame the car", 555.
  6. This thread reminds me I need to install a dashcam on my motorbike, and install a rear view dash cam in my car.
  7. I just bought vinyl rain gutters from Home Pro for both sides of our house, 15 meters x2, with two downspouts on each side. I'm doing it myself as I'm still fit and able to climb a ladder and drill the holes for the brackets. I already climbed up an snapped a chalk line but I might make a scaffold out of eucalyptus logs just to make the install easier. It's not a complicated job, but there is a learning curve. Watch a few youtube videos and you'll see if you're up for the DIY part.
  8. Why not have the Chinese guys join the Thai Tourist police volunteers? They already have a few farangs in their ranks, no need to set up a 2nd "Chinese only" police force.
  9. Perfectly doable if the bike & driver are in good shape.
  10. We've all seen motorbikes packed with multiple riders, but the other day I saw one bike that took it to a new level. They had 4 on one seat BUT one of them was standing up so the others had more room. It looked like a circus act, 555.
  11. I like Thailand because it's not a nanny state. As for the part about owner of the car vs who's the actual driver and the police not being able to enforce the law, that's a crock of $%^&. There's cameras on the motorway around Bangkok that snap photos of cars breaking the law and the ticket are mailed to the house, I know cause my wife has gotten two over the years, and in those photos you can't make out who's driving.
  12. Meanwhile in the USA, slices of toast with the image of Jesus or the Virgin Mary are for sale for 10's of thousands of USD, 555.
  13. Why is he a hero? He worked in a scam call center, no doubt he scammed some folks out of their money.
  14. If there's a lot of foot traffic trying to cross Suk, I'd say an overhead bridge would be a better choice.
  15. I have my wife and 2 boys and there's never a shortage of places to visit or things to do here in Pattaya. I'm sure if I was some cranky old single guy I'd be hating life or nit picking and finding the negative in everyday situations, but I'm not. Others are free to feel/say what they want about Pattaya being a family friendly place, I'll keep doing what I do and leave the complaining to others.
  16. Can you post the make & model number? My current washing machine is about 8 years old and acting up and it's time for a replacement, TIA.
  17. Ok, so in your mind those places I listed are NOT family friendly, ok I get it. Can you please post some places that are family friendly in your opinion?
  18. Beaches, movies, shopping malls, parks, water parks, Million stone park, crocodile farm, elephant parks, Noong Nuch garden, islands, those monthly events like firework shows/concerts/festivals, 1000's of restaurants, etc.
  19. Plenty of places for families to visit, eat, shop. Just avoid the bars.
  20. I have a friend that took up Tae Kwon Do in his late 50, he ended up tearing the ligaments in his knee (ACL) and needed surgery. I'll stick with weights and aerobic training.
  21. Is there a "Mr DIY" shop near you? They sell backpacks for 300b.
  22. Is there a way to change the "Rate this Topic" option from 1-5 stars to something like; - Excellent Topic - Good Topic - Average Topic - Below average Topic - Mindless Drivel Topic Then if/when a topic gets X amount of mindless drivel votes, it's removed and if the OP keeps posting drivel, a yellow card is given? 555, Just a thought.
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