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Everything posted by bbko

  1. The Thai group assembled in response to an incident on March 5, where a Thai ladyboy was assaulted and robbed by a group of about 20 Filipino ladyboys.
  2. If you think water is only being thrown on the official dates, you're mistaken. There's always water being splashed about a few days before and a few days after.
  3. It's very common here on AN, farangs that choose to live/visit Thailand, yet complain about the Thais at every turn.
  4. Two questions; Are you using Windows? And have you tried adjusting the mouse settings? By adjusting the mouse I mean; Open Settings: Windows key + I (shortcut) Go to "Devices" Select "Mouse" Then try the several mouse options available (mouse speed, troubleshoot, etc).
  5. Can't blame them? 555, They are free to go back home, staying here and breaking the law is their choice.
  6. 5000 to the boy and 2000 for driving on the sidewalk. That can buy a lot of colas with 6 straws in Thailand.
  7. Some here are saying the Thais are over-reacting by forming an angry mob, I say, maybe this is the exact punishment he needs. After this incident, I bet he'll think twice about being a jerk and committing assault in the future.
  8. You know there's a video of the incident right? https://www.facebook.com/61556715937605/videos/422809223529464/
  9. Not all Thais think all farangs are the same. They know the nice good farangs, that are happy, good hearted, try to learn the language, get along nicely with their Thai neighbors and then there's the angry grumpy farangs.
  10. Buy a monthly subscription to Netflix or get a Firestick with IPTV or download the youtube app.
  11. Let those that don't want vaccines, or don't believe in science go the way of the dinosaurs.
  12. The perpetrator, a 60-year-old British citizen, confessed that he actually committed the crime. As for the cause, that was because he took anti-inflammatory drugs. Relieve toothache Make your consciousness not be with your body. Therefore, he lost consciousness and could not remember the events of that day. So his excuse for rude behavior and assault is because he took some anti-inflammatory med??
  13. I only buy if I can see the item in person. Far too many are advertising in Pattaya, yet they are in another city and want people to send money with the "promise" they'll ship the item in the mail. My wife got scammed out of a few hundred trying to buy some small item.
  14. The Line Groups posting about police checkpoints say there's many police in that area to keep an eye on traffic and those going the "wrong way". Edit; why is this in the Visa section? Seems Jomtien traffic is more of a Pattaya general topic, there's more in Jomtien than just the IO.
  15. My guess is he's hoping by wearing the same clothes day after day, the smell will drive them away. 555
  16. Did you forget your password or did facebook block you?
  17. Does this affect only those in Chang Mai? Maybe move to another forum for more exposure.
  18. Yes, in the bankbook, they "verify" signatures under a blacklight, one time they rejected mine because I use my middle initial instead of signing my full middle name, 555.
  19. Q1; In the past the IO have asked for signature or a thumb print. Why not use the thumb route? Carry your own ink pad/wipes, it's much more secure than the possibility of someone getting ahold of your stamp and doing some sort of identity theft.
  20. Didn't the trump campaign have some unofficial backdoor server/communications with the Russians? 2015?
  21. Many years back my Thai wife and I were starting our own business, and we went to the local government to apply for a license, there the lady working the desk had some sort of donation box on her desk. in the middle of applying, she speaks to my wife in Thai and my wife translates to me "She's asking you to give money to the box", in my Thai understanding she said 1000b. I looked at the box and it was for some children's charity, to which I told my wife, we already give to the children's charities (clothes, food, toys). The government lady shot me a dirty look and I kept my poker face. I knew it was an attempt to squeeze more money out of me, but we really did/do donate, so I wasn't up for an attempted shake down.
  22. Posters here are acting like the guy wrote one bad review, well, it's wasn't just one bad review, it was a 3 month long campaign of bad reviews. The guy kept poking and poking for months, and the hotel poked back.
  23. Will MTG do her heckling routine again to try and shake Biden up?
  24. I did my annual visa extension based on retirement last month here in Pattaya/Jomtien. I've been doing extensions for over 15 years and this was the 1st year the IO asked me "Where does this money come from? Social security? Pension?", I said pension, they asked for a letter which I didn't have at the time, I went home, printed it out and came back later, thankfully I start my renewal 2-3 weeks early for just such instances.
  25. Many months ago when setting up my ID.me account, I had to call them on my smart phone, turn on my camera and show them, IIRC, 2 forms of ID; my passport and my Arizona driver's license. Now i can log onto id.me using a 2 step authenticator, works fine for me.
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