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Everything posted by bbko

  1. Soi Buakow is known for cheap charlies sitting for hours nursing one drink watching the world go by. You want coke for 25b? Go to 7-11.
  2. I wouldn't throw it out, keep it for now until it is 100% certain we no longer have to hang onto them.
  3. I was previously divorced and only had to swear that I'm divorced/currently legal to marry at the US Embassy/BKK. Now if later you want to get your Thai wife a green card to live in the US, the USCIS asks for divorce paperwork.
  4. I can sort of understand tourist not using the QueQ appointment booking system, but for expats to not use it in a IO with a huge number of tourist is asking for a long wait in line.
  5. I was thinking the same thing, where did the 1 million baht she borrowed go?
  6. Didn't you have to go back and register your marriage with your embassy?
  7. I did all my marriage paperwork myself, not really hard, IMO the only "hard part" was having to travel from Pattaya-BKK several times to my embassy and the MFA (which is now even easier with a 2nd location and/or their mail-in service). If you're in BKK it should be super easy.
  8. Just like many here like to jump to conclusions without facts, or make statements based on rumors, many tourist think Thailand is filled with pedos and every bar is packed with ladyboys. Often comes from the low-brow types.
  9. I need to watch that Bruce Willis/Brad Pitt movie again; 12 Monkeys. James Cole, a convict, decides to volunteer for a mission, wherein he has to travel back in time to learn about the main reason behind the outbreak of a virulent holocaust.
  10. Why is this in the cannabis section?
  11. Here's the place mentioned, OP if you have time, stop by and find out when the 1st minibus/van leaves in the morning. Seems better than making a few connections. https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9327526,100.8979793,3a,37.8y,27.46h,89.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQqXBE9Zj3ETgSnNDmVPmPQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  12. I'm from the US and have been living in Thailand for a number of years, at one point I hadn't make it "back home" for 5 years. When I did return and went to the neighborhood supermarket it seemed the majority of what they sold was pre-made/heat & eat meals, processed foods, it was disgusting. No wonder so many of my fellow Mericans are obese.
  13. Reminds me of a Bill Burr joke;
  14. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/new-tvbox-iptv-package-1-year-europa-world-program-plug-play-tvbox-i3377678702-s12493247162.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:16450510680!!!!!c!!12493247162!537038309&gclid=CjwKCAjw5s6WBhA4EiwACGncZavI1iEbYR__BAINmIm4odFFfHoUA26jyFAPmoj4OI4aDBc3MIX0BRoCpa8QAvD_BwE
  15. Were there words exchanged before or did he just start telling you to "FO" out of the blue? Me thinks there's more to this than posted.
  16. OP, there's a shop at the top of Soi Nern Plab Wan (across from the temple) that does car seats, stop by and ask for a price quote. https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9247699,100.9360603,3a,73.6y,298.1h,82.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfrTzW3fVqtdDMdprx4MrAg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  17. Unfortunately this lady is only doing a half-assed approach, it's nice she's feeding homeless/hungry animals, but she needs to use her whole %$& and help get them spayed/nueutered at the same time to put an end to suffering in that area.
  18. Same here, just off Soi Nern Plab Wan.
  19. Over the past many years anytime I've hired a handyman they all quoted me prices for the task, not one ever said 300-400-500b per day. Good luck.
  20. Looking at the photo, if that were under my sink, I'd remove the surrounding grout, smash/remove a few tiles (looks easy enough to find a matching replacement), cut off the defective fitting and install a brand new one the proper way.
  21. Stop by Tuk Com, 3rd floor and give this place a try;
  22. If you don't mind paying for the international shipping, this place can send you Fix-a-floor; https://fixafloorworldwide.com/
  23. In my Pattaya Home Pro there's a customer service desk that can help install items purchased at their store, maybe ask if your Home Pro has the same.
  24. Agree with other asking for a few pictures to give the best advice.
  25. Bars need cashiers, mamasans, and wait staff. Massage shops are filled with older ladies that used to work bars. Bar girls don't worry about my retirement plan and I don't worry about theirs.
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